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None Fighting Planets


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I think the sith whouldn't destroy one city, they whould destroy all. Do you remember Malak's words? "Destroy the entire planet". That means: at best for Taris - to destroy all the cities, at worst - turn a planet into asteroid field. Just as Han Solo sad in the "New Hope" - "They whould need thousands of ships" (or something like that, I have localised version). Perhaps the sith had thousands of ships.


Yes they has hundreds of thousands of ships just at taris this is because the starforge was making thousands.

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I wouldn't want to see _all_ non-fighting planets, anymore than I'd like to see _all_ fighting planets. I think doing the sidequests, learning the NPCs' stories, etc., is just as fun as getting the bad guys, and a good mix of this would be best. Now, I don't mind if some planets have more or less fighting, as long as it balances out generally.

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