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What a bunch of silly fools you all are - you thought you could delete the great Duke

Guest The Duke

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Guest The Duke

Well, what are you going to do now - The Duke is not a happy person!!! Some ideas for the Xwing site generally


1) Replace that crappy picture on the front picture with something different such as Jo or Rachel from S Club 7 - its getting annoying now!!!


2) Think of something intresting to say instead of a story about pizza, such as how you such ridiculous names, bar Gunray as he was in Episode 1.


3) Be more lively - offend people - its fun as I should know!!


4) Get a life - dont spend all the time on the one website. There are billions of websites out there waiting for you and your knowlodge (lack of)


5) On the front of the site, there is the quick links section. Has it ever occured to you that the link to the XWA Forums is exactly the same as the one of the blue bar on the top left of the screen?


6) Give people your minds worth of idea, apart from the following :


Darth Sceltor

Tek Gunner




As you cant spare any mind anyway


7) Sort out your Govenment. All we ask is that your country votes on who should be president and you cant even manage that!! Here in England, we watch, we vote and we find out who wins. No recounts.


8) Soccer = Football. American Football = crap.

Sort it out!!!


LoNg ThR DuKe!!!!

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Guest The Duke

Originally posted by TK421:

reccomendation: immediate closure & deletion


What a silly fool you are, cause you see that if you delete my, I will come back on, with different information!!!!

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posted by the Duke:

Get a life - dont spend all the time on the one website



it's nice to give advices but you should follow them to, so don't waste your time here.



The fun went away along with the pixels.

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The best solution to this, of course, is repeated large-caliber gunshot wounds to the forehead.



Was I supposed to eat the heads too? 'Cause I took nooo prisioners!


Once again, evil is defeated through the use of decorative agricultural technology!


Official forum Psychic

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Now that I've actually READ what he said instead of a random post based on who made the subject, I will comment:


1) Replace that crappy picture on the front picture with something different such as Jo or Rachel from S Club 7 - its getting annoying now!!!

What the hell are you talking about? And guess what else is annoying? That's right, it's YOU


2) Think of something intresting to say instead of a story about pizza, such as how you such ridiculous names, bar Gunray as he was in Episode 1.

As for the reference to ME, there's this thing called "fantasy." I'm a HUMAN ON EARTH. Not an ALIEN SPACE FROG. I picked this name for a reason you'll NEVER KNOW.

Secondly, let me tell you a story. A few months ago a user here changed her name secretly. I picked up it was her because of the way she structured her sentences. I'm pretty good at analyzing stuff like that. I've read "such as how you such ridiculous names" nine times and STILL have no idea what you're talking about.


3) Be more lively - offend people - its fun as I should know!!

I offend people I don't like. Other people do that too. I guess who I like and who I don't like. Then you'll understand.


4) Get a life - dont spend all the time on the one website. There are billions of websites out there waiting for you and your knowlodge (lack of)

Ironic that you spelt knowledge wrong. Apparently your life is so useless and boring that you have to harass people at a one website for a laugh.


5) On the front of the site, there is the quick links section. Has it ever occured to you that the link to the XWA Forums is exactly the same as the one of the blue bar on the top left of the screen?

I don't even know what this is supposed to me. You mean a webdesigner decide it would be a good idea to put more than one link to a single place on a page? OH NO! HE MUST BE SATAN'S *****! There's FOUR of them if you must know...


6) Give people your minds worth of idea, apart from the following :


Darth Sceltor

Tek Gunner




As you cant spare any mind anyway

That doesn't really make sense to me either


7) Sort out your Govenment. All we ask is that your country votes on who should be president and you cant even manage that!! Here in England, we watch, we vote and we find out who wins. No recounts.

It's about FOUR people who couldn't get this stuff figured out...


8) Soccer = Football. American Football = crap.

Sort it out!!!






I have a life, but I feel mostly dead.

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Guest Nute's Little Gunray

Nute Gunrays School Report - Subject - English


Originally posted by Nute Gunray:

Now that I've actually READ what Nute said instead of a random post based on who made the subject, I will comment on his stupidity:


1) Replace that crappy picture on the front picture with something different such as Jo or Rachel from S Club 7 - its getting annoying now!!!

What the hell are you talking about? And guess what else is annoying? That's right, it's YOU YOU SILLY LITTLE MAN!! Obviously your screens havn't been graced with there beauty - ask Milkshake about them


2) Think of something intresting to say instead of a story about pizza, such as how you such ridiculous names, bar Gunray as he was in Episode 1.

As for the reference to ME, there's this thing called "fantasy." I'm a HUMAN ON EARTH. Not an ALIEN SPACE FROG. I picked this name for a reason you'll NEVER KNOW.

Secondly, let me tell you a story. A few months ago a user here changed her name secretly. I picked up it was her because of the way she structured her sentences. I'm pretty good at analyzing stuff like that. I've read "such as how you such ridiculous names" nine times and STILL have no idea what you're talking about.


I know there there is something called fantasy mate, but there comes a point where you must become one of us again - leave the darkside young Luke :-)


3) Be more lively - offend people - its fun as I should know!!

I offend people I don't like. Other people do that too. I guess who I like and who I don't like. Then you'll understand.


I concur with this statement. Nothing more is needed.


4) Get a life - dont spend all the time on the one website. There are billions of websites out there waiting for you and your knowlodge (lack of)

Ironic that you spelt knowledge wrong. Apparently your life is so useless and boring that you have to harass people at a one website for a laugh.


No not really, knowlodge is spelt differently all over the world - another point on getting out there. I do insult other people on other forums, buts that another story.....


5) On the front of the site, there is the quick links section. Has it ever occured to you that the link to the XWA Forums is exactly the same as the one of the blue bar on the top left of the screen?

I don't even know what this is supposed to me. You mean a webdesigner decide it would be a good idea to put more than one link to a single place on a page? OH NO! HE MUST BE SATAN'S *****! There's FOUR of them if you must know...


Well I never knew that Nute - thats REALLY intresting - my life is now complete - notice I have mastered the art sarcasm


6) Give people your minds worth of idea, apart from the following :


Darth Sceltor

Tek Gunner




As you cant spare any mind anyway

That doesn't really make sense to me either


My point exactly.


7) Sort out your Govenment. All we ask is that your country votes on who should be president and you cant even manage that!! Here in England, we watch, we vote and we find out who wins. No recounts.

It's about FOUR people who couldn't get this stuff figured out...


Well that means a lot. Put some definition into what you say


8) Soccer = Football. American Football = crap.

Sort it out!!!



ask anyone in England and they will agree with me - apart from Milkshake, as he lives for 20% of the year in the US



Well Nute, well done in using quotes - that has pushed up your grades, but you really should give reasons for your arguements and you should really calm down!!!!

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Listen up you little piece of ****:

More above that little thing you just did faggot, KNOWLODGE is NOT A ****ING WORD. WHY? BECAUSE IT'S NOT IN THE DICTIONARY. I oppose poor spelling more than anything else. KnowLEDGE and knowLODGE wouldn't even SOUND the same. So if you're going to make a vain effort to SOUND like I'm wrong, at least make an attempt to say something RIGHT.

Election thing: Gore, Christopher, Boies, and Daley dont' want to give up. Therefore FOUR PEOPLE aren't ending it.

American Football and Soccer. I dont' give a **** about what your talking about. My country is better than yours. My sports are better than yours. England was ONCE a great country. Then YOU were born and took it down to the level of Sorry Ass African Country like Rwanda or some other one were they kill and eat people.


I wish I had gotten more sleep...




I have a life, but I feel mostly dead.


[This message has been edited by Nute Gunray (edited December 09, 2000).]

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You sir, make no sense at all. Big fag. I mean, you make big typos and say "that's my point"... At least learn to insult people...



You know one thing that will really make a Jedi mad? Just run up and kick him in the ass...<font size=1>


[This message has been edited by Poor Bastard (edited December 09, 2000).]

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Hey <s>stupid piece of ****</s> Duke, you have some of the worst grammar I have ever seen, you leave complete words out of sentences for god's sake. Oh wait...lemme rephrase that so you can read it:


Hey <s>stuped of ****</s> Duke, you some if the warst grammer have ever sean, yuo leave complete word of sentences for sake.

<font size=1 color=red>

you will burn eternally in hell

</font><font size=1>



[This message has been edited by Zargon (edited December 09, 2000).]

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