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Casting call.....KOTOR: Darkness falls.


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A little info on Crystal... only what you'll need to know in the next few posts. She's telepathic and telekinetic, yes, but has no grasp on the Force. Her abilities come from elsewhere, some part of her brain that was tampered with when she was a baby.


The thing that matters to all of you now is that her brain operates a little like a server... the more 'computers' it connects to, the more it knows. Chances are, she'll invade a few of you to help her track down the stranger she knows is aboard. Don't worry, you'll still be in complete control of your characters... there'll just be a small section of your brain you can't use. That's because Crystal's using it to expand her search. During that time, she'll have access to some of your memories and thoughts, so I'd like it if you'd either PM me with a few things she might come across... or write them in here.


The Jedi characters may be able to sense the invasion of their minds... but since it is not a Force-driven invasion, I imagine they'd be unable to figure out how to drive her out... or tell where it's coming from.


The Exile may figure it out, just because she was there and saw Crystal take care of the shattered plate. She also saw the girl's strong reactions to the telepathic messages and 'touches' from the darker members of this RP. :)

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I'm newB, but is it too late to join this RPG? I noticed that no one has really done any conjecturing about who placed the tracking device on Karda's ship that was noticed by the Doctor earlier. I was wondering if it's plausible that GO-TO could have created a "backup copy" of himself (it seems like a GO-TOish thing to do) and might still be working on a plan to put the Galaxy in order through manipulating the Exile and/or Revan. If so, I have a character in mind that would be working for GO-TO and could have placed the tracking device. If it's not too late to join in, I'll post a character profile.

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Thanks for the warm welcome, Doc & EJ. I've only just found this site, and have been happily reading all the fan fics and RPs, enjoying my time off work. (Yes, I am unfortunate enough not to be independently wealthy, and therefore must have a job which takes up a lot of my valuable gaming time.) But if Sion feels it's too late to join, I'll quite happily continue to be a lurker. :-) Keep up the good work, both of you--it's a good story so far!

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My turn!





Appearence:6ft,Dark Black hair with a Sliver Streak on the side.

Class:Jedi Knight

Weapon:Cyan lightsaber.

Bio:He turned his back on the Jedi Order and traveled to Yavin4 to live in the jungle there he met a slave boy who was dumped off not to many months before he tried not to use the force much but one day a beast was threatening his friend so he called on the force to help they both currently live on Endor where they crash landed and befriended the natives to help fix the ship but they decided to stay till the galaxie is calling for help.



Ummmm......im sort of new so now what?

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Just a quick question- two, actually. Is Brax heading into my ship? And has anyone decided who placed the tracking device on my ship, also?

Yes, Brax is heading to your ship.

I had a plan as to how the tracking device got on your ship, but it will chanmge ever so slightly if Sion101 lets Jasra join.


Bio:He turned his back on the Jedi Order and traveled to Yavin4 to live in the jungle there he met a slave boy who was dumped off not to many months before he tried not to use the force much but one day a beast was threatening his friend so he called on the force to help they both currently live on Endor where they crash landed and befriended the natives to help fix the ship but they decided to stay till the galaxie is calling for help.


I know you're new here, but if you're going to join an rp, you should really learn how to use punctuation.

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Thanks for the warm welcome, Doc & EJ. I've only just found this site, and have been happily reading all the fan fics and RPs, enjoying my time off work. (Yes, I am unfortunate enough not to be independently wealthy, and therefore must have a job which takes up a lot of my valuable gaming time.) But if Sion feels it's too late to join, I'll quite happily continue to be a lurker. :-) Keep up the good work, both of you--it's a good story so far!


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Point taken, Doctor, and my most heartfelt apologies if I offended you! It won't happen again.


So, since I haven't heard from Sion yet, I thought I might as well post my character profile for his approval.


Name: Jasra Lantill

Age: 19 standard years

Species: Human

Alignment: Previously Light, but at the moment a deepened shade of grey

Appearance: 173cm (5’8”), athletic build, shoulder length straight dark hair, ice-blue eyes, wearing a gray belted tunic over black pants, and a black cloak and boots.

Class: (former) Jedi Padawan

Weapon: Force Pike (preferred), Mandalorian disruptor (modified), but also has a yellow light sabre (for use on ‘special occasions’)

BIO: During the Darth Nihilus/Darth Sion purges, Jasra hid with her Master on a remote planet on the Outer Rim, patiently waiting for word from the Council that it was safe to return to Coruscant. Darth Sion’s forces found them, and her Master sacrificed herself so that Jasra could escape. Since then, Jasra has learned how to ‘mask’ her affinity with the Force, a skill which proved useful in avoiding detection from the ‘new Sith’, but without guidance from a Jedi Master, she has picked up some decidedly darker, skills—such as Force Scream, Force Lightning, and a new power she calls Force Reflection (a defensive power which basically ‘reflects’ back any force power used against her by another Force user). She has lost all faith in the Jedi Order (who she feels have abandoned her), and so now she wanders the Galaxy, selling her services as a tracker/mercenary and occasionally a dancer (but only when she really needs the credits!), while she seeks out opportunities to learn more about the Force on her own—Light or Dark Side, it doesn’t matter to her. Her latest ‘job’ is tracking down the Jedi Exile for a client, a job made easier for her when she intercepted Master Verga’s transmission to Karda to locate the Exile. (Hmm…place a tracking device on his ship and let him do all the work!) She doesn’t know the identity of her employer, but as long as she gets paid, she doesn’t particularly care.

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