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Darth Revan


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the full story?


He was a powerful Jedi student, later lead the Republic in the Mandalorian wars against the wishes of the jedi Council...during the war he discovered the Star Forge, after the war he became the Sith lord and Darth Malak became his apprentice. using the Star Forge to amass a great army, he lead it against the Republic. Bastila captured Reven and the council than took is memory away. After this he finds his way back to the jedi (with Bastila's help) and rejoins the Jedi beliving himself to be just some guy. He is than sent to discover maps that lead to the Star Forge. after he finds the Star Forge ge confronts and kills Malak in a final battle, after this he des 1 of two things...rejoins the Republic or builds up the Sith...either way he leaves into unknown space and is yet to be heard from.


I may have left out a few things but I'm sure someone will add what they feel is important :)

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i have found some good information on this site.http://www.lucasarts.com/games/swkotor_sithlords/

which gives details. but i want to know why he converted to the Sith in the beginning, and if he converted back after he rememebered his past, what did he do?

is there anyway to find this out, i am doing research on it to write a script for design.

"Chronicles of the Sith"

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i can see the True Sith being a more threat, but not compelling? they knew what they were capable of, you dont have to be "evil" to be Sith. so the Jedi were threatened because most of the Sith were Masters just the same of the Jedi, just of a different nature. this is a threat because the Sith were not affraid to use their power, for their desires, its just disturbing that most of the Sith were blinded by the darkside when they thought they were enlightened; maybe because the dark side, just as much as the light side can effect your way of thinking. Palpetine spoke on lies of the Jedi; just because they didnt go into the aspect of the force and everything about it, doesnt mean they didnt know about it. this is how a Sith is created. whether or not he is True, depends on why he is walking his path. so Darth Revan went on campaign to gain a greater knowledge of the Sith or he went to destroy them?


but arent we all True with what we want to accomplish? especially if we know what we are doing? .....man. i can get into this.



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i already read this script. is there anything else. lol. i have it added to my favorites. by the way, i dont think google is reliable. i appreciate it though. but is there any other details on his story after he left? malak had to die, because he was a threat and probably was overcome with his own madness, though he might have been briliant in his accomplishments, power can go to your head. hasnt anyone learned this of most of the Sith? power can go to your head...


another reason why i push the concept of control.


that is a bad ass picture of him...pardon my french.



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A year after the defeat of Malak and the collapse of the Sith Empire, Revan left the Republic, having remembered the remnants of the ancient Sith Empire he had rediscovered as the Dark Lord. Hoping to put an end to the threat it posed before it could attack the weakened Republic, Revan bade farewell to the nine comrades who had accompanied him on his quest, knowing that none whom he loved could safely accompany him in the places he had to walk.


He entrusted Carth Onasi with the Republic's safety, and said goodbye to Bastila. "It would have been better," Kreia would later remark, "if he had made her understand. But she was always strong-willed, that one, and did not understand war as Revan did." Then Revan disappeared, leaving the Ebon Hawk with T3-M4 and HK-47 on Malachor V, on the edge of Known Space.


Revan's ultimate fate is unknown.

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well i am the one who wants to create it. i am going to attend fullsail in less then 2 years for that sort of thing, and part of the program i am taking i need to make a trailer, you know, so i want to use some significance with what i do. and, plus, if you know anything about fullsail, lucas, hires students who are highly qualified and passionate about what they want to do with themselves.




"Revan was power. It was like staring into the heart of the Force. Even then, you could see the Jedi he would slay etched on his soul."

— Kreia —


badass! but even being who i am, it still hurts to think that there has to be Jedi casualties. i believe in balance, not, destruction. and dont get me wrong, there is power in control of yourself.



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I don't believe Revan's fall to the dark side was intended, as Kreia suggested. When Revan left to fight the Mandalorians he was a Jedi, this is explicitly stated in K1 several times, so was Malak, which is backed up by the Dantooine vision.


Look at what Canderous says in K1, Revan sacrificed whole worlds, whole peoples to defeat the Mandalorians, those kind of highly pragmatic actions must leave a deep scar on a Jedi, during the war Revan discovered the existance Star Forge and the True Sith, he believed he needed to defeate the other so he left known space and began his quest. Along the way an already darkened Revan came into contact with the dark power of the Star Maps and finally the Star Forge, ultimately the Jedi was consumed and the Sith Lord was born.


This is what the games say about Revan's fall, different people put it slightly differently and Kreia comes up with the darkest version but thats basically it.


Then it goes on as Wookipedia says. Ultimately Revan returns to the light side, stronger than before.


Shaded6: I have never come across a Sith that wasn't evil. Admitedly some, like Ulic and Revan, were less evil but it's not a big distinction. The Jedi did not fear the coming of the Sith, they forsaw that the Mandalorian Wars would lead to a greater danger in the form of a new dark power, namely Revan.


Bear in mind Revan attacked the Republic without warning or provocation.

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lol. so because this person was consumed by the lust of power it made him evil, how stable was his mind to not consider what he was getting into and crossing the line from knowing the Truth in good, the force and how to influence it? yes you have met a Sith who is not evil, lol, your talking to him.


even Revan, and all other "converted" Sith find some compulsion to be more powerful, even if this wasnt Revans intent. i'm not just talking about the game, i'm talking about the atmosphere and nature that is suggested about the force, the Jedi and the Sith, the True Sith.


learn to control yourself and you find more power then you realized you were capable to handle, but, because you do, you know what you are doing at all times, when you influence the force in your actions and being. its funny that most Sith lost themselves so much to become evil and not find their original goal, even thinking that they did and would.



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bombing telos? yeah, this is not evil....and yes, once your there, your there, for however long. Revan was fortunate to have been brain washed, but even that couldnt keep him.


you dont have to be evil to know the force, its when that moment happens and this sinister nature comes over you that it consumes your anger. anger is one of many emotions, as is love, and passion, so try and think of what it might be like to embrace your emotions to gain greater control over how you react to different situations. i wont use my anger against my friends, but my enemies. and in my anger, i find strength in being able to control it and use it for a sense of power. i dont get angry easily, because i dont wear my emotions on my sleeve, but if you learn to control youself, and let these things manifest during the duels in life, you will oversome victorious, or dead. dont lose your head or your heart, use your power and ability to be one with the force, and how you let it direct you.



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First I assume you meant to say bombing Telos was evil. Second Revan did not fall back to the dark side, he saved the Republic, this is what the canon says, so the other ending is "not true."


As an aside could you be a little more careful when typing, some of your sentances seem a little like fragments and it can be hard to follow.


Now on to the meaty problem. A Sith is a practioner of the dark side and by definition evil. It is true that when you start down the path you aren't evil but every action is a step on that path which leads you further from the light. You seem to be missing something vital here, the dark side consumes and corrupt you, twists your perceptions, when you surrender to it you surrender your self control. Having a stable mind doesn't come into it becuase if you follow the dark side you let your emotions rule you.


Control is the way of the Jedi, it isn't that Jedi don't have emotions, its that they control them, they are aware of them but they are not ruled by them.


Now let me speak specifically about anger in a duel, its bad really bad. It can get you killed very quickly. I have fenced many people and those that got angrey lost, I dod not get angry and I am hard to beat. I use my mind and my skill, not rage and strength.


You can be powerful by learning to control yourself but that is the way of the Jedi and you don't do it for the sake of power, you do it because to not be in control is to be less than human. Only animals are ruled by their passions.

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amen. why is it you think i have no problem with the Jedi and their teaching? ofcourse if you lose your head and go out in a uncontrolable rage, you have a very great chance of dying, but why not harness this with not only your thoughts and your movements?


you fence? awesome.


well this is what i want to accomplish: what no Sith has before. i know the anger and the wrath and the consumption, not by being a star wars buff, but by experience in life. and when i learned to control my anger, even though sometimes it got the best of me, and its funny, i almost always lost, lol, but still, why is it that the Sith who do go down that path are totally converted in looking for power, especially deriving from the Jedi teachings of control? what happens to their mentality when they experience evil, if they like it, i understand, if they dont, why are they walking that path? we choose our paths in what we believe, and i choose to bring liberation to the Sith by showing the balance they forgot.



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The dark side is addictive and to sustain it you have to feed your negative emotions. To return to fencing, the best fencers fence without emotion, getting angry, scared, or overconfident is a good way to lose. The best way to win is to study your opponent and defeat them with your mind.


Back to the Sith, they never had self control, to be a Sith is to give in to your negative emotions, if they controled their emotions they would still be Jedi. Let me ask you this, to what purpose do you seek this power.

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to control myself and maintain control. to use my capabilities in all that i do, so i know the Truth in something no one else has accomplished, atleast no other Sith. i seek too see down the road less walked, just to know where i am going instead of going down a path i dont know. in my youth, as a padawan, lol, i had known the dark side, i was caught in it. i was rebellious, full of anger and the lack of control. i remember the evil i did to real people and i started to realize the Truth in what i was doing. then one day, after conviction, i found myself in such great tears towards how my life had always been this way, and sought to change my aspect, for the good. over years it changed to a different side of myself, but i still remember that anger because it never goes away completely, in a way, it does, but because you were prone to that nature for years on end, you understand the power in it. then when the evil started to come back and consume my every thought and i gave in once again, i had a lust for it and i used it. i would see the oponents that challenged me back down because they also saw it. but then once again, due to the drastic change in myself years earlier i fell to my knees once again, crying out. so i know both sides, both stories and i understand bot concepts. the Jedi are in control of their emotions, the Sith embrace them, while this does not have to involve the nature of either light or dark, it always comes back to it. so when i accepted what i had and what i could do, i knew i was in control of how i reacted. i seek this power for reason to be in control of something no one else wanted to control, except the Jedi.




consider Traya and her beliefs. her and i are not much different. question: who was it that betrayed her, turned on her and gave her over to exile? the evil that consumed her apprentices. why? because she oppossed their beliefs on their search for power. now, who was more knowledgeable in all of that? where credit is due, i can see. so i seek to understand the embrace of the force in all that i do. where anakin was made out of midicloreans, mostly, and he turned eventually, why is it not possible to be so intuned in with the force that you become the Midiclorean?


and you have never heard of the True Sith before? i dont seek to "use" the force, i seek to be one with it so i know how to influence it.


and i dont seek to destroy the Jedi. why the Sith do, i have no idea.



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I shall deal with the simplest first, the Sith seek to destroy everything, that is why the Jedi fight them.


As to your own life that is your affair.


No one betrayed Traya, she is "The Lady of Betrayal," Darth Traya, she betrayed the Jedi, the Sith, the Exile and sought to destroy the Force, to live outside it.


The Force flows through all living things, it cannot be influenced anymore than you can influence the Ocean. The Force is greater than any one person can understand, the Force is greater than the sum of all things because it is all things and everything between all things, a great web of life that covers the universe.


To seek to control the Force is to seek to topple the universe. What would you do with this power?


As to emotion, there is no power in emotion than the power to influence the weak minded. Any angry man trying to kill you is far less dangerous than a calm man trying to do the same.

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lol. alright, i am talking about letting the force become one with you so that it influences you. if the Jedi didnt know how to "use" the force, wouldnt you think they wouldnt know the force existed and how to use it?


its funny that Traya would want to destroy the force by using it. this is her loss, i dont have THAT much in common with her. i seek balance, not, destruction.



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