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I can't find if this has been posted before so I'll ask.


How am I suppose to find Jolee's Nomie's and all the other "Speciel" Jedi robes in the game? My Sith Lord is running all over the place looking for them...is there some place the Devs put them that is just really hard to find? I have played through atleast 5 times never found one of them.


If you can tell me where to find them, or atlest how to increase the chances the spawn, let me know. Thanks

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Moved the thread to a more appropriate area.. you're more likely to get an answer here :)


And Welcome to the Forums! :waive1:


But, as far as I can remember (isn't saying much :xp: ) The "named" robes are just like any other robe in the game.. "random loot" :fist: However, I think there was also a problem with them as they were either "too high" on the scale to get.. OR near that.


I've personally found Jolee's Robe's once on Dxun (in Mandalore's room/chest of all places.. hehehe)..


Can anyone confirm my "guesses"? I can't seem to find the link I was looking for :giveup:

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There are several robes that you will never get with the random loot system during normal gameplay for the reasons explained in this post: http://lucasforums.com/showpost.php?p=1894793&postcount=8


You will find the ResRef of each robe on our website: http://www.starwarsknights.com/itempages/robe.php


If you want the robes, you will have to use mods, cheats or KSE


...and ChAiNz: if you got Jolee's robes, you certainly have a mod that changes the random loot somewhere in your override folder ;)

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...and ChAiNz: if you got Jolee's robes, you certainly have a mod that changes the random loot somewhere in your override folder ;)

Busted :fist:.. DOH!


Uh.. yeah, totally forgot about that.. err, nevermind :xp:


Forgot I personally placed those robes there.. I'm not smart enough to mess with the random loot script ;) hehehe...

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