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A better Final battle.


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I wish the final battle against Darth Traya were more elaborate. I had a dream about it last night and I think it is a good idea.


As you walk up to her you do the first fight. Then she spawns an evil clone of you (same powers, same weapons, same armor). Like in the “combat arena mods: evil twin party.” It would make the battle more difficult but if your strong enough you could do it.


What do you guys think.

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Even though I don't download mods and I never will, but this sounds great. Personally I thing it should be two clones against you, then Kreia and and another two Clones, then the game finishies by asking questions like normal. Then if Dark, you suck the Force Energy, like the Jedi Masters, then if Light, Kreia falls to the ground and say, she was never a true Sith and die.

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