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Star Wars KOTOR III:The Sith Menace

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Jennifer took off her jacket and handed it to Kate. "That's all I can give you I'm afraid. Now let's get the hell out of here." Jennifer said, smiling. She then led Kate out of the torture chamber. He then heard Jason say "This weapon is your life Silo, do not lose it, that is what my Master used to tell me."


Not agreeing with what he'd said, Jennifer replied "A light saber is a scrap of metal which comes with a powerfull laser blade. Hardly what I call a life."

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"Well, you did saw what i did to them with this scrap of metal with a powerful blade." Jason told her. He then took notice of a locker. He Force Pulled the door and inside was Kate's gear except for her lightsaber.


"Jason," She said, waking up, "The Sith destroyed my lightsaber but the crystal survived. It's also there in the locker."


Jason nodded, gave her her clothes and took out the cyan crystal. He then gave it to her as she was dressing.


"Well, you should do a new one when we get to the Hawk." Jason said, sensing something.


"I'll be back in a jiffy." He said, running off to a camouflaged door.

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At ten seconds to the end, the man fired, but Ryan expected it, and insanely opened his cockpit and altered the shot's target, with his lightsaber to one of the wings. Seeing his failure, the man ran, Ryan estabilized the swoop, the best he could and he beat his oppontent's time, then he jumped to the viewers, and started to chase the man that tried to kill him.

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Being locked thight in a place full of water was bad for Jason. But being locked in the same place with a Sith was worse. Jason had wandered, as usual, and found four more Sith in really but REALLY large room, probably under the ground under the water. One was in front of them in the center, with a some sort of staff, sucking the energy of a Sith Statue.


"Hey guys, wazzup? The thing is, i can't let you do this, so," Jason told them, caughting their attention as he withdrew his lightsaber, and the bronze blade of the Heart came up, "I'm guessing we're going to duel."


The Sith who was sucking the energy turned aronud, only to be killed by the energy. The other three ignited their lightsabers. Jason quickly pushed one to a wall with the Force, and then smashing him with a pillar. He then ducked a swing and another. He pulled another one of them with the Force, and ducked in a half backflip, the Sith then was pulled to the water. Jason got up, and unleashed a barrage of Force Bolt on the water, electrocuting the now dead Sith.


He turned around, only to start getting Force Choked.

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