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Anyway to freely walk around Coruscant, Jedi Council area? (TSL)

The Distorted

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On TSL, you have the cutscene on Coruscant when the jedi council casts you out of the jedi order.


I was just wondering whether there is any way to warp into that place, so you can walk freely around it?

It's just for the novelty value, but I got kicks out of doing a similar thing on KOTOR1, in the LS ending scene where you and your companions are celebrating and being praised. (I did this by warping to the cutscene, and then by warping to the same area just by adding "_s" to the warp code - however, this does not work for the Coruscant thing as the cutscene doesn't play successfully due to the point I've reached in my games, nor does a new game work either.)


If this isn't possible, does anyone know of any mods or such that allow you to enter this area as a seperate module or something similar? Or is there anyway (e.g. a tool) in which I can extract the file myself?


I also couldn't get to freely roam around the DS ending place (on the unknown planet) on KOTOR1 - as when I did the same technique as I listed above for the LS ending place, it would attempt to load, but fail and (kinda) freeze. If anyone knows how to get here too, I'd appreciate that as well.


PS Weird request, I know...but I'd just think it'd be cool...

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I was just wondering whether there is any way to warp into that place, so you can walk freely around it?

It's just for the novelty value, but I got kicks out of doing a similar thing on KOTOR1, in the LS ending scene where you and your companions are celebrating and being praised. (I did this by warping to the cutscene, and then by warping to the same area just by adding "_s" to the warp code - however, this does not work for the Coruscant thing as the cutscene doesn't play successfully due to the point I've reached in my games, nor does a new game work either.)




This may sound like a dump question, but I never used a mod or some such. I am just playing KotOR 1 again and would like to know what you did and would the result is. Regard me as a total newbie, please.


Thanks for any help!

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