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Star Wars: Warriors of the Force

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He was about to respond, but caught the use of the term 'Boy'. He had heard that voice before...

"You've been following me long enough to know," he said, putting it together. "That those people are not my friends. I don't make friends."

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Zev chortled softly, with more than a hint of disbelief. "You used to. Quite easily, as I recall. What was her name again? Tela?"


Hopping down from the branch, and landing with cat-like silence and grace on the soft ground, Zev rose to stand in plain view. "There is nothing to gain by going up there, Tacit," Zev said in a more serious tone, glancing over a shoulder at the top of the mountain. "Only bad memories. Go back to the village. To your... companions, or charges, or whatever you wish to call them. There is nothing to be gained here. Your destiny lies elsewhere."

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“Then you defy me,” said Zev. “And you defy the Pope and the goddess Holen.” Zev put away the special blade and extracted the broadsword from its sheath with a well-balanced flourish. “You have yet to realise your destiny, child of Holen. Everything that has happened to you up until now has shaped you for things to come. Made you stronger. Tougher.” Zev chuckled softly. “But obviously not any wiser.” Fingers beckoned Tacit to approach. “Come. Show me what you have learned. Boy.” Zev flourished the specially tempered blade once again, then stilled, ready for the challenge of combat. "You must earn your right to defy me and your superiors."

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Ty headed down the street, a few blocks away from Zev and Tacit. He wasn't particularly following them, but he was searching for Tacit, so he is trying to find Tacit, even if it was a wild goose chase. He turned a corner and headed off in their direction, paying no attention if Tari was behind him.

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With an exasperated growl, Tari paused in the street a moment. She couldn't run with this anchor of a sword tangling up in her legs. Quickly, she detached the sheath and belt and quickly swung it around her shoulder, buckling the weapon over her back.

"Now we'll see how quickly I can catch up." she murmured to herself, and took off. She reached Ty in a matter of minutes, and paused just a moment to say, "What? You hurt yourself or something? C'mon, let's go!"

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Katri did not pull ahead of Tari and, when Tari shifted her sword to her back and increased her pace, Katri matched her. They overtook Ty and Katri smiled slightly as they passed him. Then, she glanced over at Tari.


"It's a rare thing that makes you run," she observed quietly, breathing normally. "You're quite good at it, don't you know?"

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Ty scoffed. "Suprisingly.. she's put on a few pounds.." He said with a smirk, pulling ahead of Katri and slowing down. Matching her speed even with all his equipment and his enormous sword on his back. "You didn't need to come. If anything, you'll be a hinderance. And with Katri having to watch your every move, you'll be slowed down to a crawl."

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"You underestimate us," Katri snapped. "Even with my eyes directed elsewhere, I know how Tari's doing." She ran in silence for a moment before saying, "And I wouldn't insult her if I were you. Since hearing you comment on her weight, I have thought of fifteen different ways to hurt you without seriously injuring you. That number increases by the second." She glanced over at Tari. "Just imagine how many ways she's come up with... in our past, she's had far more time to think of things like that than I have."


She flashed him a dangerous grin and kept running, temporarily putting on a small burst of speed to prove to Ty that she could outrun him if she wanted to. Then, she fell back, matching Tari and Ty.

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"Just because I'm not trained in combat doesn't mean I can't defend myself." Tari murmured, letting his weight comment slide for the sake of time. She would repay him for it later. "You just watch where you're swinging that sword of yours and make sure you don't make yourself 'less of a man', if you know what I mean. Katri and I will be fine." I hope.

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He stopped for a moment. "Tacit.." He planted his right foot onto the ground and turned left, taking off with a burst of speed, kicking up dust as he went. He had picked up where Tacit was by the small echo that resonated in his direction. It seemed to be coming from nowhere- but everywhere.

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Under the mask, Zev grinned as Tacit lunged with his glowing sword, obviously bent on showing Zev who was boss. But with a well-timed step to the right, Zev quickly and easily dodged his attempt, managing to smack Tacit’s back with the flat of the blade as Tacit overextended himself. Another lunge, another dodge, and a trip followed, and Tacit stumbled backwards to re-evaluate his opponent.


“You’ll have to do better than that,” Zev said.


This time, Zev took the offensive. The sword’s blade sung as it swiftly cut through the air. It never made contact with Tacit’s blade, but even so, Zev managed to land a strike at the hilt, causing Tacit to drop the weapon to the ground.


Then, Zev suddenly stopped and stood back. “You’re not concentrating.” A sigh escaped from beneath the mask. “Pick it up. Try again. And this time, don’t think. Feel.”

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((Oh I know. I don't plan on letting Ty find them yet.))


Ty shook his head a little bit, skidding to a halt. "It's gone," he said, his head dropping downward in a simultaneous action as Tacit's blade fell from his hand and clattered to the ground. "I'll never get used to this.." He backed up against a wall of a nearby hut and leaned against it, pulling out a piece of jerky from his pocket and putting it in his mouth, chewing it abit.


He tightened his rather large black leather fingerless gloves and sighed, letting his arms drop to his sides, waiting for the others.

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"Not a child?" Zev snorted. "Could have fooled me. Don't get what you want and you throw a tantrum? Sounds incredibly childish to me." Eyes through the mask flicked quickly at the hilt of Tacit's lightsword laying on the ground. "Either pick it up and show me what you've learned, if anything, or leave and return to your companions, because I'm not allowing you to go any further up this mountain unless you defeat me, or prove you're at least worthy enough to serve the goddess Holen." Zev's stance dropped into a defensive position. "Your choice."

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"Maybe if you'd both shut up, I could find him," Katri grumbled, eyes closed and eyebrows furrowed in intense concentration. Despite her words, she was almost certain Ty and Tari were much too intent on their argument to have heard her.

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"Watch if, flyboy." Tari said warningly, "Let me remind you who's supposed to be the 'big man' here. Honestly, what is it with men and insisting they know where they're going...If we had stopped and asked someone, I'm sure they could have told us if they'd seen Tacit or not, but nooo, because men can't stop for directions!

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