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Casting call.....KOTOR: Darkness falls.


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She and I have already talked about it through IM. I won't give anything critical away, but she's very important in the tracer storyline. That atory arch will ( if Kira follows the story right:xp: ) have a huge impact on the story, and will take the Ebon Hawk and her crew all over the Galaxy, if that's OK with Sion. The Sith and Jedi can race for it, just like the Doctor raced the Black Guardian....

For more information, watch the 16th season of Doctor Who.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Ok. Due to the apparent loss of Sion and RC, I'm going to introduce a new villain - or this thread is going to have a lame climax. I'm going to use the character I used for Tysy's Strakh competition, but I'm changing the name.


Name: Darth Thanatos

Gender: As the species is unkown,

Species: Unkown

Age: Unkown

Appearance: Nobody has seen his face in decades. There is a runour amongst the Sith that there is nothing there anymore - his physical body devoured by the evil of his soul. He wears large robes, that match his large physique - he's about 6"4' tall, qith broad shoulders and chest. His robes are covered by blood stained black battle armour, with ornate, dark gold trim.

Lightsaber: He wields a single bladed lightsaber, the blade a deep crison red. The hilt is ornately decorated with black markings. The following words are inscribed on it, in the text of the ancient Sith. "For he who walks in darkness will know nothing but evil."

Biography: The galaxy knows very little about Darth Thanatos. (but I'm going to write a biography anyway).

Born on Tal Alpha C as Garatel Dormaj. He was discovered to be Force sensative by a Jedi Master named Master Jrektin. Jertel took Thanatos as her apprentice, taking him to Dantooine for training. Thanatos was never well liked among the other students, and he lived a life of solitude. When he was 14, his Master, his only real friend, was killed - gunned down by a group of mercenaries trying to attack a woman and her child. He witnessed his Master's murder, and barely escaped himself. He swore to avenge his Master, and began hunting the man who had killed her, known to him only as Crentl.

For eighteen years, Thanatos hunted Crentl, allowing his hatred to conume him. He finally avenged his master on the surface of Korriban, tearing out Crentl's heart and feeding it to the Tukata of the Valley of the Dark Lords. While on Korriban, Thanatos discovered the lost tomb of the ancient Sith Lord known as Darth Morticus, Dark Lord of the Sith millenia ago. Here, he discovered the teachings of the Sith, and was consumed by their promises of power - power enough to rule the galaxy. He studied the Sith teachings for decades, learning all he could about the power of the Dark Side.

Almost 60 years later, Thanatos emerged from the ruins of the Valley of the Dark Lords, claiming the title of Dark Lord of the Sith. He began ruthlessly hunting the Jedi, believeing them to have betrayed him and his Master, allowing her to die an honourless death at the hands of a band of thugs. He personally has killed almost three hundred Jedi, literally devouring their hearts, believing that each one increases his power.

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  • 1 month later...

Great ending, Doctor! I've really enjoyed this RP and would like to thank everyone, even those people who had to drop out early, for allowing me to be a part of it. Hard to believe that we've kept this thread going for so long and have now finally come to the end. You all are awesome players and it's been a real pleasure to RP with you!


Looking forward to playing with you again in DF2!

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Indeed. This has been the coolest RP I've ever participated in... and the longest running... and one of maybe two or three that actually came to a close :p



So when's the next part gonna start up? (Yes, I'm an impatient ol' guy :p )

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Wow....I missed my entire rp.....lol.....wut happened to Darth Malagant......did he just vanish into thin air.....you guys did great with this....sorry I had to bail out way back on like page 5.......but I had no time, and when i did...I had writers block. So sorry for missing the rp and sort of leaving you hanging. :D

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We managed without you:D


I also really enjoyed this story! Now to convert it into novel style... pray for me, people...

Unfortunately, Nyssa and Tegan will not be making an appearance in DF2. The Doctor will return at some point, however, as will... someone else:p


Jasra, Kira and I may be posting the casting call for the new installment as early as tonight! Look for more details in the thread we'll create.

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Hey, does anyone mind if I take our story here and convert it to a more readable format? By this, I mean, rearrange some of the posts, add some detail, take out things that don't make sense, and add things that are missing?


The beginning needs a lot of work like this due to how many people joined and then dropped out.


So what do y'all say? I'm a good writer and I'd love the challenge of working with something we all enjoyed.

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Hey, I could always use a hand. I want to get DF converted before we finish DF4.



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DF's a big story. Seems like a two or more author job to me :xp:


Great story, guys. Even though I'm RPing on many more sites besides this one, this is only the...third RP that I've participated in that actually finished. :D The only two that did were Tysy's RPs. You remember those, WJ. Good times, good times :xp:


Alright Doc and Jas, I have to talk to you guys about DF2. Hopefully we can talk later tonight...

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