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Goodbye, guys.


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I'm taking some time off from the forums. I've had a pretty major even happen in real life, and I need to focus on getting though it (roz, you know what I'm talking about).


I could be gone a week, I could be gone a month, I might never come back, but I want you all to know that I've had the time of my life with you guys, and I wouldn't trade all the time well wasted for anything in the world. You might see me on ICQ from time to time, so feel free to give me a shout.


Oh yeah, and Nute, we're still gonna have that dogfight. We'll hook up over ICQ sometime.







This is Ryan "Nitro" Cole saying "Over and Out.

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Guest rosencrantz

my dearest nitrous, my prayers and thoughts are with you. i'll miss your craziness. take care. (you better keep coming to icq for me though dude)

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Guest Vark111

Good luck, and Godspeed to you Nitro. Keep your wings level, and watch your six. There will always be a spot for you at this table.

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Good luck, Nitro. Don't let the insanity withdrawl get to you, just let it be a reminder of all the good times we had. smile.gif



"I believe it's my God given right

To destroy everything in my sight

Cause it never gets dull, it never gets old

The only thing it gets is more bold."

--One Fine Day, by THE OFFSPRING


Darth Sceltor

The Outer Rim

Jedi Master Plo Koon

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Guest Coffeebean_uk

Sorry to see you go. I hope you resolve your thing soon and come back, cos your posts realy do make me laugh some times.



Lestes constase mit column cantes.


Dont know what it means but it sounds good!

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Guest Coffeebean_uk

Sorry to see you go. I hope you resolve your thing soon and come back, cos your posts realy do make me laugh some times.



Lestes constase mit column cantes.


Dont know what it means but it sounds good!

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Hey Nitro, you didn't leave any picture of you doing this: biggrin.gif and no added effects like you promised in your thread.... wink.gif


anyways that's not important,

C ya and good luck on whatever is going on, take care.




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Originally posted by JR2000Z:

I think the pic and effects are important.But not right now.


Yup that's what I meant, I must know what kind of outrageous tatoo he's hiding smile.gif :


Originally posted by Zargon:

Maybe its a heart that says 'I love men' biggrin.gif





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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually, I have no tattoo's or piercings, but I was seriously considering the "Dammit, I Changed Again" artwork from the new Offspring CD. Scelty you know what I'm talkin' about.




I am not a 'pigeon' or a 'shithawk',

And I don't 'drive planes' or bark commands.

I don't wear bowls, beanbags, or odd things on my head,

Although I am certain they are really, really... comfortable.

I'm in a Squadron, not a Corps.


I speak to my Cadets - not scream at them;

And I polish my boots, not my shaved head.

I can proudly wear my blue uniform and wedge.

I have a Warrent Officer First Class, not a "Chief" or a "Gunny"

Recruits, not 'New Entrys';


And that flying is a truly proud and noble profession!

A wedge is a hat; a thermal is an air movement;

And it's called 'a boot' - not 'an unpolished shoe';

It is one of the largest services,

The only one with morale,

And the best Cadet unit of all!




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