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Jaden Reskin


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This is a new skin ive been working on, using the jaden model by Raven.

Everything is from scratch and made by me. Except the model :p


Dont laugh at my pathetic attempts at skinning :D



screen: http://img335.imageshack.us/img335/9928/skin0eb.jpg


doesent look as good ingame: http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/2320/master8tq.jpg


Varient: http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/7411/darth7yr.jpg


Varient Ingame: http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/88/darth8wt.jpg


any crits or suggestions will be appreciated.

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i didnt relesed :p ow and alex can i do that ? please :) and about pcgm...i wuz just testing it...it still dont work :)


and i dont realy understand...if you realese something in public you cant control everyone on making with your file everything he wants...the main thing that i gaved you the credit for your skins...why must i ask for permision ?! ...just asking :p cuz i dont know ur system ...

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I suppose so seeing as it was just a test, well what most people do is ask the author of the skin or model if they can use it for a skin and if the author says yes then you can release it. you have to give credit also, like saying Thanks to ______ for letting me use his skin/model etc.

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