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Juhani and Canderous *possible spoilers*

Nancy Allen``

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She dont come after you, you meet her at Korriban. And at my first playthrogh i killed Juhani and i didnt notice any plot holes, that mod also restore some conversation at the Levithan that is bugged so the game can crash, thats why i deleted it.

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  Nancy Allen`` said:
Who could? Most of the characters get a rough trot but Juhani is among the worst victimised. Now that she mentions it, I don't know why I can't get rid of Canderous either. From his leachery in the Twi'lek slave quarters to his bloodthirsty nature, he's not my idea of a good companion, and his evil change when you go to the dark side, frightening.




If you're playing as female Revan, you can have a romance with Juhani. There is also a sidequest where a Mandalorian sought to wipe out all the Cathar and take Juhani as a slave. Apart from that there's really her backstory.


i think you can have a rmance wih as male to i don't remember been awhile since i've played

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