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A plea to change 'Quick Match'

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

It seems most of the online problems are fixed - apart from the random scrolling that does occur.


It's great that the 43 map campaign has been put in, but what is the point, if you actually can't select any of the settings for a game? This is probably the first game I have ever played online where you can't select your game settings!


The total randomness of playing a campaign game must be changed in the next patch, especially if you want to encourage more players to actually play on the ladder.


I suggest taking a long hard look at the way Rebellion handled game settings for campaign games, which is what we do need.



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OK, after checking into it, I've got the following response...


The fact that you can't choose your sides is a bug that will be fixed. The rest of the settings are set by the server for tournament reasons for control and fairness, and likely won't change. Playing a standard, non-quickmatch game will give you the settings I mentioned above.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Thanks for the update. The idea of the quick match is for a ladder game and to be honest, I would like to know if Im gonna be playing out a 10 planet map or 43 planet map. Currently, its the games biggest flaw if that cant be changed really. As we all know, playing normal custom games = quitters.





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For the custom games, it would be nice to be able to choose victory conditions for the campaigns. It would be nice to play a game even after the Death Star is destroyed, or just make the objective conquest, where you have to control all planets.


This would be fun =)

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Yes, I can see where getting the 43 planet campaign randomly when you only have time for 8 could be annoying. I'll mention this to the multiplayer people.


The Death Star victory condition is in the code and can be accessed via modders in the XML. Actually for those modders reading, here's the list of victory conditions you can add to campaigns using the tags <Good_Victory_Conditions> and <Evil_Victory_Conditions> (good being Rebel and evil being Empire):














(superweapon refers to the Death Star)


And these can be used as modifiers to some of the above conditions:











It might be worthwhile to expose these in the galactic conquest setup for multiplayer as options - I will pass this idea along to the coders, but it may be something that would need to wait for an expansion/sequel to do since it would require some interface work.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

The whole campaign ladder is a woeful affair. Ive played the guy ranked number one, 4 times - some were back to back, despite there being 30 games around. And, if you do manage to get a win, it doesnt always count it - especially if you kill the Emperor and watch/not watch the FMV at the end.


Where is the sense of community? I was so looking forward to playing this online as I am getting tired of Dawn of War but when you have a ranking system like this...im sticking with DoW.



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If I'm not mistaken modability still isn't something which would matter for mp games as the game won't allow modded mp-games?

Omg! Patch 1.03 does not allow players with the exact same mod installed play online/lan?!?!?


I haven't tested this by myself but...





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just an idea

but have th pg gusy thought about putting, alon with super weapons and heros, a max tech level

alot of skirmishes i play are about rushing to the highest tech level and just fighting it out between cap ships


wile a max tech level would require a bit mroe strategy.....well....hopefully.....

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