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Is Atris based off another SW character?


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I remember seeing a character that looks awfully a lot like Atris in Attack of the Clones. She's that one lady who works in the library and tries to help Obi Wan find Kamino. "If it's not in the record, it does not exist." Remember her?


Well, her robes look the same as Atris', as well as her hair. She was just really old, that's all.


What are your thoughts on this? Am I right, or do I have no idea what I'm talking about?

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I don't know if there is a direct connection between the two. She does have white hair, and her robes do have the same design. She has the same kind of arrogance, too (or kind of).


But still, she is way older, her robes are different colors, and her face is different. I don't know, though I personally doubt it.

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