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Legacy of Heros - Episode One

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Can I ask you a favour? Instead of double posting, would you please use the edit post button? I don't want you to get temp-banned for that.


but y will they get mad if you put the other chapters?
Because Kira has me insanely pussy whipped, that's why :xp: If she sees that I'm posting these as fast as I am, she'll be very displeased. And I must not displease the master... no, precious, we must not displease her...
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Yes females are the masters and don't forget it :D

Another great chapter Doc. I wonder how you are able to turn an RP into a fic; it's nothing short of amazing. My talent with words involves poetry. Still I like where it is heading and it keeps consistent with what is known of Revan.

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Yes, both Kira and Jasra have me insanely pussy whipped. But they're the only ones. Well... no, not really... I'm too submissive for my own good...


It's not that hard to convert an RP into a fan fiction. It involves some editing and re-ordering of posts, but it's pretty easy. It's tedious. It's dull. It's frustrating. But it's not hard.


It would be easier if Kira was helping me, like she was supposed to be. Hint hint, Kira :xp:

Wait, that was for Darkness Falls... and she's left that to me and WildJedi to convert. Real nice, ain't she?


(I kid, I kid. I don't know what I'd do without you, Kira. Well... I'd probably go on just fine. But you don't need to know that.)

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Alright, I've decided that the beatings are worth posting another chapter. So, here it is. This will be the last one for a while, though.


Chapter Eight


While the other padawans were allowed to rest and recuperate, Master Lowe had ordered Lake to come with him to the training room to spar.

She was tired, and time after time, Master Lowe bested her with the training sabers. For the seventh time in a row, Lowe knocked her to the ground and her sabre out of her hand.

“Sometimes I wonder why I even bother to try and teach you,” he said, looking down his nose at her. He circled around her, ready to go at it again. “Pick it up,” he ordered, looking at her training saber on the floor near her.

Lake just glared up at him. “No.”

“No?” Master Lowe scowled.

“I've had enough.”

“You've had enough?” He snorted. “You are not only clumsy and inattentive, but insolent, too. I'm your Master, and I say when you've had enough. And if you ever want to become a Jedi Knight, you'll have to learn obedience and-“

Lake stood abruptly, her eyes never leaving his. Then, without a word, she turned and left the room.

“Lake! Come here!” Master Lowe called after her. “I'm not finished!”

“I am,” Lake said through gritted teeth. Furious, she headed down the corridor towards her dormitory room. Just outside the door, she paused, then backtracked, and went and knocked on Revan's door.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Revan awoke with a start. There was someone knocking on his door. Sitting up, he looked at the door. “Come,” he said.

Lake entered his room, looking flustered. For a moment, she said nothing, merely stared at him. “Were you serious about going to help the Republic,” she asked frankly. “I mean, really serious?”

He stood and walked to his bathroom. He ran the tap, splashing cold water in his face. Drying off, he looked her right I the eye.

“To be honest... I don't know. Yes, I think we should help, but... there's nothing we can do, really. The High Council has made it decision. And, as much as I hate to say it... I don't think there's anything we can do about it.”

“Oh.” She said, nodding. “So, no matter what the Council says, you're in agreement with them. I see.” She turned to leave, but pensively paused at the threshold. “I'm leaving, Revan,” she said abruptly. “Just thought if you were serious, that maybe I'd wait and go with you. But I guess I'll have to go alone.” She looked over her shoulder at him, then started down the corridor.

He grabbed her by the shoulder. “What?!” he asked, turning her around. “Are you insane?!”

The look she gave him could have melted cortosis. “Insane?” she said, calmly. “No. Tired of being berated? Yes. Sick of being humiliated? Definitely. Frustrated at watching everyone around me progress while I'm held back? Most certainly. And if I stay here any longer, I will do something I’ll regret.” She gave Revan a hard stare. “I want to kill him,” she said slowly. “And not metaphorically, Revan. For real. And I can't stay here feeling like this.”

He held her firmly in place, not letting her walk away from him. “Lake, calm down. What's he done now? Walk me through it.”

“What he always does,” she seethed. “He enjoys humiliating me. Relishes it!” She gritted her teeth. “I don't see your Master subjecting you to 'additional training' after our mission. Then berating you when you failed to perform to your optimum level. And yet, you're still allowed to take the trials?” She scoffed. “If that's how the Order operates, then I want no part of it. I'd rather join the Republic as a common soldier.”

“No,” said Revan simply. “No, you don't. Lake... look... I know he's a pain in the ass, but... he's trying to make sure you're ready. He's... he's like a father to you. At least from his perspective. He doesn't want you rushing into anything you're not ready for.”

Lake gave him a curious look. “Perhaps,” she said. She paused for a moment. “I've been here ever since I can remember. 'Father' is just a word. It means nothing to me.

“Lowe wants to control me. To keep me submissive. Being out with you and Kira and... I realised what I've been missing. I... I can't take it anymore - the criticism, the constant complaints and insults... Nothing I do is ever good enough for him. Nothing. And I've had enough. I'm either going to kill him, or I have to leave. I can't see any other choice.”

She looked at Revan's hand on her arm. “Let me go.” Then she said, grinning slightly. “I'm not leaving tonight. I'll wait. Wait until the time is right.”

Revan stared at her for a moment, then let go slowly. “Lake... please. Don't leave. Look... I can talk to Lowe. Just... wait, ok? Before you do something you'll regret.”

She didn't say anything. Still smiling slightly, she walked off towards her room. Revan walked over to the terminal on the wall. He told her he would speak to Lowe...

“Computer. Locate Master Lowe,” he said quietly A small dot appeared on the map, indicating Lowe's position. Keying off the terminal, he headed off in the direction of the training room.


He entered the training room to find Lowe still there. He looked up as Revan entered the room.

“Is there something you need, Padawan?” he asked politely - not at all like usual.

“Uhm... Well, I was planning on training on one of the droids, but... would you mind, sir?”

“Not at all,” said Lowe. He took a training saber from the case. Revan force grabbed one - his favourite, one with a bright green blade. He ignited it, and stepped into the duelling area.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


“I know what you're thinking about, Alynna,” Master Vol said quietly when he found his padawan in a small garden area. “And I knew I'd find you here.”

“Of course you knew you'd find me here,” Alynna replied, her voice barely above a whisper. “You knew I'd want to think and you know this is where I do it.”

“You want to leave the Jedi and fight with the Republic,” he sighed. “I can see it in your posture. Sense it in your voice, your mind.”

“The High Council made the wrong decision, Master,” she said boldly. “We cannot leave the Republic to fight this war alone.”

“So you would run off, abandoning your training, to help the Republic?” he asked. “Deny yourself the chance to be what you've wanted to be from the time you knew you could?”

“You know me,” Alynna said wryly. “Always up for a challenge.”

He chuckled dryly. “Even the challenge of convincing Ennao Vol, Jedi Knight, to train you. A dare, wasn't it?”

She smiled. “It was.”

“If you leave now, I'll fail that promise I made you,” he said sadly. “You won't do that to me... will you, Alynna?”

She said nothing for a long time.

“I don't want to fail you, Master,” she finally said. He shook his head slowly.

“Don't lie to me, Alynna,” he pleaded. “Not now. We both know what you want to do. What will you do?”

“Don't ask me that,” she answered, her tone sharp, but laced with pain.

“You need time to think,” he said quietly. “I will honour that.” With that, he retreated, leaving Alynna to the silent tears now flowing down her face. She was torn, unwilling to fail her Master, but feeling as though staying would be failing to act when action was needed. And she had no idea what she wanted to do...


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Kira sat on her bed, her back pressed up against the corner where two of her dorm's walls met. One arm was wrapped around her legs, which were pulled up to her chest, the other had its thumb pressed against her lips. She had tried to get to sleep several times now, but the voices of Atris and Kavar kept entering her head every time she came close to drifting off. With an exasperated sigh, she threw her pillow against the wall, and left her dorm in search of Master Kavar.

She found him, as she figured she would, in one of the observatory rooms that winged off from the library. At the moment, he was studying a holomap that looked as if it had been copied from the Net. As she watched, little red dots moved in groups across the holo-galaxy, stopped, and then reset themselves and began the movements again.

“Master?” she said, knocking on the door and entering tentatively.

He looked up at her for a moment, startled, then switched off the map. “Yes Kira? Are you alright? You seem a bit...distraught.”

“Master Kavar...there's something I need to ask you.” she said, lacking the patience for small talk. “I heard you arguing with Master Atris earlier-“

”We were debating, not arguing.” he corrected her, but she pressed on.

“And I was just wondering...do you really believe what you said? Do you really think the Council made the wrong decision?”

Kavar looked hard at her, showing no sign that he had even heard you besides the grim expression on his face. After a moment, he turned and reactivated the map. “Tell me, Kira.” he said, beginning to walk around the holo, “If you were in command of a military unit in a war zone, and you had two enemy units, both with far greater numbers than yours, and they were moving in on you from both sides in a pincer movement, with a third unit waiting in the wings, what would you do?”

Kira looked at him strangely for a moment, put off by how he avoided the question, but she soon put her mind to work finding a solution. “Well...there's a lot of variables...including the exact number, what types of weapons, terrain, intelligence and such, but... Perhaps a decoy would be the best solution? Take a small portion of your forces and put them up at a heavily fortified position, while the rest escape out the back until reinforcements can arrive?”

Kavar said nothing, but nodded, biting his lower lip. He switched the map off again, thanked her, and began to walk out.

“Um, Sir?” she asked, following after him a few steps, “You never answered my question.”

The master stopped in his tracks, looking at her over his shoulder. “Yes, Kira. I do,” he said darkly. He turned and walked off, leaving a satisfied Padawan in his wake.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Revan brought the lightsaber around in a swift uppercut at Lowe, who parried the blow and jabbed at Revan's torso. Revan blocked it close to the hilt of his blade, then flicked Lowe's blade up and around. He lashed at Lowe's head, releasing a little bit of the anger he felt coursing through him. Lowed ducked, then kicked at Revan's knees. Revan collapsed to the ground, and felt a mild shock as Lowe's saber came down on his neck. The lights along the edge of the ring went out, and the computer's voice filled his head.

“Final round, Lowe. Winner, Lowe.”

“You almost had me,” said Lowe, smiling, helping Revan to his feet. “Where did you learn the Hirashi form? I didn't think Master Zhar would have taught you that one?”

Revan shrugged. “Picked it up somewhere,” he said, wiping his forehead with his towel. “Computer, begin another game.”

“Belay that,” said Lowe. “It's getting late, Revan.”

“You scared?” he asked, semi-jokingly. “Master?” he added, in an effort to sound more polite.

Lowe smiled. “Alright. One more game. Computer, begin.”

The lights around the edge of the ring flashed for a second, then stayed lit. Both men ignited their sabers.

“Master, there's something I wanted to talk to you about.”

Lowe made an attack on his arm, which he parried easily. “Go ahead,” said Lowe, somewhat suspiciously.

“It's.... it's Lake, sir,” he said. He dodged another attack, and met it with one of his own, bringing his lightsaber around and slashing at him. He blocked, and fell into a defensive position.

“What about her?”

“Sir... she's ready for the trials. If it weren't for her, I probably would have been killed in those ruins.”

They clashed again, resulting in a saber lock, which Revan broke by Force pushing Lowe back to the floor. The lights on the floor flashed.

“First round, Revan.”

Revan reached out a hand to help the Master to his feet. “That's admirable. But I'm her master, not you,” Lowe said sternly. “I decide when she's ready.”

The computer began the next round, and Lowe jabbed at Revan's saber arm, was blocked, attacked his left leg, was blocked, and aimed for his chest, and was blocked. “With all due respect, master... She's more ready to be a Jedi than anyone else. I don't see why you-“

Lowe slashed upwards with his lightsaber and knocked Revan's blade from his hand. The lights flashed again. “Second round, Lowe.”

“The matter is not up for debate,” he growled.

Revan threw out his hand, and the lightsaber flew back to him. The third round began, and the men circled each other, blades ready. Revan twirled his blade in his hand, then swung it around to meet Lowe's. Lowe pulled back, then swung forward in a dangerous Mitala attack. Revan was forced into a Shii-Tala block, taking a step backwards. Lowe came at him with a swift attack to the chest. Revan ducked, rolled under Lowe's legs, and elbowed him in the back. He fell face forward, the lights flashing.

“Third round, Revan.” Lowe got to his feet with a grunt.

“Master, if you just considered it... she could-“

The fourth round started, and Lowe began on the offensive. “The decision-“ he swung at Revan from the side, and Revan barely blocked. “-has been made!” He attacked again, this time from the other side. Revan couldn't block the second one, and both blades shut down as the lights flashed for the fourth time.

“Fourth round, Lowe.”

Revan jumped over Lowe, the fifth round starting as he was in the air. He dropped down on him, his green blade tearing through the air. Lowe blocked, and pushed Revan back.

“Master, it's frustrating her. If you're worried about-”

“Enough!” said Lowe, as they circled each other. “You are just a padawan. You know nothing of what you speak. You are in no position to judge my choice! She is not ready!”

Revan snapped. Releasing his anger and frustration, he lunged at Lowe, his training blade colliding with Lowe's, sending it flying into the air. He brought his blade down on Lowe's face, and the lights flashed and went out.

“Final round, Revan. Winner, Revan.”

Lowe shook his now numb head, trying to stand. Revan threw the training saber to the floor, turned to the door, and left without another word.

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Well, I think they'd only yell at me if I posted a chapter that's too close to where the RP is. I think I could post... two more. But that's it. Then I really, really need to stop. This next chapter is... well, it's not that great. I wish I could have expanded the recruiting time, but... ideas just wouldn't come.


Chapter Nine


Revan awoke the next morning to the sound of his comm unit going off. He glanced at the chronometer - it was barely 8 in the morning. Groaning, he got up, walked over to the unit, and accepted the call. It was Atris.

“Mistress,” he said, surprised. “I... what can I do for you, ma'am?”

“Get dressed, and report to the Council chambers immediately,” she ordered. “The Council wishes to speak to you.”

His stomach leaped into his chest. Oh, crap...

“Understood, Mistress,” he said. “I'll be there in ten minutes.”

Atris nodded, and closed the channel.


Two minutes later, Revan left his room and headed to the Council chamber. When he arrived, Atris was awaiting him. She opened the door, and moved aside. “Enter,” she said. Revan gave her a curious look, but obeyed. He looked around at the Masters gathered there. All of them looked more serious than usual. Even Dorak, usually in a friendly mood, merely nodded to him as he passed.

Boy am I in trouble... he thought.

He stood in the centre of the room, the Masters staring at him intently. Lowe looked angry, and would not make eye contact with him.

As Atris took her seat, Vandar spoke. “We sense your anxiety, Padawan,” he said. “We did not call you here to punish you.”

Revan relaxed slightly, his curiosity rising. “If I may ask, Master... Why am I here?”

Lowe gave him a condescending look. “Because we have called you before us,” he snapped. Anger rose in Revan's chest, but he forced it down. He fought the urge to retort, and merely nodded.

“We have disturbing news for you, Revan,” said Zhar darkly. “Onderon, a Republic planet on the Outer Rim, was attacked by the Mandalorians late last night. Three million civilians were killed, as well as a million military personnel.”

Feeling like someone had punched him in the gut, Revan cleared his throat. “... Why... why tell...”

“We have a mission for you,” said Vrook. “You are very close to your trials. We believe that through this mission, you will be prepared to become a Jedi in full.”

“As I'm sure you can imagine, the damage to both the planetary economy and the morale of the citizens has suffered greatly. We believe that the presence of Jedi to aid them will go a long way to restoring morale, at the very least.”

“You have... displayed an interest in aiding in the Mandalorain Wars. Although we cannot allow you to join the was as a soldier, we can send you as a diplomat and peace keeper.”

“Due to the danger of this mission, you are not permitted to leave alone,” said Dorak. “You will select no more than seven other padawans to accompany you.”

“Padawans ready for their trials,” said Lowe pointedly.

Revan stared at him defiantly. “Of course, Master,” he said. “I assumed as much.” Lowe narrowed his eyes, but said nothing more.

“You have 24 hours to select your team,” said Zhar. “You are to be the leader of this mission, Revan. We will not be sending a Knight along with you.”

“One of the individuals you select will be your 'second in command', so to speak,” said Lowe. “Choose carefully.”

“Once you have selected your team, report back to the Council,” said Vandar. “May the Force be with you.”

“Thank you, master,” said Revan, bowing. He gave Lowe one more glance, then turned on his heel, and left the Council chambers.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Revan walked up behind Kira in the library. She was sitting alone at the back of the room, her head bent over a datapad, her back to him. “Hey, Kira,” he said, sitting beside her and pulling a holo disc towards him.

She didn't respond at first, as she finished off the bit of information she was reading from her datapad. After she read the last line, she put the pad down, kneading her forehead and rubbing her eyes.

“I've been here since...what...5 am?” she said, her face half covered. “Sometimes I wish I could sleep like a normal person...”

Finished mumbling to herself, she looked up at him. “So what's up? Zhar didn't try and get you into a training session this early, did he?”

“Atris woke me,” he said. “The Council wanted to speak to me. Alone.”

This news brought her full attention to him. She leaned closer to him so they wouldn’t be overheard. “Oh? What about? Not your outburst yesterday?” she hissed. “Please tell me that wasn't it!”

He shook his head. “No. That's what I thought at first, too, but...” he looked around. “They're sending me on a mission.”

She gave him a curious look, and he continued. “Onderon was attacked last night. Four million killed.” She stared at him, her mouth open in horror. “They want me to go keep the peace. I don't know why they need peace keepers, but... I assume they'll brief me later.”

“So... when do you leave?” she asked.

“Well, I have to pick a team of seven other padawans. Ones... ready for their trials.”

“Oh. They're not sending a Knight with you?”

“No,” he answered. “I'm in command of the team... and... I need a second in command.”

She leaned back in her chair. “Well,” she said thoughtfully. “Kytono would be a good choice, I think... And Malak would be more than happy to-“

”I was thinking about you, Kira,” he said.

She stopped in mid-sentence. “Oh...” she said, caught off guard. “Well, sure,” she continued, recovering. “I'd be glad to,” came the answer, a smiling gracing her features.

Revan smiled back. “Great. Alright, I was thinking... Malak is coming, that's obvious. Alynna's the only half decent pilot here. No offense. And I want to bring Jack, too. That leaves two people.”

She stared at the table thoughtfully, biting her lower lip.

“What about Lake?” he asked suddenly.

She sighed impatiently. “That would be great, but Lowe would never-“

”I don't care,” he said sharply. “He's wrong. She's ready. Besides... she needs to get out of here. I... I stopped her from making a big mistake last night...” She opened her mouth as if to ask what had happened, but he stopped her. “Ask her, not me,” he said. “Anyway, she's coming. That leaves one more person. Any thoughts?”

“Well...Actually...” Kira said, looking at him as if to say “I'm sorry”.

He knew what she was thinking. He shook his head firmly. “No. No way in hell.”

“Look, Rev, I don't like her all that much either, but she could be useful. Her extensive knowledge of the Force might be the key to solving some unforseen problem or another...she's an expert healer, too, and Onderon being a war zone, we may need someone with that skill...”

Revan stood quickly, and began pacing impatiently behind his chair.

“Look, Rev, think about it! She-“

”But... it's Bastila,” he said, exasperated. “She's... she's...”

She simply looked at him.

He sighed. He wasn’t going to win this. “Alright, alright,” he said. “I give up... I'll... I'll talk to the Council. And her.”

“So it's decided, then.” she said, standing as well. “Strange, isn't it? The Council sends us to help a recovery effort, but we can't participate in the war itself.”

“Don't get me started,” he said, glaring at her. “C'mon,” he continued, heading to the door. “Let's find them. Unless you're enjoying reading up on...” he grabbed the pad she had been examining. “My god... Stand up. I'm getting you out of here before you bore yourself to death.”

“Well, I'd be lying if I said that I was a little interested in-“ but she was cut off as Revan grabbed her by the shoulder and steered her out of the library.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


“So you're fine about coming?”

Kira and Revan had just finished explaining the situation to Jack moments before, and the man was eager to join them.

“Of course, why wouldn't I be?” he said enthusiastically.

“Alright then, Revan still needs to talk to the Masters, but we should be leaving-“

”Going somewhere?”

Kira looked up to see Bastila striding down the hall towards them. “Oh, Force.” she said, seeing Revan's expression.

The younger woman sidled up to them, her arms crossed and her expression, as always, all-knowing. “I heard through the grapevine that you were called to a private audience with the Masters.”she said, cocking an eyebrow at Revan, “What about?”

“None of your business, you little...” he began, but stopped himself. “Wait... wait. I'm sorry. To be honest, it is your business for once.”

Her eyebrow arched even more.

“The Council are sending me on a mission to Onderon, to deal with the victims of the Mandalorian attack. I'm supposed to take a team of eight - myself included - with me.” He stopped, as if bracing himself. “And... I want you to come,” he said, as if it killed him to admit it.

Her lips cracked into a small, smug smile. “Oh? And why would you want that?”

He sighed, giving Kira a desperate look, as if begging for help. She turned away, hiding a smile, trying as hard as she could not to laugh. He turned back to Bastila.

“Look... you're... you're a talented young... woman...” he said, as if every word tore him apart inside. “And... if it's alright with your master, I... I think you could...” he gritted his teeth. “...greatly benefit the team.”

Her smile became wider, but no less smug. “Indeed. I will speak with the Masters, but I would not mind joining you.” With that, she turned and disappeared down the hall.

Kira couldn't hold it any longer, and burst out laughing. “I think Revan's got a new girlfriend!” she said through boughts of giggles.

He put an arm around her, smiling. “I don't need a new one,” he said. “Not until the one I got gets old.”

“And what's that supposed to mean?” she asked jokingly, but she couldn't stop from blushing at the remark He simply smiled deviously.

. After a moment, she got her colour under control again. “So, where to next?”

“We should gather everyone together,” he said, removing his arm awkwardly. “The Council told me to see them before we left. I assume they'll want to brief us. Let's find them all, and meet them at the Council chambers.”


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Two hours later, Revan arrived outside the Council chambers to see Kira, Malak, Bastila, Alynna, Lake, and Jack already there, all of them but looking slightly nervous. Malak was eyeing Bastila with disdain. He gave Revan a look as if to say “Why in the name of the Force are we taking here?” He ignored him.

“Alright,” he said. “We should-“

The door shot open, and Atris stepped out. She looked at each of them in turn, then looked to Revan. “The Council is ready for you and your team, Revan,” she said.

Revan nodded, and led the others into the Council chambers.


As Atris took her seat, Revan stepped forward to address the Council. “Masters, I have selected my team. I-“

”Padawan Lake is not permitted to accompany you!” said Lowe sternly.

“I was told to bring those who were ready for their trials. Not those deemed worthy by the Council to take the trials. In my opinion, Lake fulfills the requirements set before me.”

Lowe glared at him. “I request that the Council discuss this matter in private.”

“That will not be necessary,” said Vandar. “Padawan Lake will be permitted to accompany you. However,” he added, cutting off Lowe. “She will not be permitted to take the trials upon her return, unless Master Lowe says otherwise. Is that clear?”

Revan stared darkly Lowe, gritting his teeth. “Understood.”

Vandar continued. “The Council has something... special, in store for you,” he said, smiling slightly. “All of you.”

“The Council has decided that this mission will be the first of your trials,” said Vrook. “No, I stand corrected. The second.”

“The first, will be the construction of your lightsabers,” explained Dorak.

Lowe cleared his throat. “Lake... I have decided that this is something you are prepared for,” he said. “I will allow you to construct your lightsaber, as you will most likely need it on this... mission.”

Lake smiled happily. “Thank you, Master,” she said.


“I congratulate you, Padawans.” Zhar said, as each of them fingered their new sabers. Kira had chosen a new, double-bladed saber with a blue focussing crystal. She twirled the hilt experimentally, coming close to dropping it. Afterwards, she held it tightly in both hands, looking attentively at the Masters.

“You have completed the first task of the Trials.” Vrook said, almost grudgingly, “Know now that you will be recognized as Jedi wherever you go. The Lightsaber is a symbol of our Order and all that it stands for. Do not abuse it.”

“Now that you are fully prepared,” Kavar continued, “We wish you luck on your next task. A shuttle will be waiting for you in the Enclave's docking bay. It will be set to leave in one hour, so gather what you must and bored the shuttle. We warn you now that we're not sure when you will be returning to the Enclave. It could be next week, or six months from now. However, when the Council calls for you, you must be ready to leave immediately. Is that clear?”

“Crystal, sir.” Revan said.

“Very good. Padawan Revan, you and your team are dismissed. Best of luck, and may the Force be with you.”


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


“Everyone to their rooms,” ordered Revan, as they left the Council chambers. “Grab your bags, and get to the landing pad. I want to be ready for take off in one hour.” The others nodded, and broke away from the group as they reached the hallways to their rooms.


Twenty minutes later, Jack arrived at the landing pad, completing the group.

“Shuttle Three has been assigned to us,” said Revan, as Jack came within earshot. “Everyone to their stations.

“I'm beginning to think Revan's having too much fun being the 'team leader'.” Kira murmured to Lake, as she watched Revan with a smile, “He's getting that military touch to him.”

Lake nodded. “I think it’s funny how he thinks he’s going to be able to keep ordering us around like that,” she said, smiling “But I'm used to it,” she said quietly, as she stepped aboard the ship. “I'm just grateful that I got to come along.” She said nothing more, but gave Revan a grateful but quick grin. “Weapons station for me?” she asked him.

He smiled, and waved an arm in the general direction of tactical. “Be my guest,” he said. He gave Kira a meaningful glance, then boarded the ship himself.

Once they were all aboard, he sat in the command chair of the small craft. He looked around uncomfortably for a moment, then looked ahead of him. A voice broke over the comm system. “Shuttle Three, you are cleared for take off.”

“Understood,” said Revan, smiling. “Alynna: take us up. Let's get this show on the road.”


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Twelve hours later, they dropped out of hyperspace in orbit of Onderon. Revan stood from his chair and looked at Kira, still sitting in her own. “I'm going to contact the local authorities, and notify them of our arrival,” he said. He stopped on his way to the comm station in the back. “I think this ship needs a name,” he said suddenly. “Somehow, 'Shuttle-pod Three' just doesn't sound right.”

“How about... Justice?” Kira suggested, “After all, isn't that what we all want to give to these people?”

“Justice it is then,” he said, smiling slightly. He accessed the comm panel and hailed the authorities.

“This is Revan of the Jedi Order,” he said. “I trust that Master Vandar Tokare informed you of our arrival?”

A rough male voice broke over the speakers. “He did. Welcome to Onderon. You are cleared for landing at Iziz Space-port. You will be required to submit to an inspection before leaving the docks.”

“Understood,” he said. “Revan out.”

“I think I'd go more for something along the lines of the Vindicator,” Lake quietly suggested as the ship landed in Iziz space-port. She moved to open up the embarkation ramp. “These people need more than just simple justice. They need arbitration and defence as well.” She pushed the button, and the ramp opened up. “We all do,” she added under her breath, and she headed down the ramp towards the inspectors station, lightsaber secured at her side.

Revan and Kira shared a look before Kira started off down the loading ramp after Lake.

“Lake, wait up!” she called. When she had caught up with her, she asked, “Are you alright? You've been acting kind of...strangely.”

When Lake didn't answer, she added on quietly, “Revan told me about the meeting the two of you had, though he wouldn't tell me what it was about. I was hoping you would.”

Lake stared blankly at Kira for a moment. “You really don't want to know,” she said to her, in a voice void of any emotion. “Let's just say I was having... dark thoughts. Very dark thoughts.” She smiled, a sort of strange, wry smile. “I don't know what Revan said to Master Lowe, but whatever it was, I'm glad that I was able to leave.” She paused a moment. “And... so is Lowe. Even though he might not know it,” she added.

“We wouldn't have let them keep you there, anyways. You're ready, even if Master Lowe was too blind to see it.” Kira paused a moment, “The reason you're acting this way...is it because of those dark thoughts?”

Lake snorted with amusement. “You're just not going to let this drop, are you?” she said, more of a statement than a question. She stared at the ground for a few seconds, then looked up.

“I was going to leave the Enclave. Leave the Order. Revan convinced me to wait. If I hadn't come with you now, I would have left on my own.” She looked Kira directly in the eye. “I wanted to kill him, Kira. Lowe, I mean. And not just figuratively. Really kill him. And if Revan hadn't taken me with him, I....” She paused, frowning worriedly. “C'mon,” she said, heading towards the inspection station. “The inspectors are waiting.”

Kira watched after her in slight distress. She couldn't truly have been driven to such an extent...? It doesn't matter now. There are other matters to take care of.

“Hey guys, let's go!” she called back to the others. “We won't get anything done if we stand around here all day!”

Revan exited the craft, looking around as he did so. There landing pad was heavily damaged, and, judging by the disorganized manner in which the personnel operated, heavily understaffed.

“Let's get to the inspections office,” he said, leading the way.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


The inspections office was a heavily damaged building just off the landing ring. They were met by a rather dirty soldier, who saluted Revan as he approached.

"We are honoured to have you here, Master Jedi," he said.

Revan rolled his eyes and returned the salute. "At ease, before you sprain something," he said sharply. "I'm Revan, and these are my associates." He indicated Kira. "This is my second in command, Kira Starr."

The soldier relaxed a little. "I'm under orders to take you to see Commander Hykes," he said. "He asked me to bring only the leader."

Revan glared at him. "Anything Mr. Hykes has to say to me, he can say to my team," he said sharply.

The soldier looked as if he were about to argue, but thought better of it. "Understood," he said. "This way."

He led them through the inspection, which they passed through quickly. Once their lightsabers were returned to them, they were led out of the building to a small military installation. A crippled Basilisk droid lay smoking a couple dozen metres away, a scavenging team working the craft.

He led them into a field tent, where a man looking to be in his late thirties sat at a desk at the far end, a map of the area laid out in front of him. He looked up as they entered.

"Ah, you've arrived. You must be Revan," he said, standing and reaching out his hand. "I'm Commander Hykes."

"Revan, of the Jedi Order," said Revan, shaking his hand. "This is my number one, Kira Starr."

He greeted Kira somewhat less enthusiastically, merely nodding. He indicated a large map on his desk.

"You will be assigned to this area," he said, indicating a small area of the capital city. "Most of the refugees seem to be gathering here, and will greatly benefit from the presence of Jedi."

"Understood," said Revan. "It doesn't look like that area is in good shape. We'll probably need extra security personnel, in addition to what's already there."

"I'll send what I can," agreed Hykes.

Revan nodded. “Alright. We’ll be on our way then.”

“Excellent. I will have Major Connor show you to your rooms."

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry. Lote of homework. Here's chapter ten. It's the last one for a while - the RP has hit a dead end for now. Kira and I are trying to work things out, but we've both got writers block. Anyway, here it is.


Chapter Ten


As they strode from the building, Kira shuddered. Now that they were further into the city, the infinate waves of pain and destruction practically drowned her. She put a hand to her head, noticed what she was doing, then masked the movement by pushing a loose hair behind her ear. How could this happen? I've never felt anything like it before... she gazed around at the city - or the wreckage that was left. Buildings had collapsed, streets were decimated with craters, towers and poles had fallen over or were shorn clean from their bases. While no bodies were evident, if she looked closely, there were stains of blood on the streets, buildings, and debris. The very scene caused her to close her eyes or else risk throwing up what little she had eaten on the journey there.

Revan saw that she was uncomfortable, and slowed down to walk beside her. “You feel it to,” he said. It wasn't a question.

“How could you not?” she asked, her voice quiet; pained. “I knew what to expect -- I knew it would feel like this...but I had no idea that it could be this bad...” she hugged her arms tightly around herself, suddenly feeling cold. “This is terrible...how could Mandalorians...how could anyone do something like this?”

After a moment, she looked up and met his eyes, seeing the worry that shone in them. Unwilling to seem weak, she put on a reassuring smile. “I'll be fine.” she said. He stared at her for a moment after she looked away, his eyebrows knitted with concern. After a moment, he slowly looked away.

After a few more minutes of walking, they entered the zone they had been assigned to. They were greeted by another soldier, this one a young marine armed with an assault blaster rifle.

“Revan, I presume?” he said. “I'm major Connor.”

“Yes, I'm Revan,” he said, then turning to introduce the others. “This is my team - my number one: Kira Starr, my pilot: Alynna, my tactical officer: Lake, my Operations officer: Jack, and my loyal henchmen: Malak.”

Connor nodded to each of them as their name was said. “I'm to show you to your quarters first, then give you a tour of the zone.”

“Understood. Lead on.


He led them to a dilapidated looking building, “These will be your rooms,” said Connor. “We have three rooms to spare for you.”

“That means two to a room...” said Jack.

“We'll take two of them,” said Revan. “Guys in one, girls in the other.”

“Should we get settled in the rooms now, or did you have an assignment for us?” Kira asked.

“The General won't be back for another hour, at least. Take some time to get settled. I'll page you when he returns.”

“Understood,” said Revan, nodding. “Alright boys and girls,” he said, smiling, his authoritative aura dropping instantly. “What say we rest up a bit? I don't know about you guys, but I have a killer case of jet lag.”

“You sure it's the jet lag? Because I saw you tipping back quiet a few on the way...” Kira yelled playfully as she ducked inside the room, dodging Revan's hand. Safely out of his reach, the second-in-command dropped her bag in the corner of the room and leaned against the wall for a minute. Maybe the jet lag caught up with her, too.


Without saying a word to any of the others, Lake slung her bag on the top of one of the bunks, and then climbed up and laid down. She was tired, too, but for a different reason. She'd been struggling all day with her feelings toward Master Lowe, and now she was feeling very guilty and ashamed about letting her temper and frustration get out of control. Master Lowe was right. If she couldn't control her emotions, she was not ready to take the trials to become a Jedi Knight.

I shouldn't be here... she thought to herself.

She let out a sigh, then turned towards the wall and closed her eyes, thinking that things might be clearer after a good sleep.

“You know, you might feel better if you tried to meditate and settle yourself, rather than sleep.” Kira said, leaning against the short ladder that lead up to the bunk that Lake currently lay on.

“I can't clear my head in this place,” Lake said quietly to Kira. “There's too much...” She paused, wanting to say the words 'death,' 'pain,' 'sadness,' or 'despair', but finding them too difficult to utter. “Just too much,” she ended up saying instead.

“I see...” Kira murmured. So, Lake had felt it as well. This planet...it felt hardly like a planet anymore. More like a crater, or an echo...

“Forget I said anything.” she said, and left the room. If she was going to get settled here, she would have to try and get used to this feeling, or at least figure out some way to shut it out. Acting on impulse, she headed down the corridor.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


They entered their room, and Jack headed straight for the bed. “I'm exhausted, guys...” he said. “Wake me in an hour, will you?”

He didn't wait for a response, and closed his eyes. Within seconds, he was fast asleep.

Revan shook his head, smiling slightly. He sat at the computer terminal in the room, and activated it. He pulled up a map of the region, and began examining the results. But only half-heartedly.

Malak sensed that he was distracted. “Revan? Are you alright?”

Revan rubbed his eyes. “Yeah,” he lied. “Just tired, is all.”

“You're a terrible liar, Rev.”

He didn't know what to say, so he remained silent. Malak wouldn't give up that easy.

“It too risky, Revan. You're Jedi. It's not allowed.”

“You're starting to sound like Vrook,” spat Revan.

“I take that as a compliment,” said Malak. “Vrook is a wise-“

”Vrook is an old man with a superiority complex.”

“Revan... I'm trying to help you. These feelings... they're forbidden to the Jedi.”

“You don't think I know that?” he asked, shutting down the terminal. “You don't think that the threat of being exiled from the Order means anything to me? Of course it does! But... so does she.”

Malak looked at him helplessly. “Revan... You can't-“

Revan stood, ignoring him now. “I'm going for a walk,” he said, to nobody in particular. “If I'm not back in an hour, wake up Jack, then call me on the comm link.”


”I'll talk to you later.”

With that, he left the room, the door hissing shut behind him.

Kira's ears picked up the hiss of a door, and she looked back. Revan was striding down the hallway toward her, his head down and hands jammed in his pockets.

“Have something on your mind, Commander?” she asked playfully, and his head shot up. She paused, and waited for him to catch up. “C'mon, walk with me.”

“If you don't mind,” he said, falling into step beside her. “I prefer Captain.”

“My apologies, Captain.” she said, 'bowing'. They entered the main lobby of the building, then exited out the front entrance and out onto the street.

For several moments they went on in silence as they examined the devastation around them. Then, in a quiet voice, Kira asked, “What would you have done? If you were here during the attack, would you have fought back? Or would you have sat out, according to the Council's wishes?” She already knew the answer, but for some reason, she needed to hear him say it. Perhaps to know that she wasn't alone in her way of thinking? The ease of mind to know he was on her side?

Revan sighed. “To be honest... I'm not sure. I... I'd like to think that I could have obeyed the Council, and stayed out of it. But...”

He trailed off, thinking. “I think that... if I had to choose between the Council's orders and saving lives... I'd face exile any day.”

She smiled. Just what she had wanted to hear. “Good to know I'm not the only one.” she said, looking at the ground.

He looked at her suddenly. “There's something... something bothering you, isn't there?”

She didn't say anything. “C'mon, Kira... you can't hide it. Not from me.”

Kira's face turned a startled red. “What? Oh, it's nothing.” when he cocked an eyebrow at her, she added, “Honest!”

How the hell would he have known that? She had been shielding her thoughts and emotions from others nearby, and she would have felt him enter her mind...

He arched an eyebrow in disbelieve. “Alright...” he said slowly.

“Look, I'd just rather not talk about it right now.” she said, looking away from him. After a moment, she asked, “How long have we been gone?”

“I don't know for sure,” he said. “Probably about twenty minutes. We should get back, wake the others, and wait for Major Connor to page us.”

“Sounds good to me...” Kira said, glad Revan had taken the hint. “Though...you're the one who's waking everyone up, right, Captain?”

Revan rolled his eyes. “You do know I was kidding about the captain thing, right?” he asked. He turned around to head back to the rooms. “Commander is fine.”

“Really?” she said, touching her shoulder with his and leaning on him for a moment, “I think I like Revan the best.”

He pushed her playfully as they entered the building. “Actually, I've been thinking. I don't get enough respect from you people. Maybe the title 'your majesty' would help?”

“Oh, I'm flattered you think I'm royalty, Revan.” Kira joked, striking a pose and fluttering her eyelashes. “I would make a good Miss Universe, wouldn't I?”

“That depends,” he said, as they walked up to the guy's room door. “Which universe?”

“What if I said...yours?” Kira asked, moving to stand in front of him. Her expression was playful, but the question was serious.

Revan stared at her, not sure what she meant. He coughed. “Uhm... well...”

He fell silent, starring into her eyes. She was getting closer. He could have counted her eye lashes, had he been so inclined.

The door opened, and Malak stood framed in it. Kira pulled away quickly, blushing slightly. “Jack's awake,” he said to Revan, giving him a pointed look.

Revan gulped, then nodded. “Good. Major Connor will be paging us any moment. I'll be right in.”

Malak gave him a dark look, then retreated into the room.

As Malak withdrew, Revan looked back to her. She tried to control her heartbeat as she blushed furiously. “You should...You should probably go in. The uh...they guys'll be waiting for you. I'll...I'll go get the girls.”

He nodded, gulping again. “Understood. I'll, uhm... I'll talk to you later.”

“Right. Of course.” She answered, and disappeared into the girl's room.

“Up and at 'em.” she said as she entered, checking in the mirror to make sure she had gotten her color under control. “Revan wants us all ready when the General arrives.”


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Malak stood on the other side of the room, his arms folded across his chest, starring intently at Revan. Jack was nowhere to be found.

“C'mon, Malak,” said Revan jokingly. “I know you're hungry, man, but Jack-“

Malak was not in the mood to joke. “You have to stop this, Revan,” he said seriously.

Revan looked to the floor. “Find Jack. I want to arrive at the briefing room together. Bring him back here. I have work to do.” He went to the terminal and activated it, and immersed himself in the data.

Malak gave him another dark look, then left the room to find Jack.

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Long it is


connor, please do not double post, that is having multiple posts in a row, and do not advertise your fiction in another persons thread, please read our Forum Rules before posting again. I have deleted your advertising post. -RH

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, now that was a really long story to read!


I found it very entertaining, I've always wanted to read a good Kotor story which takes places during Revan's days at the academy, right before he enters the war.


However, is Kira the future jedi exile? Strange that she falls in love with Revan ... but interesting too! Right now, you seem to focus your story on 3 Characters, Revan, Kira and Lake. I wonder what role Lake will play in your story later on...

One thing though, why do you leave Bastila out on the mission on oderon, afer all she's part of the team, but she never gets to say or do anything - that wouldn't really fit her character would it? Or am I dumb, and the didn'T go with the team?


Can't wait for the next chapter to come out, great story!

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Bastila is a minor character in this part of the story. Remember, this story is an in progress RP, and the characters that post most are the ones who get the most focus, for now. Jack will begin to play a much more prominent role, I can assure you, as will Alynna. This is assuming, of course, that the RP gets moving again. If it doesn't, I'll probably take it on as one of my many writing projects...

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The next chapter might not be up for a while. Rob refuses to post in the thread, for some reason...*grumbles incoherently*

We'll try to get on without him, but it's not easy.


Hey! I did post just a moment ago!


Anyways, sorry for the time I was gone, but now I'll be able to continue in the RP thread... and in any other threads that I have missed countless pages in...

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Am I missing something? Are you writing this story together with other people or all alone Doctor?


Anway keep up the good work! This is my favourite story on this website. The length of the story is also amazing.. makes me almost think I read a novel.

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