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I have no choice but to conclude that the JA playerbase is full of...

Lathain Valtiel

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Either lemmings or imbeciles.


When I say lemmings, I mean people who just want to go through the same exact rigid sequence again and again. In case it isn't obvious, I'm talking Siege players. I mean... What the hell? I don't understand the logic behind them not staying around for either Holocron, Team FFA, or CTF, gametypes with good similarities to Siege. Observe:


Holocron FFA is a game with restrictions. This should be perfect for Siege players, as these Force restrictions limit the chaos. Yet, they bitch that it is 'gay', and I go 'what the HELL?'. How can people like one kind of restriction set and yet not another, especially when in Holocron you can wind up with the exact same options you had in many Siege classes!?


Now, how about Team FFA? Let's not kid ourselves, a number of Siege players basically go around just killing things. So I say: 'OK then. How about more killing things?', and go to TFFA to avoid Holocron dropouts. To my total shock, hsometimes they stay, sometimes the entire server drops out and I'm left with my mouth open. I'm reeling here. How can this be? OK, so the Siege people like killing things on a team and don't like Holocron restrictions. TFFA should be perfect. BZZT. Wrong.


Now, what of CTF? If they don't like Holocron restrictions, don't like flat out murder, then they must just like the objectives. CTF has an objective: Capture and return the flag. Surprise, I load that up, most leave!


What is it that lures people to Siege!? It makes no logical sense that they in turn would not be lured to one of the three gametypes above. Yet they aren't. Have I missed something, or are JA players just really, really dumb? I know they hate losing, but still.

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Let people enjoy whatever game types they want. Sure, there may be similar game types, yes - but they're not exactly the same. If somebody wants to play Siege only, then they'll play Siege only (and therefore leave when the game type changes).


Siege != CtF.

Siege != HFFA.

Siege != TFFA.


They shouldn't call the other game types 'gay' and the like, but they're allowed to prefer a specific game type.

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If you're going to complain about a dominant game mode, why not complain about FFA duel servers? The majority of the servers are like that.


I usually play CTF, TFFA, or Siege modes.


JK2 has Holocron and Jedi Master modes, very fun indeed when there is a server up. I remember there was a Holocron/Jedi Master only server I used to play in all of the time, there really should be one....

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FFA duel servers... *Makes a very loud gagging noise* I could go nuts on those, but they've been covered time and time again.


OJP servers have Holocron and Jedi Master in JKA, so you should play that if you're interested. *Points to sig* Not many like them though... Usually those that stay wind up getting dominated by the three Meatgrinder JM kings (Myself, Antilles the Hun, and last and best Only One Cannoli) and hating it forever.




ZeroX2: And? That hardly damages my commentary.

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I would have joined, but the ping jumped sky-high, from 85 to 385. I'd be a nuisance to the rest of you by havving unbelievable lag.


I like Siege, and FFA, and HFFA, and TFFA, and all the rest. The only type I don't like is... um... I guess I don't have one I don't like, despite not exactly being 1337. As a poster's sig says, JO (Or JA) is something you can enjoy without being good at it. Anyways, If I preferred not to play a certain game type, it would be because of some dislike of the general layout of the game or level. I'm not afraid to lose.


Furthermore, some don't play those types because they aren't good at it yet. I haven't had a chance to play Siege too much, I still enjoy it, though. Or I would, if I could. (Practicing the Siege maps on FFA helps, though.)


If you said you don't like Jedi Master, I'd disagree, but I wouldn't flame you for it. :|

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I'm also sick of the wusses with weak stomachs. This fool named Spoons came in. He was a staff sidesweeper. He starts talking trash after getting killed a couple of times with a gun.


I get pissed, pull out my saber, and proceed to kill him thrice in a row without taking a hit. I then die after he uses the force, after pissing on me doing the same thing.


So, shrugging, I kill him again. And again. And then a third time, using saber and then shoving a rocket through his teeth. He talks more trash than leaves.


God, imbeciles who can't stand losing because they think they're the **** when they aren't (he was a sweeper for crying out loud!) piss me off. Nobody wants to learn how they can become better, they just want to 'pwn' by avoiding anyone better than they are. It's sickening.


Insane Sith can verify this account.

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Insane Sith can verify this account.

Yeah, I kicked his ass in 3 seconds and he disconnected out of frustration with our "n00b hax".


Not really, considering most go within the first 10 sec.

Fixed, because you give people too much credit.


I generally see a " _____ has connected"


"put on siege, this****suxfag"


" _____ has disconnected"

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Huh Staffy? Who were you?


As I said in the great debate, I am no spammer with the Staff. If you intend to make this into yet another flame war, I will have no part of it. You can argue about the 'stupidity' of the SaberStaff until your lungs are empty and your typing fingers are broken. I won't respond to it.

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What was that about? I called you Staffy because I thought calling you by your full screen name would eventually lead to confusion if I ever had to distinguish between you and staff users in general. It wasn't an insult... You can ask Kurgan, I sometimes call him Kurgy or Kurgykins, which is a similar change.


All I wanted to know was who you were in that game. You apparently don't call yourself StaffSaberist or such ingame.

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Oh. Sorry for the confusion.


I would be playing as StaffSaberist, but two things kept me from joining.


1) I was away from the computer all day


2) The ping jumped from 85 to 385.


See, I will play as StaffSaberist. I'll be happy to join when I can. But I've been busy as of late. :)


Again, sorry. Long day makes for a short temper. :)

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I would have joined, but the ping jumped sky-high, from 85 to 385. I'd be a nuisance to the rest of you by havving unbelievable lag.


So can I. Though I'd join Meatgrinder now if the ping wasn't in such flux right now. =/


Sorry for the confusion. I will join Meatgrinder, I promise... when I find out where-the-flip my JA Disc 2 got to. I had to reinstall for odd reasons. =/

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Often people are afraid to try new things, or they're just bored with the maps (forgetting that a new gametype radically changes how you play those maps). They may have had a bad experience, and not given it a fair shot.


On the other hand I do sympathize. It's often very hard to get people into these lesser known/used gametypes. Meatgrinder is a great server thanks in no small part to efforts by you, me, and Cannoli to get people to see the cool aspects of the game that get snubbed by the majority of servers out there.


There are some aspects of Siege that make it unique regardless, like the class system, and the maps. So even if you don't care about Siege, it's the only way (in the base game) you can use the cloak, jetpack, swoops, AT-ST, etc. I've never fully understood the unpopularity of TFFA though. I know there is a general trend in online FPS games to undervalue teamplay though (a skill picked up and honed by clans and guilds, but ignored by a lot of average players), but still.


Sadly I'm back to work Monday and won't have much (if any) time to play again. :(

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