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Caption Super Game III:Return of the Revenge

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Although most of you can already guess, it is not legal, due to child safety-oriented laws, to tell what is happening to this man's lower body.









Someone dropped an ice-cube down his back, which dropped into his pants.


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If I'm misinterpreting no topic as "whatever the hell I want" then tell me to take this down.




"Come, my beloved Renamon. I shall take you far away from here, to a place where bizarre creatures who resemble humans in cheesy costumes, like us, can live without fear of persecution."



"This makes me feel like I'm back in high school, which is weird because I'm only ten."

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Disclosed are gruesome depictions of the disease 'furry.' You may want to close your browser now. It first starts with drawing animals with human characteristics - then talking about things like 'yiff' and 'anthros'. Symptoms carry on including drawing naked and/or 'yiff'ing couples of said personified animals, until this stage, where the victim's social life is left completely dead.

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Ohh that's so pretty......


Snow guy-Tra la la.

Army dude-Hi ya! It is I, Maguyver!


Maguyver-Yes! Now I shall kill you with a sharpie and a toenail clipping!

Snow guy-Ok, but can I ask you a question first?

Maguyver-Ugh, go for it.

Snow guy-Ok, first of all, I'm a huge fan Richard Dean Anderson, but on Stargate SG-1, How do they get that gold thing on that one dude's head?

Maguyver-Why are the only questions I get about Stargate?

Snow dude-Because that show kicks ass. Maguyver wishes he was in Stargate

Maguyver- .....~kill~

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