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Repulsorlift jammer?


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This structure was in the demo mods. I made sure those damned floating tanks didn't move. But you could destroy it or destroy the power generators and your landed tanks would start moving again.


If you can also block air speeders from flying this structure would be very useful for the empire. Why did they take it out of the full game?

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The jammer works with a simple change. I think all I did was assign it to tech level 4 to get it in the game. I'm ASSUMING it's working right, since this sort of thing is very hard to test vs the AI.


Note, however, that speeders are NOT considered repulsorlift vehicles by default, which I assume is an oversight, since they certainly are. That, too, is easy to change. Just add the line <Is_Affected_By_Gravity_Control_Field> Yes </Is_Affected_By_Gravity_Control_Field> to their file.


Since I've done this, I haven't had the AI send speeders against a grav generator, so I haven't been able to test it, but I'm 99% sure that it works.


I don't promise that this won't make the grav-gen TOO useful to the Empire, though. ^_^

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One problem that may arise is wil the AI build a Jammer if playing the Empire?


The Jammer works just fine for the human player as the Empire. When attacked by the AI theyunits are stuck on the ground (TB2 Tanks).


But I have not seen the AI build one on its own when its get to play the Empire...you must make a change to the groundbuild.LUA file to make the AI understand it is a buildable unit to use.


So you may have to only play it in MP or understand the AI limitation on building unlocked structures. Needs more tedious testing...wish I had some debug console commands to set up a scenario quickly.

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Beta testing whiners. ^_^


I think surprises that make you suddenly change your strategy are always good.


"Yikes! I was going to drop a bunch of T2-Bs and rush his base, but suddenly I've got to sneak an infiltrator by his front line and take out that grav-generator or I'm doomed!"


Nothin' but fun in that. ^_^


Makes scouting a planet before attacking even more useful, too.

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<SpecialStructure Name="Ground_Gravity_Generator">




to something 5 or less. (I used 4, which is the level of all the other Imperial grav tech.)


I do believe that's it.


Oh, and if you want it to stop speeders, too, you'll have to make the edit to them that I mention above.

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