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My thoughts for Kotor 3


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First off, you just gotta anwser some questions before the game starts..Exile..(fe)male DS/LS. After anwsering that, the game starts you in a Sith Acadamy on Malacor/Korriban or a Jedi Acadamy on Telos/Corsucant. The head being the Exile with the Handmaiden/Disiple by his/her side. You have a Master (name) who takes you on quests for that planet.


When it's time for you to become a (dark) Knight you need to pass some tests..one being a history test..wait just a sec and read on...in this test you must talk about Revan and what is known of his past..the final question is to identify him out of a list of faces....No wrong anwser ofcourse lol...and you just created Reven.


After you become a (dark) Knight, you take on a Padawan(which you create yourself so you create 2 chars now lol)


After that planet is done with, the Exile gets word of some powerful force user that entered republic space and guess who it is..well the Exile goes himself ..months pass and T3 comes to the acadamy with a chart of planets the Exile as been to traking this force user. You are chosen to find the Exile and report on his movments and the movments of this other force user.


Thus the adventure begins...


Umm just a thought...it allows the people who want Corsucant to see it and also allows for not only multi-endings but multi beginings.

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Sounds good but what I'm thinking of is if it would be possible for the devs to create the necessary material without cutting into the story. I personally think it's good except for one thing, we don't know if the Exile returned from the Unknown Regions where Revan went and you assume Revan was male. What if Revan was female?

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To be honest, I don't like it. It's too complex with the whole 'create the Exile...and Revan...and an Apprentice' and the multi-beginnings dont make a whole lot of sense. After all, the point of the games is about the choice between the LS and DS. If you're already one or the other when you start, why even bother?

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Oh, I think you may have misunderstood (not hard with how I explain things lol) you wouldn't start out DS or LS, you would simply start out in their school, you can start at the Sith school and go LS but you will be punished for it..I like the twist of getting punished for doing good...


This would also throw in the ability to have more chars that match your DS/LS side,


It's not really as complicated as it sounds...it's the same thing you did with Atton is TSL for Revan, you just gotta do it twice now.

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But aren't you still making an alignment choice before you really get going?


What if we started somewhere more neutral.

It seems if yours was the case, and you wanted to be light, you'd be fighting an uphiller all game.


...and what if you wanted to be dark? You'd already be halfway there, not much of a challenge.


Sorry Grey, you lost me.

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I think you kinda lost me lol.


It doesn't matter where you start, your choices are still your own. "You are sent by the sith to kill someone, when you get there you see he is un-armed and weak so" do you kill him, and obtain DS or spare him and gain LS? how is this an uphill battle? the missions themselves are more DS by the actions that can be taken, but you still have the choice.

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To be honest, I don't like it. It's too complex with the whole 'create the Exile...and Revan...and an Apprentice' and the multi-beginnings dont make a whole lot of sense. After all, the point of the games is about the choice between the LS and DS. If you're already one or the other when you start, why even bother?


Says the person who wanted endless extra doohickeys, like Prestige Classes for CNPCs :p


It's an interesting idea, IMHO. Not to my taste, but interesting, nonetheless.

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