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Star Wars: Warriors of the Force

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From underneath a hood, Zev quietly observed Tacit order his drink at the bar. He was trying to be nonchalant as he had surveyed the patrons in the main room of the inn, but Zev sensed he was wary, and so remained stationary in the darkened corner of the room, except for the occasional draw on the pipe filled with pipeweed.


It had been a while since Tacit had visited this particular village, and truth be told, Zev found it surprising that Tacit had decided to stay here for the night, given what had happened to him here in the past. Nevertheless, here was where he had decided to stay, and Zev would keep a diligent eye on him.

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Finishing his drink, Tacit stood and turned from the bar. A group of surly looking men at the table nearest shot him dark looks as he passed the, heading for the exit.


Stepping into the late evening air, Tacit looked to the East, at a small mountain that loomed over the village. There it was... where all his nightmares had begun.

"So, you've finally come home, Tac?"

Spinning around, Tacit came face to face with a young woman a little shorter than him, her eyes narrowed suspiciously, her hand folded across her chest. "About time."

"I'm not home, Tela," he said. "This isn't home anymore."

"It's the only home you've ever had, isn't it? You said as much yourself."

He pushed past her. "A lot's changed in three years, Tela."

"I can imagine," she snapped, falling into place beside him. "But does that mean you don't care about your friends anymore?"

"Friends?" he yelled, turning to her. "You call yourself my friend? If you're my friend, where were you when they were throwing stones and pieces of flaming wood at me? Where were you when they stabbed me in the gut with a broadsword? Where were you when I was running from a screaming mob while bleeding to death?"


"I don't have time for this," he spat, and resumed his march towards the mountain. She grabbed him by the shoulder and spun him around. "Tacit, if I had known you were in trouble, I would have been right there with you. But I didn't know! I didn't-"

He pulled out of her grasp, and turned away from her. He was now facing a statue a little taller than he was. Three spires rose towards a peak, where a small ring sat empty.

He pulled his weapon off of his belt and examined it. If he were to place it blade down in the centre of the ring, it would have fit as if it belonged there. It had, after all...

"Keepers of the Blade..." he muttered amusedly. He ignited it, and turned back to face Tela. "I'm going to repair the damage I've done, Tela," he said. "And I have to do it alone. If they catch me up there again, they'll think I'm trying to unleash It, just like they thought I was three years ago. They'll kill me, and anyone with me. I need you to stay here, and not tell anyone I've been here."

"Tacit, you can't go up there alone! The delm hounds alone would-"

"I can deal with then," he said. "I'll be fine. Go back to the inn, and find a man there named Gashon. Tell him and the girl with him that if I don't come back by the time the sun breaks the horizon, keep moving South to the Papal State. I know it's a long way, but-"

"Tacit, why-"

"Just do it, please," he said. He resumed towards the mountain, his weapon in hand. "And Tela..." he turned to face her again. "I'm sorry. I never meant to leave you behind."

She nodded, and left for the inn. He turned towards the mountain again. He took a deep breath, and kept walking.

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From the shadows at the back entrance of the inn, Zev watched the exchange between Tacit and the girl, Tela.


Delm Hounds. Zev snorted lightly, remembering an amusing incident from the past. It would take more than a few Delm Hounds to bring Tacit down now.


Zev stepped back deeper into the shadows, watching Tacit leave the village and head for the mountain. There was no need to follow him to his destination. Zev already knew the way.

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Ty walked back into the Inn after a few hours of absence. He saw that Tacit wasn't rotting away at the bar, so he shrugged it off and headed up the stairs with a few burlap sacks filled to the brim. He headed down the hallway and nodded to Gashon as he walked inside, throwing the four bags on the bed. "Four comforters.. four pillows.. and two changes of clothing for each of us.." He said, glancing around. "Wait.." He counted the group over in his head. "Five.. damn.." He said, sighing a little. "I'll go out later.." He said, looking to Tari. "Here," he spoke, rolling her bag to her. "Food, clothing, and sleep gear are all in there. Keep it with you." He knocked one bag on the floor and took another one into Tacit's bedroom, shutting the door.


"Make sure Katri and Gashon get their bags!" He yelled, his voice muffled by the several layers of wood that were fashioned into a door. He stepped out again, wearing nothing but a towel. "I'm heading to the wash room.." He said, walking out of the door and down the hall to a large room filled with shower heads- he was alone. He turned on the shower and closed the stall around him.


A few minutes later, he emerged with a new towel, heading back to the room, once again nodding to Gashon as he headed to Tacit's room, getting dressed in his new attire which consisted of: A tight, black wifebeater. A bandolier which contained several throwing daggers and an array of shurikens. He had a spring-loaded dagger mechanism under his ridiculously large fingerless gloves. He had brown cargo pants with several pockets which had several pieces of wrapped jerky in each, for easy access. Black leather shoes with steel tipped toes. He also had his buster sword's sheath strapped on his back- which was more like a harness for the beast. He carried his dirty clothing to the door and set it near it, brushing his wet spiked bangs out of his face.


"How do I look?" He said, his wifebeater revealing his muscles which had scars from whips and knives on them. His face was clean, which revealed several scars across his right face, but it wasn't disfiguring- it added character.

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((OOC: Hey Xbx, when's Ty going to change his name to Cloud? :xp: ))


"Still a bit scraggy, I'll admit..." Tari answered, looking him up and down. But considerably more masculine... she added to herself. Her eyes traveled over the tight muscle in his arms, and across his sculpted chest, "Though I'd say the clothes fit you quite nicely."

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Tela walked up to the bar. The man behind it scrutinized her for a moment, then spoke.

"Can I help you?"

"I'm looking for Ta... Rykive's companions," she said.

"Why?" he asked suspicously.

"To warn them about him," she lied quickly. "To tell them that he's murdered before, and that he'd do it again no problem."

He glanced to the stairs, then back at her. "Top floor. Third room on the right."

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Jack walked up to the bar and ordered a drink.

"Any word on the cities situation?"Jack asked him

"Huh?"The man behind to ask, with a confused expression on his face.

"The city. It got attacked."

"Did it?"

"Yeah, didn't you hear the banging and fighting sounds?" The man nodded. "Then what do you think it was? The animals having a party?" The man shrugged and went back to looking after the bar.

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Tari faintly noticed Gashon as he turned his head in the direction of the stairs, apparently distracted by something. After a moment, she heard it too. There was someone coming up the stairs.

Within seconds, the form of a woman entered her sight, and she watched as the stranger stepped to Gashon.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I'm looking for the companions of a Tacit Rykive?"

Her curiosity aroused, Tari stood from her perch on the bed, moving past Ty to the door frame.

"You've found them." she said, "What is it you need?"

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(Cloud never had cargo pants and a bandolier >.>)

Ty's right arm wandered to his back pocket, walking up to Tela. He made a quick movement, flipping up a piece of jerky and letting it sit between his lips. "Probably to ki-" He was caught short by an elbow in the chest by Tari. He quickly became silent, moving to the bed and plopping down, sucking on his jerky quietly.

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Tari's eyes narrowed, frowning. "He did, did he? Well, where'd he go?"

Tacit wasn't well-liked in this town, the chances of him having a friend here were slim to none. For all she knew, this was some sort of trap or trick set up to harm either her Jedia companion or the others, including herself.

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Tari sent a quick, quieting look at Ty before turning back to the woman.

"Well??" she asked, getting impatient.

If the message was true...and it really was a warning from Tacit...then...he had to be doing something stupid. He could get hurt...he could...he could...

She forced herself to stop thinking of such things, returning her attention to their visitor. But still...the possiblities were always playing through at the back of her mind, the number growing every moment.

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Zev kept well ahead of Tacit as he climbed the small mountain behind the village. And when Tacit approached a small natural clearing in the trees, that's when Zev decided that it was time to make an appearance. It was an appropriate spot, after all. Zev had saved Tacit from Delm Hounds here years earlier, when Tacit was but a boy. Now that Tacit was a man, Zev wondered if he would remember the event. More importantly, would he remember it kindly.


Squatting on a large branch in the tree tops opposite the clearing, Zev took out the special throwing blade and waited for the right moment. When the time came, Zev aimed and threw it at a small branch of a scraggly looking shrub--a Millthrawn bush, known throughout the land for its healing properties and as a symbol of peace. The blade made a distinguishable purring sound as it whizzed through the air, before cutting through the branch quickly and neatly, poppling the Millthrawn sprig into the air directly in front of Tacit, before the blade returned on its curved path back to Zev's waiting gloved hand.


"The past is past, Tacit," Zev said, in a soft whispery voice like the very breeze through trees. "What's done is done. You can't change it. You can't fix it. Go back to your friends."


Blade in hand and mask on, Zev remained still but nonetheless wary, waiting for Tacit to speak.

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