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Star Wars: Warriors of the Force

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Tacit glared at Zev, throwing his hand out towards his weapon. It shot back to his hand, and ignited instantly. He began to circle, his blade held out threateningly. "I don't want to have to kill you," he said darkly. "But I need to get to the Seal. I can't do this anymore."

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Tacit dived at the masked figure, his green blade humming darkly as he aimed at the jaw. His blade was flicked back towards him, and he brought it down just in time to keep his shin from being torn open. Throwing out his hand, he sent his opponent flying into the air. With stunning agility, Zev landed gracefully on both feet. Lunging forward, Tacit parried a blow to the chest and flicked Zev's sword to the right. He knocked the sword out it's owner's hand, and kicked out at Zev's chest. Zev went sprawling to the ground, lying in a heap a few metres away from Tacit. He broght his blade down to Zev's throat.

"Don't make me kill you," he hissed.

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"Because I was trying to follow you to make sure you didn't hurt yourself. We all know how easy it is for that to happen. I mean, you start thinking, and you pass out from overexertion!" Tari snapped, "As for who would know where he was, no one would. But they would have seen him and been able to point us in the right direction. After all, he seems to be so popular here, whoever we asked would have known who we were talking about!"

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Tari ran after Ty, stepping in front of him and placing a hand on his chest to prevent him from going any further.

"Did you forget that I also have your bike back at the Embassy? Oh, and remind me to alert the next soldier I see that you're a theif. It would be your word against mine, and believe me when I say I wouldn't be sorry to see you spend some time rotting away in a cell somewhere." she growled up at him, "You are going to help me find Tacit whether you like it or not, understand?"

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"Don't make me kill you," Tacit hissed.


Zev could hear the hum of Tacit's blade, being as it was so close. "I can't make you do anything," Zev replied to Tacit in a calm, unworried tone. "The choice to kill me or not is entirely yours, not mine." Zev paused. "But you are indeed a worthy warrior to have me so readily laying at your feet. You obviously don't need my protection any more."

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"I..." he stammered - he didn't remember any arrows. "I didn't see any arrows... I just... saw the Delms down, and ran. I didn't hang around to see why they stopped, I just got the hell out of there..."

He once again adopted his tough exterior. "It doesn't matter," he said. "I never needed your help, and I sure as hell don't need it now. Now tell me who the hell you are, or I'll cut you a new mouth - in your throat."

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“Tsk, tsk!” Zev tutted mockingly at Tacit. “Such threats!” Zev held up a hand in surrender, then sighed, sounding almost bored. “Fine. I surrender. Kill me or don’t, but I’m not going to tell you anything whilst in this thoroughly awkward and embarrassing position. Let up and I’ll tell you what you want to know.”

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Katri remained motionless for another few seconds. Then, she opened her eyes and nodded slowly, gesturing to her right. "This way... I think."


She began to walk in the direction she'd indicated, still keeping her senses open, hoping to better pinpoint Tacit's location.

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Tacit glared at his defensless opponent. He reached out a hand and pulled the sword that had fallen to the ground into his grip, then deactivated his own. Backing away slightly, he allowed Zev to stand and straighten.

"Now: Who the hell are you, and why have you been following me?"

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Katri frowned. Then, she nodded. "Yes, this is the way." She sighed. "I can sense two distinct presences... one is Tacit's and the other... I don't know. It feels familiar... almost like maybe whoever it was has been following us since we got sent away with Tacit. They're both in this direction."


She kept walking. "At first, I couldn't make anything out... it seemed as if they were in every imaginable direction. But they're this way. I'm sure of it."

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Brushing off bits of leaves and dirt, Zev stood. "I'm not just 'following' you, Tacit. I've been 'assigned' to you. By the Pope. As a guardian, of sorts." A snort of either amusement or disdain emanated from underneath Zev's mask. "Quite an unusual occupation for a Geohound, don't you think?"


Before Tacit could answer, Zev reached up and unfastened the straps that held on the special black mask that both hid the face and disguised the voice. The mask was removed revealing fine, high cheekbones, lovely arched brows, and a cascade of unruly reddish-brown curls spilling out over the shoulders.


"Ah. That's better." Zev ruffled a hand through her hair, then grinned and extended a hand. "You can call me Zev."

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