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He has Risen!


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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Quit judging what he says, please. Being mean in a topic dedicated to the resurrection of Christ is...well, not cool. rolleyes.gif


I think it's entirely possible that this individual's personality is one that is a bit on the rebellious side. I understand that; I'm like that myself. For such a person, 'fitting in with the crowd' is a bad thing...and the statement becomes no longer ridiculous.


Anyway. smile.gif Peace.

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I saw a poster once with the stereotyipcal white-bearded figurefrowning sternly, and with big white letters saying "DON'T **** WITH GOD." I should'a bought it when I had the chance.


Yes, Happy Easter everyone.


I was raised as a Catholic and consider myself a Christian, but my beliefs are my own, and differ from official Church teaching in several ways.


For one, I believe in the lesser gods (I'd place them at about the same "level" as angels and demons). While God is the Absolute, the "All-Who-Are-One," She's a distant ruler; A universal consciousness that is beyond "good" and "evil." (Especially since I don't believe "evil" exists as such, but that's a whole 'nuther debate.) The lesser gods are easier to comprehend; they aren't omnipotent, and have clear personalities.


I revere God (and Jesus) by following their example in the big picture, by embracing the concept of "good." I can honour the lesser gods by emulating them; by asking the guidance of those who share similar interests and goals just as I would ask human friends for help.


Thus, my patron spirits are Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom (who teaches me to value wisdom, knowledge, and understanding above strength, agression, and blind obedience), Bast the Egyptian cat-goddess in her incarnation as Protector (to her, I am honour-bound to protect all those around me, especially children), Coyote, the Amerindian Trickster/Teacher (who leads me to teach others and to help in any way I can; either by good example, or horrible warning), and the Puck of Ireland (who reminds me that life is short, so I should take my enjoyments wherever I can find them, and also that the best tricks serve justice, not vengeance).


I also do magic, and dabble in paganism and witchcraft.


I'm not saying the ends justify the means, just that there are many roads leading to the same destination. What's right for a majority need not be right for everyone.


Now Zoomie, hand me that chocolate.



"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

im a christian i talk free about my faith to my friends. its great you dont have to worry about live problems because you know there is always someone there for you - i dont live in the world as it is i just live on my computer which makes it all the much more scary place but having jesus as a friend stops me from being scared because whatever you do he will always be there for you



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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What i realyl hate is people who have never read one of the 4 gospels. And then gone to a Person who has made it his life to study the bible, and ask questions.


I was one of those people, then i realized how much God ment to someone very Close to me. And i wanted to understand why.


The Bible is a book.. bible literally translates as "Book". Go pick up one from a Hotel, or ask a church goer for a copy to read. You can find them everywhere. Sit down, and make a goal to read one of the Gospels (i suggest John to start out with for first timers)


Then if you still dont like it.. that is fine. Jsut like trying out new food, dont avoid it unlesss you ahve tired it. At least you can say you have read it.


come on.. i dare ya

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Guest DarthSlapnutz

I see I have touched a nerve in here. I'm sorry if I offended anyone with faith in here. I did not mean to. And yes, perhaps Keyan is correct, what I said may have sounded moronic. I do stand by what I said, however. If that makes me a moron for sounding moronic, then so be it. But I have made several attempts at forming a relationship with God. I have found no difference in my life with Him in it, or without Him. I have read the bible a few times. I just can't believe that all this stuff truely happened. I am also bitter about the fact that I was not given a choice whether or not to live. Maybe if I knew the reason I was put here, I would be able to cope with life. But the fact of the matter remains, I am not happy. I can not have faith in someone I don't fully trust the motives of. Thats just what I believe. I'm sorry if that offends anyone. I'm sorry if what I say upsets anyone. But thats me. I guess next time, I will just keep my mouth shut.


Zoom- Glad you like the name, I thought it was kinda funny smile.gif And thanks for the words, I will keep them in mind.


Admiral- No, I was never dropped on my head as a child. Only as a college student with a very bad alcohol problem, which, luckily for me, I overcame.

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Maybe if I knew the reason I was put here, I would be able to cope with life. But the fact of the matter remains, I am not happy.


hey Nutz, I would suggest that you look into a part of social psychology called Logotherapy. It is all based on solving your current dilema. Also try reading "Man's search for meaning" by Viktor Frankl. Everything has a meaning, it just not always easy to find it....


[This message has been edited by Zargon (edited April 16, 2001).]

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Guest rosencrantz

<font color="violet">well whoever you are, darthslaphappy, i find you honesty refreshing.</font color="violet"> disturbed.gif

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Zen. Yoga. Kabbalah. (Meditational systems)


The work of M.C. Escher, and the mandalas/yantras of eastern sacred art. (The artistic/mathematic path)


The sacred music of any culture...particularly the vedic mantra based devotional music of Krishna Das. (Not quite the same path as before)


And, of course, religion. smile.gif Many paths are open to the earnest searcher.

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darth slapnutz, just remember that a relationship is two way. you can't just ask and ask and talk and talk and not listen or be receptive.

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Guest DarthSlapnutz

I'm glad I can be refreshing for you Rosencrantz. You are all being very nice, if I had posted my feelings on some other boards, they would have lynched me for sure. I have a request though. Since some of you seem to be in good with God, can one of you pray I find a way to fix my XWA so it will run again on my computer? smile.gif I'm having withdrawals.



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Originally posted by DarthSlapnutz:

I see I have touched a nerve in here. I'm sorry if I offended anyone with faith in here. I did not mean to. And yes, perhaps Keyan is correct, what I said may have sounded moronic. I do stand by what I said, however. If that makes me a moron for sounding moronic, then so be it. But I have made several attempts at forming a relationship with God. I have found no difference in my life with Him in it, or without Him. I have read the bible a few times. I just can't believe that all this stuff truely happened. I am also bitter about the fact that I was not given a choice whether or not to live. Maybe if I knew the reason I was put here, I would be able to cope with life. But the fact of the matter remains, I am not happy. I can not have faith in someone I don't fully trust the motives of. Thats just what I believe. I'm sorry if that offends anyone. I'm sorry if what I say upsets anyone. But thats me. I guess next time, I will just keep my mouth shut.


Zoom- Glad you like the name, I thought it was kinda funny smile.gif And thanks for the words, I will keep them in mind.


Admiral- No, I was never dropped on my head as a child. Only as a college student with a very bad alcohol problem, which, luckily for me, I overcame.


Not believeing in God does not make you a fool, saying things like, "Maybe when one or two people in the world still believe in a god, i will go to church, just because no one else does." does. What other people do should have nothing to do with whether or not you go to church. That's all I'm trying to say.

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Admiral- No, I was never dropped on my head as a child. Only as a college student with a very bad alcohol problem, which, luckily for me, I overcame.[/b]



Uh I never said that biggrin.gif.


I will Disagree with what you said although you are entitled to your opion. I don't go to church often as for my faith I have a hard time with rituals, and don't believe them necessary for my faith. I have a personal relationship with God, I have asked him to take care of my mother and he has, but it is not a take and take relationship. He some times says no, and you have to accept that.


The reason that the world sucks for some people is not because God did it but we humans did it. Remember Free Will, we decided to create a crappy world. You say you didn't ask to be on this, but you are so instead of complaining try to make a better world so some else doesn't have to.


Also I find that you think you will automatically go to heaven arrogant because you don't believe in God. But I do give credit to you for expressing your opinions.




"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Pray for God to fix your software?!? No Star Wars for infidels!!! PBgrin.gif


Joking. wink.gif My advice on fixing software issues is to show it the fear of God by smashing it with a brick, then going out and buying a new one.


While it's still fresh, I'd like to draw attention to what Ike to say earlier. He makes a very good point about one's own attitude in searching for God. If we go looking for Him with the idea in our heads that He's some kind of landlord, and we have issues with the plumbing...well, one can't really blame Him if He declines to respond. rolleyes.gif


When you're ready to find your beloved Father, and not the despotic Landlord...then, mi amigo, then! biggrin.gif

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Sorry I'm late everyone..


Happy Easter , .....He's Alive and I'm



On a side note DarthSlapnutz, I glad you changed your tune abit because that may have saved you some pain. Please do not come in here and "crap" in someone else's thread. If you don't agree with the thread the please refrain for handing out your advice.


Thank you.

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this is what i missed about the forums, open and honest discussion. In stead of random brain farts tongue.gif


At certain times my life sucks, but that makes me turn and pray to God. And when it gets better, the glory, and grace of God is ever more powerful. Dont focus on the bad stuff, sometimes it is hard if you are a person with depression, but there are medical ways in dealing with that.


I rejected God several time, i was downright hostile to Belivers. YOu read about God Making peoples hearts hard, becasue they wont accept him. It makes me Fear and respect him, and i have a constant reminder of how much he loves and cares for me.


Fearing God, does not mean huddling in a corner and crying. Most people have a fearful respect of fire, and what fire can do. That is the same way your fear of God should be.


It is truely wonderful being a Christain

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Well, if we're going for open and honest, I guess I'll put my viewpoint across.


I have no religion or whatever, and never had. I just don't believe in the idea of a 'supreme' being. Fine, their may be other 'planes of existance' etc,and some could have unbelievable powers, but I don't think any being could have total control over everything.


Some bad stuff has happened in my life, and I find that the best way to cope with it, not being religious, is to simply adopt a 'who cares?' attitude. Just look at the few good things you've got, like friends, family and so on. Even if the only good thing in you're life is that you have a spare packet of chocolate bars in the cupboard, it still helps. I know it sounds stupid, but it's helped me countless times.


My £0.0140106 (As of currency conversion rates 16/04/01)



And what of the Director's Lenses?


The logs show they fled the scene in a shuttle. That is all the information we have sir, there is a high probability that the shuttle was destroyed in the battle.


A shame.....but we'll buy George Lucas another pair of glasses.<font color="#626262" size="-2">


[This message has been edited by Admiral Zaarin (edited April 17, 2001).]

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Guest DarthSlapnutz

Originally posted by GUNNER:

On a side note DarthSlapnutz, I glad you changed your tune abit because that may have saved you some pain. Please do not come in here and "crap" in someone else's thread. If you don't agree with the thread the please refrain for handing out your advice.


Thank you.


I wasn't crapping on anyone's thread. I was just expressing my opinions. I thought thats what people did in forums. And in no way was what I said advice for anyone, it was just how I feel. Perhaps I should have conveyed my feelings in a more appropriate manner. I realize I have faults. I'm working on them.


Admiral- Sorry, I thought it was you that said that comment, it was actually Zargon. I apologize for the misunderstanding.



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