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Dark Side Ability


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As long as there is balance between being able to choose either LS or DS and still be able to have an after game feature, then fine...but I think that I would like to see it be more than just battles - perhaps gives you a chance to go back and finish side quests that you didn't get a chance to do as well?

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Shouldn't you be doing this during the game and not afterwards?

Yup... There shouldn't be any after ending play that defeats the purpose of the game and the pre-existing format.


See, to allow us free play after the end would compete with Galaxies, that is the game to do these kinds of things, in LA view anyway. ;)

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I agree with RH and Prime. It should be all about the story, right? So why have all this other stuff, after the end, that has no story-relevance? Just like Prime said, when the story is done, it's done. It would be kinda stupid to keep going after the game is done and wonder around fighting enemies.

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nah i recon after the game u should just ahve free play so u can go round and ether conqure or defend but it would start 2 get boring but i can never complete the side quests in time so maybe u could complete them after the game and even if its bad after u do the main story edleast ull have something 2 do and maybe u could find out more about people in ur party

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nah i recon after the game u should just ahve free play so u can go round and ether conqure or defend but it would start 2 get boring but i can never complete the side quests in time so maybe u could complete them after the game and even if its bad after u do the main story edleast ull have something 2 do and maybe u could find out more about people in ur party


If done correctly, much like KoTOR, it should all be in the game, the devlopment of the characters and the side quests.


You make time for the side quests, it's not as if you have a time limit...?


If you want to defend or conquer planets, then Empire at War or Battlefront are the games for it. Redundant idea for KoTOR.

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If you want to defend or conquer planets, then Empire at War or Battlefront are the games for it. Redundant idea for KoTOR.

My thoughts exactly.


It would be better if the forum was kept clean of little unrealistic idea threads... please.


How do you propose to go about doing this, we lock the forum? Kind of self-defeating IMO. If a thread irritates you like this then you need to refrain from posting in it, simply move on and find another that intrests you. Thanks. -RH

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nah i recon after the game u should just ahve free play so u can go round and ether conqure or defend but it would start 2 get boring but i can never complete the side quests in time so maybe u could complete them after the game and even if its bad after u do the main story edleast ull have something 2 do and maybe u could find out more about people in ur party


In time? There is no time limit, like Kensai said. You have until eternity to finish the sidequests before the game, as the game won't progress until you want it to.


And what are you supposed to do after the game is over? Once the story ends, the game ends. You don't just rove around and do nothing except fight or explore, that is what you do during the game. KOTOR is a lot about the storyline, so... why make it so it's not? I want to play KOTOR because of the story, not because of the fact that you can mess around forever, even after the end.


Seriously, aren't you able to find out about your party, finish sidequests, and fight all within the actual game? This isn't EaW or BF, so like Kensai said, conquering/defending planets isn't within the style. And as for "at least having something to do", well... you have the whole storyline to go through, so... :)

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Well instead of aftergame stuff I want it during the game if your DS. To make it not EAW or RTS style conquer it through persuasion or by dialogs without controlling you fleet. But only conquer planets with some connection to the story.

Yah i guess but i still would want the fleet part in it but not to much into to it.

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