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Time War!

The Doctor

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[OOC]Rob, it's very confusing trying to follow two story lines at once. If you could come up with some way of stating in your post that this is in a different location from the rest of the story, that would be great. Thanks[/OOC]


Excellent, finally some Doctor action!

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Greetings Doctor,


I am Katacker Montar, a 300 year old man (but I look 13), I am a genetically engineered being created by my father Omega, one of the great scientists that invented T.A.R.D.I.S technology. I'm 5 foot, 7 1/2 inches, mid-length brown hair, I like earth rock music, Quantum Physics and engineering.


I was part of an experiment to create a hybrid between a living T.A.R.D.I.S and a Gallifrayian in order to create a pilot for each T.A.R.D.I.S which would be linked telepathically to it, which would make traval alot easier.


But, we were comdemmed to live not as normal people, we were considered tools, so you tried to stop us from coming in to existance, but you forgot my father had a lab on "Tatreanous" (Gallifrey's closest moon) when the time war came, and I was still in a "Growth Excelleration Tank in Criogenic Hybernation" (please forgive me for the bad spelling) absorbing the Gallifreyian Matrix in to my brain, my Father went to fight in the war, but he died.


I am all that is left off my father's work, me and my sister, a T.A.R.D.I.S E.X.1019, the most upgraded T.A.R.D.I.S in existance, wandering the universe for all of time, and I want to end this war, please reply to my message as soon as possible. I have reasently have come in to my ownership, a Sonic Disrupter. (see as smiley below)



Katacker Montar :blueblas1


P.S As I am new to writing in to Forums could you tell me how to get a picture up under my name like everyone else, cheers.

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Valium turned to the Doctor. "It seems another has come to swell the ranks...How many do you intend to gather to our cause? As many as will follow? Then prepare for an army, I think, Doctor."


[OOC: Katacka (?), Omega was dead by the time of the Time War, just so you know. Also, there's no record of Gallifrey having any moons, and Omega didn't create the TARDIS technology, he was trapped in a black hole after the first experiment with the Hand of Omega. Rassilon later used the Hand again to create the Eye of Harmony, which then was used for TARDIS technology :) Just so you know ;) Also, to add an avatar (picture), you need to change your profile (hit the "user cp" button and then click "edit my profile", if I recall correctly ;) ]

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I have no intentions of turning away anyone who may be able to help us fight off the Daleks. They must be stopped, no matter what. Now, travel to Earth and find Nyssa and Tegan. I will return very shortly.

*The Doctor turned and walked out the door. A few minutes later, he returned, with two women following him ((I returned the same second I left;))).*

Chancellor, allow me to introduce you to my companions Tegan Jovenka and Nyssa of Traken.

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Rictus Bane approaches the newly returned Doctor. "Doctor I must object to your decision to collect more followers. These sentients are of some importance to you and are vulnerable. You are simply giving the Daleks more ways to strike at you indirectly. And I must renew my objection to your intention of cooperating with an insane timelord. The Master believes himself to be immortal/indestructable. The Daleks power is virtually limitless. Both will seek to use each other to acheive their own ends - your destruction - and then turn on each other, believing they are assured of victory. Your overconfidence is your weakness, your faith in your friends as well."

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*Tegan and Nyssa will be perfectly alright. They can take car of themselves.* The Doctor moved closer to Rictus. *And I don't have much of a choice - we have to work with The Master. He's already fooled the Council into believing that he is here to help. If we say otherwise, he will convince them to imprison us - or maybe worse.* He turned to the Council. *What shall we do next?

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Greetings Doctor,


This is Katacker Montar, I still have not recieved a message for you. If you missed my last message look on page two, forth from the bottom.


Please write soon, I have valuble information regarding Dalek tecknology. And a way of stopping them from using time-travel tecknology.


Thanks for your time


Katacker Montar

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As you apparently already know, I am The Doctor. As for your identity, I have a hard time believing you. If you are truly the son of Omega, which I highly doubt, then you are a possible danger to myself and my companions - I have stopped your father from entering this universe again twice now, and you could very well be out for revenge. If this is a joke, then it is a very poor one indeed.

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I tell you now Doctor, THIS IS NO JOKE!


I admit that my father has done so bad things in his time, but without his work, you would not be able to travel the universe fighting the daleks and we would have perished long ago, and you can't exactly say that you haven't done some bad things in your time can you.


Even through I am the son of Omega, I can't exactly say I take after him, yes I was developed from some of his DNA, but it dosn't mean I am anything like him, after all, all I know of him is the arcives held in the Gallifreyian Matrix, therfore, only his criminal record and time-travel work. So I don't wish to take revenge as I never truly knew him.

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I only wish to end the Time War once and for all,


I wish to rid the universe of the scerge that is the Dalek race, I don't want anything from you, except your trust, I only wish is to help the universe, our people, isn't it our duty as time-lords to protect time and space, so let us stand together and rid the universe of the Dalek vermin.


My only desire is to make up for what my father make have done, so please, let me help the universe, help our people, help you.

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I will have to meet you their later to give you my information,


As my T.A.R.D.I.S has been force off course by by a Dalek cruser, and I have had to take refuge on the plant Raxacoricofallapatorius in the Milky Way galaxy (according to the flight computer), I am having trouble with the teleport beam, it won't beam people in to the T.A.R.D.I.S, but not out. O.K. Thankyou for listening to me.


Signing out,

Katacker Montar


P.S O.K I won't make fun of you anymore, through, I'm not sure how I did.

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O.K Doctor,


I have made the necessury repairs to the Teleport and guidence system, but I have some disturbing news, there is a fleet of Dalek ships heading for the Sraw-Rata galaxy. I have a plan through.


I shall materalise within the fleet as a Dalek saucer, if they start heading for Coruscant, I will change my camileon circuit to mimic your police box setting, then I shall lead back to the Skaro system in our home galaxy. You must get as far away from Corascant as possible, (I sudjest Naboo, Tarooine, Valium 7's moon base in our galexy (I believe you may have been there before) or The Dotem Lir system in the inner rimm ( don't make fun of me now, o.k).


Good Luck


Katacker Montar


P.S contact me with your destination, but be carefull, it may not be me that is reading these messages, if you now what I mean. And if you would have looked closer at our Star Wars anergram you would notice that you have missed out an "S", it is Star Wars, not Star War.

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"We're tired of waiting." said one of the Dalek to Solidus "We're going to fire abon an building"

"NO WAIT! DONT!" Solidus cried out but it was too late. The Dalek cruiser exitted it's stealth mode and fired abon a building near the jedi temple. The laser beem razed the tall apartment building into ruins. As soon as the laser beem stopped the cruiser went back into stealth mode and moved.

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Greetings Doctor,


I trust you have read my message and you have heeded my warnings and you've moved to a different system.


I am currently within a fleet of Dalek Saucers with unfortunetly, what appears to be Trade federation escorts. The fleet is currently under cloak, but thankfully is no-where near Coruscant. We are Orbiting what appears to be a Binary system full of Trade Federation controlled planets and ships. I am going to attempt to hack their communications with the Trade Federation and the Dalek fleet, but I need to go abourd the Dalek Capital ship to gain access to their Com. System.Is there anything I should know to avoid aprehention?


Transmit to me soon,


Katacker Montar


P.S you may not of understood why I said "Don't make fun of me now" but, "Dotem Lir" is an anogram of "Time Lord". And from what some other your other contacts are telling me, there are some Daleks all ready on Coruscant,(you probably already know this, but I didn't) I do think you should leave and go to one of the destinations I mentioned last time.



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Greetings Doctor,


Do you have any advise that I could use to not be detected by the Daleks when I enter the Capital ship. I have already hacked the Trade Federation system, but to get full access to all comunications, I must bourd the Dalek ships. I could do with a few pointers, Idon't want to be captured and torchered, or worse, spend the rest of eternity as a Dalek.


Tansmit soon,


Katacker Montar

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Greetings Doctor,


Do you have any advise that I could use to not be detected by the Daleks when I enter the Capital ship. I have already hacked the Trade Federation system, but to get full access to all comunications, I must bourd the Dalek ships. I could do with a few pointers, Idon't want to be captured and torchered, or worse, spend the rest of eternity as a Dalek.


Tansmit soon,


Katacker Montar



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