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Star Commander


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Finally thought of a better name then Space Battles...

Anyway, this is pretty much version 2.0 of my SB mod. Here is what it does:




VERSION 2.01 for EaW Mod Manager - DOWNLOAD HERE


* Add a new building (Asteroid Mining Facility).

* Raise the number of ships in battle to 40 for all factions sides.

* Cuts all build times in half.

* Adds a hanger to the Mon Calamari Cruiser, Nebulon-B Frigate, Alliance Assault Cruiser, and the Pirate Frigate.

* TIE Scouts are buildable with a level one space station.

* Add Kamino to the Galactic Conflict map.

* Changes the lasers in game to be faster and look better.

* Add Kyle Katarn and Mara Jade to the game.

* Lets you build the Construction Ship, which will build Defensive Satellites while in game!

* You don't build Fighters any more.

* New Infantry (Bothans, Wookies, and Imperial Royal Guards).


There's some more, but I can't think of it all. But as I said when I first posted my mod, I wanted new ships and I got them. I would just say take out the campaigns xml file, but then you don't get Pirates or Kyle or Mara.


As soon as the map tools are out I'll be making huge space maps that will take a lot of strategy to win in, since I hope to make normal stations 1) be built when you are the invader with the Space Builder, and 2) all space stations will be able to build units while in tactical battle. And hopefully make the AI realize it can do both these things, since they will be able to build more stations while in battle as well. I will also have, instead of the normal land battles, you just have infantry (hopefully more then just 1-3 types) and instead of going into a ground battle you will land on a space station of some sort and invade it. Infantry will hide in rooms, waiting for the enemy to be foolish enough to walk by. Heroes will lead your army to the command deck. You could have a technitian come in and set up a quick turret, or a healing station.



If you are building a satellite and the ship is destroyed near the beginning, it will freak out and get an exception. I'll see about fixing it soon.


When I was playing, I had landed all my units and was about to attack, I suddenly got the We Are Defeated message pop up. Only happened once.


Any input would be great.

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Alright tested it a bit, one thing I noticed is that whenever a battle began that battle announcement music would play....but it would never stop. It would continue the whole battle, not really a bother for me as I couldn't hear it past all the laser fire but it's something to note. I also wasn't able to move ships to certain planets from others, maybe you changed the routes? Do you have the land and space version of the mod ready? As you said you would have two versions and I'd like to test that. Overall though the space only modification was not bad. :shads2:

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Some more testing, IPVs seem to be able to use the boost weapon power endlessly with no cooldown. None of my ships seemed to be able to hit the shield generator on stations, some would fire at it but would cause no damage. Some ships didn't even try to fire at it.

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I noticed the thing about the begin battle music, I'll see what I can do.

Now that this version is out, I'll have version with land battles out by wednesday.

I'll look at the power weapons thing, I didn't even notice that.

I just put the ships in there as they came, but Pirate ships were never meant to be fighting stations. I'll boost them up soon, but for now the Marauder cruiser is the best way.

I don't think I changed anything, what planets were you going to/from?

Yes, the Virago is in this. Right now it has Kyle Katarn for the icon and if it dies it becomes the Moldy Crow when it comes back. But it's in there.

I know that the battle in a space station will be allowed because I will simply put a neutral station in the background of the maps, and set the planets' land battle to be on a map that looks like the inside of the space station.


Thanks for the comments, the version with land will be out on Wednesday.


EDIT: Oops, found out why the AI didn't seem changed, didn't put it in the right place. This will be fixed in the update on Wednesday.

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Okay, an update since I haven't posted here much. I'm currently working on adding in the ground as close to as it will be when I can make more maps. Right now I have these units for infantry:


Marine (normal unit)

Plex Soldiers

Those guys with bombs that I can't remember the name of.

Field Commanders


Wookie Elites

Bothan Warriors



Missile Soldiers

Scouts, but no speeders

Field Commanders


Dark Troopers

Imperial Royal Guards


Marine (normal unit)

Plex Soldiers


If you have any suggestions, let me know. I still need about 4 more units for the Pirates. Remember, only infantry.

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Uh... no clue.

The ship is the Merchant Freighter that came with the game, but wasn't used. It is what you use for building satellites.

If you can think of a better name for the mod, that would be great. I'm trying to get a unique name.

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