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Raz's Origins (Spoilers)


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do you think raz is an only child? maybe if he is the only reason his dad comes down on him so hard is because hes his only son. :)

If you look at the memory, it seems that he is not a single child if we interpret the people in the back to be his family.

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When he was insulting Frankie and Kittie after they were rude to him. Something like "My sister is really fat and needs new clothes, where did you get yours?"

Not worded exactly, but along those lines.


It was in front of the main lodge, when they were making best friend bracelets.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Their last names rhyme because they want to. If my last name rhymes with someone else's, I'm not going to send a herd of elephants to stampede on their house or curse them to die in water. :D But if Raz had an evil twin, I would so get his autograph. Or her, if it's a fraternal twin..

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I have this idea on why raz's last name rhymes with zanotto.

lili's grandmother could have been the one who caursed his family to die in water. and raz's uncle could be dr.loboto and raz might have an evil twin running around here some where.

think about it.

Uggggggg............IDIOT!-----Napoleon Dynamite'd!!
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I have this idea on why raz's last name rhymes with zanotto.

lili's grandmother could have been the one who caursed his family to die in water. and raz's uncle could be dr.loboto and raz might have an evil twin running around here some where.

think about it.


I am only just now reading this thread...

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