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Things We Don't Want in K3


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True, but many people want them at least major parts of the storyline but not party members. So, it is still going to collide anyway unless they are just mentioned. But then it is going to be sucky when you come and Revan and the Exile have already mysteriously left. They just can't be dead or have moved on without your 3rd character.


True, that's why I suggested to play them in the cutscenes.


I guess the only way to really solve it is to not play as a 3rd character and have like 2 different versions one with the Exile and one with Revan?


The game could consist of two different storylines that are related to each other and switch whenever the PC accomplishes a major step in the story (like finding a star map in K1). But the problem remains how to reset them to level1, without making it look ridiculous.


That's what Star Wars movies are all about though. Even though a few people had to die, there was a happy ending at the end. >.>


Hmm, I would hardly consider the endings of Ep.2&3&5 as happy. But don't get me wrong, I like happy endings, I just wouldn't bet on K3 having a happy end that satisfies your ideal...


Kreia says at the end if you are a girl pc,"Well, did he ever love me?" "I think you know the answer to this Exile, I know as well as he knows that he is a fool and could never offer you anything." So, why wouldn't he want to keep the love going between the F exile and him?


I got the english version of K2 just some 2 weeks ago and didn't play with a female PC yet but I really don't remember to meet the "as well as he knows he is a fool" line in the german version... I always knew localized games and movies suck...

Nevertheless if you want to play this the hard way, I counter with Kreia saying: "...I sense it has one last journey for you. You must go where Revan did..." For me the "last" is quite a setback concerning the chances to get your type of happy end. ;)

No seriously, Atton seeing himself as a fool? Just doesn't work for me, no matter what Kreia says.


Why not? People do crazy things for love. I would want to help out the person I loved instead of twiddling my thumbs, waiting for them to come home. Carth/Bastila could get pissed at how long Revan is taking and decide to take the matters into their own hands and find out what has happened to him/her.


Revan and the Exile are more powerful than every single of their party members. I believe none of them would have been helpful or they would have gone with Revan/Exile from the start, on the contrary they would have endangered them.

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The game could consist of two different storylines that are related to each other and switch whenever the PC accomplishes a major step in the story (like finding a star map in K1). But the problem remains how to reset them to level1, without making it look ridiculous.


Well there are really 3 options.

1) You can start off as their appropriate levels but that would not work because not only could the Exile be level 50 and Revan be only level 20, but then you would get to level 100+ and would seem very silly.

2) Play as a 3rd pc and catch up to Revan, but still have the problem of the Exile's levels, voice acting, etc.

3) Or sending them back to level 1 each, but then again.. People are going to be mad if anything happens to Revan or the Exile to send them back because they hold them both (especially Revan) on a pedestal. So if they get sent to level 1, then you know people are going to whining. I guess they could both keep their memories but lose all force powers again >.>.


Hmm, I would hardly consider the endings of Ep.2&3&5 as happy. But don't get me wrong, I like happy endings, I just wouldn't bet on K3 having a happy end that satisfies your ideal...


Well I was kinda hoping Kotor 3 would be like #6 where it was all happy go lucky at the end. I guess it just really boils down on to who makes it you know? If Obsidian makes it, I can already expect a doomed ending. But then again, if there was a doomed ending there would have to be room for #4 because people just wouldn't be feel satisfied if everyone died, and the True Sith prevailed. People would be chanting, "Kotor 4! Kotor 4!" LoL. Perhaps LS ending would be happy go lucky, DS ending would be a doomed ending. I honestly doubt Obsidian would want to do 4-6 anyway unless they made mega-bucks.


I got the english version of K2 just some 2 weeks ago and didn't play with a female PC yet but I really don't remember to meet the "as well as he knows he is a fool" line in the german version... I always knew localized games and movies suck...

Nevertheless if you want to play this the hard way, I counter with Kreia saying: "...I sense it has one last journey for you. You must go where Revan did..." For me the "last" is quite a setback concerning the chances to get your type of happy end. ;)

No seriously, Atton seeing himself as a fool? Just doesn't work for me, no matter what Kreia says.


Sorry, I love debating. Okay that could go both ways. Either the Exile dies at the end, OR the last journey for him/her is the True Sith and then he/she settles down and never goes out and saves the world.

As for Atton being a fool, I could see it. I dunno, play as a girl and give me your opinion again hehe.


Revan and the Exile are more powerful than every single of their party members. I believe none of them would have been helpful or they would have gone with Revan/Exile from the start, on the contrary they would have endangered them.


Well for one Revan and I am betting the Exile would make their party members leave them, so they could not have helped them from the start. Yes, they would probably endanger them but Kreia does say Revan will need all the help he/she can get, ya know? They were both leaders, and should naturally have people to go under them. Plus if I was Carth or especially Bastila, I would grow tired and impatient and set out to find what really happened. Besides, people would want this game to be epic since I presume it would be the last of the Revan saga. How more epic can it be if people from I and II that have already saved the galaxy come for one last battle? How about the ending of the Mandalorians when Canderous dies in his last, honorable battle?


Keep criticizing me Buzz, I like it^^

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In K1 the Ebon Hawk belonged to Revan. In K2 there's a big *?* how Kreia and her companions/crew/whatever get ahold of it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not strictly against getting the Ebon Hawk again, but if it happens it should be without *?*.

They have to go with the Ebon Hawk again because they introduced the topic of the navicomputer being locked in TSL. Unlocking the navicomputer will be the means for you to track down where Revan went in the Unknown Regions.

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I didn't read the whole thread, but I noticed a few things:


- No returning part members. Phaedra, I don't quite understand the logic of this. Since this another game, we need to have new faces and a new story. Starting over with the same people would just seem like an expansion pack. Just like they did in TSL, we need fresh personalities and characters. Otherwise, this role-playing experience gets old. Fast.


- All of the planets that were in K1. I don't quite see the point. Why visit planets that have no real importance in a new storyline? And if they did have importance in the story, there are still problems:


1) With the exception of Korriban and Dantooine, which are just a part of KOTOR, the other planets are old. Just like party members, we need new planets so the game isn't boring, and we aren't playing K1 all over again.

2) Along with that, if they have all the planets in, it means less new planets to explore, and more of the same old stuff to see. No fun in that, is there? :)

3) And if they do compensate for #2 by adding a ton of new planets also, the story will drag out most likely, and many times in the plot there will be no reason (or a lame one) why we are doing what we are doing and visiting the planets we are visiting.


That is all for now, here is my list.


1) An unfinished story. I like TSL, and the story is still good (they didn't really leave huge plot holes except for the end), but for K3, I'd rather if they had time to complete really cool planets rather than cut them.

2) A new ship. The Ebon Hawk is the Falcon, it is a part of the saga now.

3) New droids other than HK-47 and T3-M3. Just like the ship, they have taken the roles of C-3P0 and R2-D2.

4) No new party members - already explained.

5) All the planets from the first two games - also already explained.

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Well there are really 3 options.

1) You can start off as their appropriate levels but that would not work because not only could the Exile be level 50 and Revan be only level 20, but then you would get to level 100+ and would seem very silly.

It would have worked if they would have made an AddOn to address the story of TSL. Now it's too late for that though.


2) Play as a 3rd pc and catch up to Revan, but still have the problem of the Exile's levels, voice acting, etc.

or vice versa


3) Or sending them back to level 1 each, but then again.. People are going to be mad if anything happens to Revan or the Exile to send them back because they hold them both (especially Revan) on a pedestal. So if they get sent to level 1, then you know people are going to whining. I guess they could both keep their memories but lose all force powers again >.>.

One could say that the unknown regions are such a badass place, that being a powerful Jedi is just the lower limit to keep alive there. In TSL Kreia said about Tulak Hord he was one of the last (in the known regions?) great lightsaberfighters and by comparison "we" would be like children playing with toys. It could be done without the amnesia/cut off the force stuff but it would look a bit clumsy at any rate.


Well I was kinda hoping Kotor 3 would be like #6 where it was all happy go lucky at the end. I guess it just really boils down on to who makes it you know? If Obsidian makes it, I can already expect a doomed ending.

Who else if not Obsidian? Pretty much everything else out there is realtime now, would you want *that* for K3?


Sorry, I love debating. Okay that could go both ways. Either the Exile dies at the end, OR the last journey for him/her is the True Sith and then he/she settles down and never goes out and saves the world.

Doesn't work. The exile just isn't the type to go out milking the chicken while the rest of the world burst into flames.


As for Atton being a fool, I could see it. I dunno, play as a girl and give me your opinion again hehe.

I played as a girl the first time I played TSL and a couple of times afterwards. Don't know why, but women are always my first choice... ;) But for K1 and K2 the male PCs get the better end, because they get Bastila and the Handmaiden. What woman could go for Disciple anyway? He looks like an idiot and talks like a nerd...

Ok, I could compromise Atton seeing himself as a fool, as long it is complimentary.


Well for one Revan and I am betting the Exile would make their party members leave them, so they could not have helped them from the start. Yes, they would probably endanger them but Kreia does say Revan will need all the help he/she can get, ya know?

In my eyes she meant only the Exile by that or anyone who is equally powerful. Revan wanted his old party members to get the republic prepared for the attack of the true sith and not follow him/her as soon as they're fed up with waiting. That's why he locked the navcomputer of the Ebon Hawk, so nobody would be able to follow him and since he is the only one who at least knows something about what has to be expected, it would be foolish for his old party members to follow him.


They were both leaders, and should naturally have people to go under them.

I disagree. Only because they are leaders doesn't mean they *have* to have followers - the motives of the Exiles' party members to follow him were all a bit insane if you ask me. Plus the whole true-sith-in-the-unknown-regions-leave-your-party-behin-thing sounds like a one-(wo)man-show for me.


Plus if I was Carth or especially Bastila, I would grow tired and impatient and set out to find what really happened.

There are the things you want to do and the things you realize in need to be done.


Edit: Just heard Ani DiFrancos "Swan Dive" and somehow it fits perfectly:

'cuz i don't care if they eat me alive

i've got better things to do than survive

i've got a memory of your warm skin in my hand

and i've got a vision of blue sky and dry land


How more epic can it be if people from I and II that have already saved the galaxy come for one last battle? How about the ending of the Mandalorians when Canderous dies in his last, honorable battle?

The battle should take place in the known regions IMO. And BTW taking the battle to the true sith instead of responding to their attack is the sith type of thinking.


Keep criticizing me Buzz, I like it^^

Are you sure, we're ready for such a relationship?

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One could say that the unknown regions are such a badass place, that being a powerful Jedi is just the lower limit to keep alive there. In TSL Kreia said about Tulak Hord he was one of the last (in the known regions?) great lightsaberfighters and by comparison "we" would be like children playing with toys. It could be done without the amnesia/cut off the force stuff but it would look a bit clumsy at any rate.


I think no idea will be perfect for #3 because of the predicament they have set themselves into. But, I think this is a good idea.


Who else if not Obsidian? Pretty much everything else out there is realtime now, would you want *that* for K3?


God no, I would suck lol. Also Buzz, if there is a doomed ending people are going to be wanting #4 like I said in a previous thread. So there either has to be a happy ending and a doomed one, or Obsidian should prepare for #4.


Doesn't work. The exile just isn't the type to go out milking the chicken while the rest of the world burst into flames.


Okay, you got me. Goodbye Exile *sniff*. I hope Revan still lives though lol!


I played as a girl the first time I played TSL and a couple of times afterwards. Don't know why, but women are always my first choice... ;) But for K1 and K2 the male PCs get the better end, because they get Bastila and the Handmaiden. What woman could go for Disciple anyway? He looks like an idiot and talks like a nerd...

Ok, I could compromise Atton seeing himself as a fool, as long it is complimentary.


Don't worry, I like Atton. In fact, he is one of my favorite Kotor characters and I hope he is in the 3rd one with a lot more dialouge lines lol. As for Disciple, I was like.."Oh..my..god. He's so ugly!" Also, I was like.."Noooo!" when Kreia told me that the Disciple loved my character. I didn't even speak to him >.>. He should have felt like a fool, not Atton.


I disagree. Only because they are leaders doesn't mean they *have* to have followers - the motives of the Exiles' party members to follow him were all a bit insane if you ask me. Plus the whole true-sith-in-the-unknown-regions-leave-your-party-behin-thing sounds like a one-(wo)man-show for me.


Okay, it DOES sound like it but I am sure Obsidian would follow the last two formats which includes 10 different playable characters. So either way it won't be a one-(wo)man show because you would have other people to party with you. So I still would like to have some Kotor I and II characters, not just a whole new cast again o.0. P.S. You almost got me on that one!


There are the things you want to do and the things you realize in need to be done.


Edit: Just heard Ani DiFrancos "Swan Dive" and somehow it fits perfectly:

'cuz i don't care if they eat me alive

i've got better things to do than survive

i've got a memory of your warm skin in my hand

and i've got a vision of blue sky and dry land


As long as there is closure between every main member whether it is Carth, Bastila, Atton, etc. I don't mind. It can be good or bad, but I want to see their stories with the Exile or Revan come to an end you know? All I want is good role-play.


The battle should take place in the known regions IMO. And BTW taking the battle to the true sith instead of responding to their attack is the sith type of thinking.


Are you calling me a Sith? :sithk: Well I already am a girl..LOL.


Are you sure,we're ready for such a relationship?



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Also Buzz, if there is a doomed ending people are going to be wanting #4 like I said in a previous thread. So there either has to be a happy ending and a doomed one, or Obsidian should prepare for #4.

The actual question is if they bring an end to the Revan/Exile story (I'm not even sure that K3 will be the Revan/Exile sequel most people here expect it to be). A doomed ending like "your opponents prevail and you get a smackbottom" wouldn't work anyway, because to some degree you *have* to win.

And BTW if K3 gets good, people are going to want K4 anyway.


Okay, it DOES sound like it but I am sure Obsidian would follow the last two formats which includes 10 different playable characters.

Of course they will. I just think it makes little sense to let the main plot take place in the unknown regions with party and all because it would raise the question why Revan and the Exile had to go there alone.


P.S. You almost got me on that one!

I promise to try harder next time ... or at least I would if I knew what it was I almost got you with...


It can be good or bad, but I want to see their stories with the Exile or Revan come to an end you know?

Since most people seem to want that, chances are good.


Are you calling me a Sith?

No, I don't believe in extremes. Crazy or misdirected at most... ;)

Seriously, I really don't want to see the PC or "allied" NPCs start the war, it would just be evil.

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Of course they will. I just think it makes little sense to let the main plot take place in the unknown regions with party and all because it would raise the question why Revan and the Exile had to go there alone.


Did Kreia just say loved one or did she also say allies? I cannot remember. I am also sure she used, "Revan will need all the Jedi and Sith" in a plural sense as wel.



I promise to try harder next time ... or at least I would if I knew what it was I almost got you with...


Hm, I just meant I couldn't come up with a comeback or bring up another point to argue with. I had to sit there for a few minutes trying to think of another point lol.



No, I don't believe in extremes. Crazy or misdirected at most... ;)

Seriously, I really don't want to see the PC or "allied" NPCs start the war, it would just be evil.


Haha very funny :-p. Anyway, no I really don't want it to happen like that.. I might have said it wrong xD. What I -know- is going to happen is as soon as whoever your main character is, the plan is going to start rolling into action almost immediately like any other game. While Revan was there for some odd 4 years, he/she did not discover as much as we would in those 24 hrs of gameplay. But the npc's and the pc aren't going to start the war, they are going to lay low for about...10 min before some like True Sith busts in the door and is like, "Imma kill you all!" or you get shot down or something hehe.

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One could say that the unknown regions are such a badass place, that being a powerful Jedi is just the lower limit to keep alive there. In TSL Kreia said about Tulak Hord he was one of the last (in the known regions?) great lightsaberfighters and by comparison "we" would be like children playing with toys. It could be done without the amnesia/cut off the force stuff but it would look a bit clumsy at any rate.


This will be true of your party members, I assume then? All uber-powerful Jedi Prestiege classes up around 25 levels at the very start? If your PC (you are implying Revan, I guess from your post) is going to have to be like that, so will your party members - otherwise they will get slaughtered, won't they?

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Did Kreia just say loved one or did she also say allies? I cannot remember. I am also sure she used, "Revan will need all the Jedi and Sith" in a plural sense as wel.


It' all about loved ones ("for it would bring doom to them both") and people one truely cares about. And she said warriors, Jedi or Sith who can be sent after him/her and who knew the way.

But actually Revan didn't take anyone with him/her not even the Ebon Hawk: "And he/she left the Ebon Hawk behind because he/she knew he/she would not need it." If it would make sense to send every normal Jedi/Sith after Revan, he/she would have taken them with him/her from the start


Why are you so keen on having the main plot taking place on "the shadowed planets of the sith empire" anyway?

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This will be true of your party members, I assume then? All uber-powerful Jedi Prestiege classes up around 25 levels at the very start?

No, I meant it as an excuse to let Revan or Exile start at Level1 again - the party members would have to be from the unknown regions then so the same rule doesn't apply to them.. I'm the first to admit that the idea isn't flawless but I think there isn't any flawless way to reset Revan/Exile ... to be true they all suck. I'm just trying to think of a way to reintroduce Revan/Exile at all, even if I don't like the idea. What most hardliners here don't seem to recognize is that the story of K3 must "work" on its own whether it adresses the stories of K1 and K2 or not.

That is why I find it *most* unlikely to play as Revan or the Exile again.


If K3 really becomes the sequel most people here want it to be, I would like it best if they made a few glitches on purpose: The "True Sith" aren't the threat Kreia talks about, they're a nearly extinct species and the typical "True Sith" is neither LS nor DS but the threat originates in the remains of their empire and only this actual place where the danger comes from is so damn dangerous that Revan could only go there alone. But the PC is a new one and doesn't meet Revan or the Exile, he just follows their steps...

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It' all about loved ones ("for it would bring doom to them both") and people one truely cares about. And she said warriors, Jedi or Sith who can be sent after him/her and who knew the way.

But actually Revan didn't take anyone with him/her not even the Ebon Hawk: "And he/she left the Ebon Hawk behind because he/she knew he/she would not need it." If it would make sense to send every normal Jedi/Sith after Revan, he/she would have taken them with him/her from the start


Why are you so keen on having the main plot taking place on "the shadowed planets of the sith empire" anyway?


Because that is where Kreia says the true war is at, is in these shadowed places and the True Sith are way better than the regular Sith, and yada yada. Kreia says that it is part of the exile's destiny to journey out into the Outer Rim..So I would just assume naturally that the war would take place there. No one would strike, but they would prepare for the attack and then strike back.

Now Buzz, it is become Revan was Revan and he would have took allies with him/her but probably felt like he/she was so badass that he could take it all. Perhaps Revan failed in his/her efforts over the years and Kreia can sense it or something. Yes to every Jedi/Sith that know the way, so people that have been on Korriban and Malachor probably do know the way. I imagine it won't be a huge amount anyway, for the Ebon Hawk can only hold so many people so..I am rambling now, but do you see my point?

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Yes but I think you may be forgetting that she also said that the true war is not fought on a battlefield but is waged from within and that it carries a terrible price. My way of thinking suggests that the True Sith is to be a dark essence of the ancient Sith Lords and that it may consume individuals who succumb to the dark power. This seems to fit in conjunction and I just remembered something else that Revan knew the power of such places and the power in making them. That may be what Revan was going to fight, those crucible places that could bring a wave of darkness over the Republic which will die anyway.

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Because that is where Kreia says the true war is at, is in these shadowed places

It's all a matter of perspective (as the old ObiWan stated all truths are). It doesn't necessarily mean that it's where the battle takes places just that the war will be decided there. We can't even be sure what Kreia meant (or that she even told the truth - since manipulating is like a habit for her). Not much (if any) of her statements are really straight.


and the True Sith are way better than the regular Sith, and yada yada.

They might just be different... in fact we don't know anything about the nature of this threat.


Kreia says that it is part of the exile's destiny to journey out into the Outer Rim..

The unknown regions are beyond the Outer Rim. In case you didn't knew you visited the Outer Rim frequently while playing K1 and K2. To be precise only Kashyyk, Nar Shaddaa (both Mid Rim) Manaan and Onderon (both Inner Rim) are *not* Outer Rim Worlds...


Now Buzz, it is become Revan was Revan and he would have took allies with him/her but probably felt like he/she was so badass that he could take it all.

I doubt it. Either LS or DS, Revan should be smart enough to know what he/she is cabable of. I still think it's something nobody expect someone so powerful or so special as the Exile can help with. And Kreia stated Revan "did something terrible, he/she wanted to put an end to."


Yes to every Jedi/Sith that know the way, so people that have been on Korriban and Malachor probably do know the way.

I lay more weight on the "who can be sent" thing because it holds some mysterious type of explanation why Revan went alone and why in all that time only the Exile is capable to follow.


I imagine it won't be a huge amount anyway, for the Ebon Hawk can only hold so many people so..

But all these people have to be somehow special above the former passengers?


I am rambling now, but do you see my point?

I'm not sure... But I'm pretty sure we're all intertwining the things we want with the things that would work properly (even if we try not to)...

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Everybody has pretty much been repeating themselves - new PC, new/old ship, etc. I also think it's time for a new ship, in fact, that would give the game a compeletely new feel, and I think it would be fun for the developers to have the chance to come up with something new. Maybe at some point in the game you could get the chance to see or board the Ebon Hawk for a short while, but otherwise a new ship would improve the game immensely.

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Everybody has pretty much been repeating themselves - new PC, new/old ship, etc. I also think it's time for a new ship, in fact, that would give the game a compeletely new feel, and I think it would be fun for the developers to have the chance to come up with something new.


You know, you are exactly right in a way. How about we get rid of the same old Sith Lords to give the game "a new feel"? Or get rid of party members and be able to recruit anyone, or no one. Wouldn't that be something new? Save the new ship for another game. This is KOTOR, the Ebon Hawk is the Falcon of it. If you want to get rid of it, hope they make a new KOTOR-like game and create a new personal transport. If they were going to change it, they would have done so in TSL, not at the series closer, especially after two games where they had it. Don't get rid of a ship because quote "it would give the game a new feel." It doesn't need one, not in that area.[/RANT]


Yeah, you might be able to see that I am extremely averse to getting rid of or blowing up the Hawk in the series closer of the KOTOR series. ;)


EDIT: Oh yeah, and a few of you are talking about how Kreia tells you that the "real war" is in the "shadows of the True Sith empire." As far as I know, she never says this. She makes a single reference to "True Sith" during the end of the game, where she is talking about the true enemy. And she never uses the word species, or original Sith, or describes what she is talking about as one. It is never really made a big deal of, and she never clarifies that she is really talking about this "Original Sith species" nonsense. True Sith could mean anything, depending on what she was talking about.


Yeah, I'm also adverse to this "True Sith" idea to, and the idea that it is all hyped up in both games and specifically said that we will go face them in K3. :D


Now, after all this, I have another thing I'd like to add.


1) No more feeling like you are cursed to be shot down by everybody wherever you go, whether it be HK-51 units, Onderon fighters, Czerka AD towers...

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All I'm saying is that no matter how much I like the Hawk, I was extremely disappointed to see it inexplicably return in TSL. I mean, how the heck did Kreia get it? If it gets to be your ship in K3, then there better be a good explanation for its return (except if you get to play as Revan again, then the explanation would be obvious).


Another idea is that no matter who you play as in K3, your main quest is to track down the Ebon Hawk, because that ship probably has the coordinates to the True Sith homeworld. Then when you find it, you use it to get to those True Sith.

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Yeah, you might be able to see that I am extremely averse to getting rid of or blowing up the Hawk in the series closer of the KOTOR series. ;)

How would you react then if K3 doesn't become the series closer you expect it to be?


EDIT: Oh yeah, and a few of you are talking about how Kreia tells you that the "real war" is in the "shadows of the True Sith empire." As far as I know, she never says this.

Actually she says: "You must go where Revan did, into the Unknown Regions, where the Sith, the true Sith, wait in the dark for the great war that comes."

and later: "The Sith is a belief. And it's empire, the true Sith empire, rules elsewhere."

But prior to both statements she says: "No, Revan met no Sith Empire, yet he learned their teachings."


And she never uses the word species, or original Sith, or describes what she is talking about as one. It is never really made a big deal of, and she never clarifies that she is really talking about this "Original Sith species" nonsense. True Sith could mean anything, depending on what she was talking about.

I agree, except the n-word-thing. There are lots of possible interpretations and IMO the one about the true Sith somehow being related to the Sith species ist just one of them.


Yeah, I'm also adverse to this "True Sith" idea to, and the idea that it is all hyped up in both games and specifically said that we will go face them in K3.


Me too. (BTW: where is it hyped up in K1?) The "end of the force" thing in TSL was already too much for me and if the devs really want to, they can even "outperform" that. But since there a so much possible interpretations of the TSL "premonitions" I stay optimistic...


If it gets to be your ship in K3, then there better be a good explanation for its return (except if you get to play as Revan again, then the explanation would be obvious).

No, it would be obvious if you played as the Exile again. If you play as Revan and get the Hawk there'd better be a good explanation how he/she gets it. But since we get a new PC anyway, there'd better be a good explanation at any rate.

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1. The Ebon hawk, i would like to see a new deseign of ship and not the same old same old.


2. Starting out as a non-jedi,the idea of a non-jedi finding out along the way hes force sencitive is a way over used plot line and realy doesnt need to be done again.


3.More of the same planets.


4. Holes in the plot.

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1.The Hawk

Its good but to be fair the Hawk has had its day really unless they change it dramaticley then its kinda dull.

2.Recycled characters.

Ok like 4 would be ok but not all like i would like to see what happened to most of the characters like Carth and Bastila but i didnt really care for hanhar or mission or Visas so some but no all.


i mean for gods sake its pritty much exactly the same as before


no fun without the tombs(TSL).

5.Moaning old women

Kreia was so aragent she was saying that the dark side isnt good then she got mad for u being nice sheesh.

6.Not all force users

not all the characters to use the force like in TSL got really dull and they where always quite weak ikn the force because u had to get alot of influence to talk about it


Bad Idea!go back to Kotor1 gain exp so u could go around killing instead of like waiting for ages.

8.Kotor1 robes

i like the TSL robes because they looked better but maybe if they murged the two together so you can have it with or without the like robes and have a hood

9.Wounds in the force

make it better than that all TSL was about is that.

10.Force Ghosts

holocrons are ok but not ghosts.

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