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I'm new here, can you show me the ropes?

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um, Learn how to hijack a thread.


Ignore Jabba above all else, abuse him if you can.


To DS: Offspring sucks.


*I have never listened to them, but you made me say it.



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

as i said - have a look at my, this is how to do it thread.



Official Guy trying to get Red Leader 05 to become the Official Forum Newbian.


"Its Going down his leg i think we are going to have to amputate.

"No, dont take the leg, dont let them take the leg, they cant take the leg!!!"

"Its heading for his testicles"

"Take it, take the leg!!!"



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when did this thread become a tribute to lame 3-chord bands?



Offspring sucks, always have, always will.



oh, and trying to skirt the censor is frowned upon. thinking you can censor the F word by putting one asterisk in the middle is just as bad as not having it censored. Nitro, I expect as much from you (doesn't mean i like it) but Scelt should know better.


Just let the censor do its work.


[This message has been edited by Ikhnaton (edited July 07, 2001).]

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And don't p*ss off Ike. Have you seen The Mummy? That's "P*ssed-Off Ike." Bullets won't stop him. Swords won't stop him. Locked doors won't even slow him down.


I'm the Beast. Zoom Rabbit, Nute, Niner, and I are possibly the kookiest individuals in the forum, and in this forum, that's saying something. wink.gif


The favoured pastime of this forum is Gundam Wing, apocalyptic battles, and Nute-propelled international incidents. rolleyes.gif


Originally posted by JR2000Z:

600 posts-BGM (Big Guy Mask). You get a huge pic of a smiley or a smiley gif. Post a thread that says you get it, and you will get the BGM, a pat on the back, and a pary full of beer and slave girls-all paid by Rogue Nine. Then you will be pushed back into the hot sun to get beaten, tared, feathered, laughed at, and long work unill you get to the Next Abyss..


1000 posts- You get a party (again, paid by Rogue Nine) and you get the 'I AM A NEWBIE! LAUGH AT ME!' sticker torn <s> painfully</s> off yer forehead.


2000- You are one of us cool insane people. You also get 15 minutes to get into the slave girl room with supervision. Party too.


3000- You are officially cool and insane. You will get full hours to the slave girls room (without supervision), full access to the XWA Community Bar and Grill, and a party.


4000- You are one of the best and an elite. You get a party.


5000- People start to wonder how it is possible to get this far. You gave up school, work, and yer outside life and spend 24 whole hours on the main page clicking the 'Refresh' button to see any new posts. Your parents get worried and start calling police and a psyologist. In other words, You have no life.


6000- You sold yer soul to us and we will use it for our own good.


7000- Nobody made it thus far and God forbid what would happen if he/she did. *Everybody looks at Nute.*


8000+ - Im not going there.


Mod- Trust me, you dont want to be in their group. Sure they have their own forum and everything, but do you really want to spend time deleating posts? Eventhough it may be entertaining then pushing the 'Refresh' button every second....


JR90210 forgot the optional 666 posts party.


At 666 posts, you either get sucked into Hell (or the nearest convenient demon dimension), summon a demon from the depths of Hell, or summon a stripper.


You rarely get a choice between the last two.



It's like I always say: When the going gets tough, the tough . . . switch to artillery.

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

yeah thats a really big risk, that risk is bigger than all my mass put together. Well maybe not quite.



Official Guy trying to get Red Leader 05 to become the Official Forum Newbian.


"Its Going down his leg i think we are going to have to amputate.

"No, dont take the leg, dont let them take the leg, they cant take the leg!!!"

"Its heading for his testicles"

"Take it, take the leg!!!"



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Guest Dj Skywalka

Jabba is just a blob that can only move his fingers. That's why he's always posting crap no one cares about. Ignore him.



Dj Skweejie


Your mother was a hampster and your father smelled of elderberries.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

You should also consider the option of doing whatever seems reasonably well convenient at the moment.


*(Paints Ike purple for dissing his favorite garbage band and makes him dance naked for bananas in a Swedish shopping mall.)*




*(On second thought, turns Jabba into a frog.)*

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! ZOOM! Bad impreshion on the newbies!


Hello, I'm the official Forum Movie reviewer and Anime Ambassidor. Check out my topic, REVIEWS:..... and you'll see how i get. I love movies, and I'm a Final Fantasy Nut. DOn't even try to persuade me.


and I'm a Diablo II addict. Now that they have the expansion pack out, I'm never leaving my room except for work..... smile.gif

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