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Star Wars KOTOR III:The Sith Menace

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Seconds after Jason and the Sith's lightsabers clashed there was a blaster shot and the Sith dropped dead. Infront of Jason, was the dead sith corpse but next to that was a blond women, wearing civilian clothes. "I hope you don't mind I cut your battle short, but I could sit by while you were being attacked. So I stood up and remenber I had my blaster. I'm Jennifer Wolfe, I'm with the RIB, Republic Intelligence Bureau, I dought you've heard of it. I hope you don't mind but I followed you here.Dont ask why. It's a too long of story"


(If anyone has problems with my guy(/Womans) return please say or forever hold you peace)

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The old man nodded and thanked her and left.


"Well, this doesn't seem a multi-way base, so, just a second," Jason said, concentrating. He reached even further with the Force and then found her, locked in a room guarded by Three Sith, "This is bad, i found her but there are three sith guarding her. You have technique with a Vibroblade?" He asked her.

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(OT: Revanscool, Jon and Lyn are probably guarding the Hawk, you could make them go to the Sith Base, see that T3 is damaged and HK is guarding him and then send HK to carry T3 to the Hawk and Jon and Lyn take their places and follow Kyra, Silo, William and Jethro who are following Mandalore and are surrounded by Mandalorians.)


HK picked up T3.


"Irritated Statement: Stupid lower counterpart, getting crushed by Sith Assassins." HK mumbled to himself. He was walking out of the Sith Base, hoping to find someone.


(Now's your cue to enter Revanscool.)

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Ryan had reached the finals, so he went to see his opponent's race. His opponent was a little slow. "40 seconds! I can beat him easily!" Ryan tought.


"Wow! 40 seconds a easy time to beat. I think we already have a winner, unless if he reaches a even worse time." Ryan heard the anouncer saiyng.


"Wait a second. He must have done this on purpose! I must be carefull on my last race." He said to himself.

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Jason nodded, got his cloak and put it on, hood up and proceeded to follow Jennifer. They got passage through many doors and destroyed many droids but then reached their destination. Jason ignited his saber and proceeded to cut it in half but got knocked to the ground by an invisible barrier.


"Damnit!" Jason shouted. He then looked to his right and got up. There, the Sith were talking.


"Fool. The only way to open this door is by entering the right code, and if you enter the wrong, your friend here dies!" The Sith shouted, laughing. Jason got angry and then typed in the code: The Force as the barrier was cut out. Jason then ignited his saber and cut the door in half and kicked it, using the Force to Force Push them into two of the three Sith against the wall.

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(Hey ExileRevan, explain that situation to me through PM cuz i ain't understanding it.)


Jason quickly ran at the Sith, swinging his Bronze Saber in anger. The Sith blocked and did a swing of his own, dodged by Jason. The other two Sith then got the door out of over them and ignited their sabers, it would be a tough battle.

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Then Ryan started to conceive a plan. Since the race was inside, he could jump to the fans, and kill the man trying to kill him, and if he goes to court he could always say that it was on self-defense. Now it was just the shot problem, Ryan could alter the shot's target by using his saber, but not deflect it. Since it doesn't hit the engine or something like that Ryan would be safe.


"May the Force be with me." He whispered.

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(ExileRevan, you probably got silently knocked out and taken away and are a bit far from Kate.)


Jason engaged in many saber clashes and fights, trying to get the upper hand, and swung at one Sith's head but he blocked. He then jumped and flipped in mid-air to his back and plunged his saber into the Sith's neck, killing him.


The other was far more difficult. Jason swung to his front, but the Sith blocked it. Jason then spun around with his body, keeping the lightsaber in the same place and holding it tighter, sending more strength and pushed the Sith back to his knees and then Force Pushed him to the wall. He then threw his lightsaber, aiding it with the Force and cutting down the ceiling, the Sith being pushed to the ground and killed by it.


Only one more left.

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As Jacen engaged in fight with the last sith, Jennifer pulled out her blaster. Checked it too see if it was okay. She then aimed it at the sith, powered up a shot and fired. The blast killed the last sith on contact. "Now let's save the girl."

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(It's Jason Steven.)


Jason nodded and cut down a door with his saber. Inisde a torture chamber was a half-naked Kate. Jason quicky deactivated the chamber and he ran at her as she collapsed to the ground and Jason got her. She was tortured much and needed to rest.


"You stay here Jennifer, and please, dress her." Jason told Jennifer, smiling as he ran off to his right. There was another door which he activated and inside was an also half-naked Silo.


"Geez, what is it with the Sith and you half-naked people?" Jason asked Silo, laughing while deactivating the chamber and opened a locker besides. It contained Silo's gear and Jason grabbed it and handed it to Silo, but keeped the lightsaber.


"This weapon is your life Silo, do not lose it, that is what my Master used to tell me." Jason told him, smiling while giving him the lightsaber.

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