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Editing thread titles

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If I make a thread and I mistype a title for it, and I don't notice until I hit Submit, then I usually want to go back and fix it. Or if the thread goes off-topic and I see a way to rename the thread so it fits, I want to be able to do that as well. But I don't appear to. I can edit the title of the first post, but that leaves the thread the same. Would it be possible to make it so users can edit their own thread titles?

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There is a five-minute grace period after posting a thread which allows you to modify the title. In all honesty that is a little brief though, since most people won't generally notice a mistake in their own titles until at least one person has replied. In fact, often they won't notice it at all unless somebody else points it out.


As such, I've raised the grace period to an hour to allow for such things to occur.

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