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Hopefully they'll update PVP as well as give those who've suffered through the bugs of NGE free access without having to buy the update :p



Edit: My vote goes for Hoth... we have no snowy planets. Would be cool fighting it out in a blizzard, although dagobah would prolly be their first choice cause the love da Jedi. But come on people... snow angels!

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because mustafar was in episode 3, not 5, the timeline is set between episode 4 and 5, am i correct, then its just too close to the event where the empire strikes hoth and the hidden rebel base, i just dont think that there is much you could do, im not saying that there is not any possibilitys of quests at all just think a different planet could be introduced or even look and update some of the current abandoned ones, like dathomir and yavin or endor even.

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Well, the Empire is supposed to have a presence on Endor now as they set things up for the second Death Star, but I never saw it. Hoth, on the other hand, shouldn't have any Imps on it at all; but I doubt they'd limit it to Rebs and maybe neutral types.


If they're advancing the timeline, they're probably imagining an instance in which you get to play a part in the battle of Hoth, or something. They've already made the game more like Battlefront, next comes the Rogue Squadron stuff...


Too bad they couldn't make SWG Jedi more like the latter Jedi Knight games, eh?

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...I dont want it to be like Jedi knight, if I wanted jedi Knight I would play jedi knight. IMHO, there are too many Jedi already I hate it so much. Everyones the same its so blahzay and tired.


Bespin is a nice idea. They could tie in the Ughanaughts or whatever they are called. These guys build huge underground caves and stuff permitted by Lando. So bespin could be cool as a new place for people to go. It would be nice to have a centralized place for traders to go sell there stuff while they are online.


The economy, while player driven, needs a place where its natural bazaar. Traders and crafters can hang out there.


Hoth is cool for large pvp battles.

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