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1000 ways to tell you have been online too long


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I got an idea: Let's make a list of all the ways to tell that you've been online too long. Please number them. I'll kick it off:


1 - You read something funny and actually say "LOL" to yourself.


2 - You are registered at more than 3 forums.


3 - The following makes sense to you:


"ROTFLMAO! JAM, I'm AFK for a while, BRB!"


(Translation: Rolling on the floor laughing my arse off! Just a minute, I'm away from keyboard for a while, be right back!)


4 - You get bored and think up a thread like this.

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14 - Your friends sign off to go to bed, and you're still up when they sign back on.

15 - You start to memorise update times for all of your websites.

16 - You have more than 20 browser tabs/windows open.

17 - You lose all feeling in your butt.

18 - You find a browser window open from earlier that day that you forgot about.

19 - You start to forget to blink or swallow.

20 - You have to clear out the drinks and food from your computer desk because you ran out of mouse movement space.

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21 - You find that the weird person you have been chatting with is actually yourself.

22 - Your n, o, and b keys are really worn out, especially the o.

23 - You don't respond to your real name.

24 - You realize that the power went out 15 minutes ago, and you have continued typing.

25 - You are afraid of natural light.

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