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Influence cheats?


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Well, I wanna start off by saying I don't really know if this is the right place to put this post, but I couldn't find anything about game cheats, and it has to do with TSL... so here goes.


I'm just wondering if there are any cheats you can use to raise your influence with your party members in the game. This is my second time through, and I really want to get all the information I can out of my party members. If theres a mod to do this, that works great too =p.

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Say, when you fail on influence, like I did with Atton on Nar Shaddaa (Influence: Failed), that just means I need more influence with him before I can get to the next part of his story, right?
Correct. If you get an influence increase, there's an 8 point positive adjustment. If you get an influence decrease, then there's an 8 point negative adjustment that you need to recoup before you can get to >=90.
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