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How do Dreadnaughts fit into EaW? They left them out and invented new ships to fill its role instead of just using the ship. Dreads were in the time line better than almost any other ship in the game. So why was it left out?



I read on this sight that certain mods will have different ships in the game. I even noticed a pic of the Dread on there as well. How will that work? How can I get a dread in my version of EaW. Just wandered what you guys thought of this.... :vsd:


Read this and explain to me how a ship fits better in EaW :vsd:






And If I posted this wrong forgive me. This is my first post.

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Welcome to EaW.net Rebelknight. First, I would suggest reading the Forum Guidelines to become familiar with the rules of these forums.


Generally when you post something, and then forget to post something else with it, you should use the edit button so you can just add what you want in your previous post.


As for your question, I guess the developers couldn't put every ship in the game they wanted so had to choose which to be left out.

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Yeah, I'm right there with you RebelKnight. I love the Dreads and with all the stuff in EU about them I was dissapointed we didn't see a bigger role from them in Ep II and III actually and I think that's the main reason we arn't seeing them in EAW, they havn't gotten the Lucas stamp of approval in a movie. Sad to say, but Lucas ditched the establish EU once again and what this game is going off of for past vehicles is simple Lucas stamped vehicles where possible and in the area of capital ships there are quite a few of them.

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Yeah, I'm right there with you RebelKnight. I love the Dreads and with all the stuff in EU about them I was dissapointed we didn't see a bigger role from them in Ep II and III actually and I think that's the main reason we arn't seeing them in EAW, they havn't gotten the Lucas stamp of approval in a movie. Sad to say, but Lucas ditched the establish EU once again and what this game is going off of for past vehicles is simple Lucas stamped vehicles where possible and in the area of capital ships there are quite a few of them.

But that begs the question: Why was then 2 new ships introduced in it's, and other established ships, place? LucasArts is no less EU than DK Books or any of the other Expanding Universe sources. ;)


So I mean, why not have the established units in first, then if that's not enough, create new ones?

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