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Star Wars KOTOR III:The Sith Menace

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Silo sat in the cargo bay in tramendus pain, looking for a medpack of somesort. His right arm was out of his controll(he couldnt move it). He found a small medbay in the small cargo bay. He put in some mechanical parts controling his pain, not screaming once. A long two hours later, he had controll of his joints in his right arm, but it was still excrusiating for him.

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Exodious piloted his Arc-170 all the way to Dantooine, still unaware of his jedi passenger. Exodious put on the cloaking device and began to orbit around the planet, scanning for current events that might lead him to the whereabouts of his bounty.

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"What, you think just because we look young we don't stand a chance against him?! In case you didn't..." said Jason as he was interrupted by Kyra.


"Jason, just shut up and help him." said Kyra as she ignited her Viridian lightsaber and rushed. Jason ignited his and Kate her's and also rushed.

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"Oh, he has a lightsaber. Jason, i'm gonna need your help, Kate, back us up with The Force like healing and boosting our power. I sense he's very slick and smart." Kyra said. Jason stood his lightsaber up in a attacking stance and rush-swung at the Hunter's arm, a swing powerful enough to chop his arm off, and so he hoped so.

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