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Caption Super Game III:Return of the Revenge

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Lol that's random. OK


Duck:Hmm... the man with glasses looks extra juicy today what do you think old boy?

Horse:I don't know old chap I rather favour the lady with brown hair how about you old spice?

Cow:Oh I don't know they all look the same to me; they are human after all!


*All laugh manically and incoherently*


KingCheez: (Observing the scene from a distance)Man; this is weider than Michael Jackson's nose!

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Lol that's random. OK


Duck:Hmm... the man with glasses looks extra juicy today what do you think old boy?

Horse:I don't know old chap I rather favour the lady with brown hair how about you old spice?

Cow:Oh I don't know they all look the same to me; they are human after all!


*All laugh manically and incoherently*


KingCheez: (Observing the scene from a distance)Man; this is weider than Michael Jackson's nose!

Winner, because it made me think of a goose with a monocle and that's just silly.


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The monacle man's name is Mr. White.


Vlad:Why hello Mr. White!


Mr. White: Hello Vlad. Might I admit your moustach is looking quite ravishing!


Vlad: Why thank you, and your monacle is giving me quit the racy thought.


Mr White: Why say, would you like to have a little fun in the back of my goose ridden carriage? The goose has a monacle too.


Vlad: Oh, I'd be delighted! Might I ask though, are you a biter?


Mr. White: No, I'm much more of a licker.


Vlad: Oh you tease, let's go already. I'm getting quite frisky!


Mr. White: Alright then, Tally ho!


drac.jpg+monocle.gif=TOGETHER 4EVER!

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The Monopoly guy keeps the severed heads of his competitors mounted on his fireplace, this is only the latest in his long line of murders.



And people think they're statues.


Winner! Because Darth_Ave's one scared me


Topic:Metal Gear Solid

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*CODEC rings*


Snake:Otacon? This is a really bad time to call

Otacon:Yeah I know you're on a "big mission" Snake but I have to talk to you

Snake:No seriously Otacon this is the worst possible time to call

Otacon:That's what you always say! You never have any time for me!

Snake:What? What the hell are you talking about pisspants?

Otacon:See that's what I'm talking about you always make fun of me!

Snake:Aw Jesus Christ! Look Otacon I'm sorry!

Otacon:*Cries loudly*

Snake:Look don't cry! Come on! Who's a happy Otacon?


(Outside the box)

Guard:Does this guy actually think I can't see him just cos he's under a freakin' box? Jesus what a dumbass! *shoots box repeatedly*


Otacon:OK Snake I'm willing to accept your apology. Snake? SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKEEEEEEEEEEEE!


Guard:SHUT THE HELL UP! *shoots CODEC*

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This is the face, of a lemon juice burn victim. Everyday people will be sprayed in the face by a lemon, and it will sting for a second. Especially if it was in the eyes. So please; send $4.00 a month to "0800-555-LEMON". And your money can help make a difference in these people's lives. We're not sure why though... Maybe we can use the money to rent a steam roller and then we could squash all the lemons in the country with it! Oh man that would be so cool!

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