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How do i get MI3 running on ScummVM?


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I dont have the CD on hand, so I couldn't say how big the file is, but I'm guessing you do have the CD so you could always just check yourself. As for getting it to run with ScummVM, it should be a simple matter of making sure the target path is where the game file is (so on the CD), putting in whatever setting you need, and then hitting run. Do you have any specific problems?

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damn someone answer my question please. i OWN cmi, but it's loaned to a friend who's on holiday until MAY. i wanna know how big the file is, i wanna know how to get it running on scummVM (the whole running some files off the CD might cause a problem).


please, instead of babbling on and not answering me, please, someone post something helpful.

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I think getting the whole thing on your computer is a good 1000 megs. Maybe someone could correct me on this.


I suggest downloading the CMI Launcher that benny made (http://quick.mixnmojo.com/), using it to copy the files to your hard drive, and then seeing if you can run it with the original exe. Setting it to Windows 95 compatibility mode it runs on my XP system perfectly, though it varies from system to system. If you can't get it running, use SCUMMVM which should be fairly explanatory. Find the path, select the game, and you're good to go.

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Odd how everyone seems to have an excuse as to why they can't get hold of their legitimatly bought CD right now and so want to know ways of downloading it (which, I'm guessing, is why you're asking about it's size).


Also, if you want help, it'd help us a lot if you told us you're exact problem. Like, for a start, why do you have problems running it off of the CD. Why exactly do you need help, are you having problems getting ScummVM to work? If you're looking for a basic tutorial or instructions on how to get it to work, I'd suggest you read the manual that came with ScummVM.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's not too hard. What I did was I copied the two CDs' contents into one folder, then in Scumm VM, I clicked "Add Game". So I found the folder easily enough (If you right-click on the folder and ook at the properties you'll see its location, so you'll know what to click as you look for it.) and I clicked choose. The rest, you should now. It's that simple. And also: CMI takes 1.1 Gigabytes of data.

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You dont need to use Scumm VM or Scumm Quick and Easy to run Monkey Island 3 it works perfectly on its own I have got MI3 on CD from the Monkey Island Bounty Pack it works perfectly its only Monkey Island 2 that needs to use Scumm VM or Scumm Quick and Easy. MI3 was made for the pc and dosent need to be emulated in anyway so it dosent need to use the Scumm VM or Scumm Quick and Easy.


If you are having trouble using Monkey Island 3 without the CD,s thats because they contain the game music and the Sound effects to the game and Scumm VM or Scumm Quick and Easy needs the original Copies of the game the music and the Sound effects from the CD,s to Emulate the game perfectly Monkeys Island 3 wasnt made to run without the CD,s so without them you will have problems. I Hope I have helped you and not confused you like the ones above.


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