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the life of a loner (a small rant)


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Guest Rune Haako

Okay, Kinnison, here's the $0.02 from another who will probably spend life perpetually alone:


Don't focus to heavilly on meeting that special someone. I have all but given up hope of approaching that one girl and having our conversation lead to something more. Rather, go to places where other people hang out and wait. Don't go anywhere and wait. Eventually, someone (hopefully female) will come to you. If she's kind of knows who you are or has taken a distant interest in you, she'll most likely share the same interests as you. It's worked before (my best friend is a prime example, and he did the same thing). So, I've decided to at least give this a shot. Who knows? There's gotta be someone out there for me, as well.



Happiness is an automatic weapon with a belt feed.

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Rather, go to places where other people hang out and wait.


I cannot do that. I am deathly afraid of unfamilar settings. Someone could make a loud noise and i would run in fright.


What i really need is a freind to hook me up with someone for a FREINDLY date.. or just getting together an getting toknow eachother. But yet.. i have no RL freinds that can do that for me.


I feel i am stuck in a catch-22 situation with my lonelyness.


Go out more and "hang"..

But I am afraid of that..

So i cannot meet that someone

and to meet that someone i need to "hang"


there is a personal barrier that i ahve such a hard time getting thru. And it worries me., I need help

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Outlandish New Age Barkeating Hippy Suggestion #213: smile.gif


It seems as if you need to cultivate your social bravery in order to get out more. This can be done by overcoming your fear of others. Note: the fear of social situations is overcome only by trial and error, but at its root can often be found a basic mistrust of the intentions of others. We don't know what's in someone else's mind, and we assume the worst. If we can convince ourselves that the worst only occasionally happens, as does the best, then we see that the median is usually the reality.


To overcome this fear I prescribe a visualization exercise, usually best done in the morning, before breakfast. Coffee is okay beforehand, but you want a fresh, clear mind (and digestion, believe it or not, inhibits meditation.) Since you are Christian, I would start out with a prayer. Think that you are asking God's help in overcoming your fears, and that it will help you connect more with His other children.


To achieve the proper state of mind, visualize first a series of colors--red, orange, yellow, green, blue and finally violet. When you are in violet, you should have a clear, relaxed state of mind. Next, you should visualize someone you know who you dislike (or who dislikes you.) Try to place yourself in that person's head, and look back on yourself. First see yourself as inferior, someone you resent; then see yourself as an equal, and feel rivalry; last, see yourself as superior and feel jealousy.


Tricky, tricky stuff. biggrin.gif Well worth the effort, though.


Second, visualize someone toward whom you are ambivalent, perhaps someone you don't know very well. Repeat the same series of visualizations. Third, and lastly, go through the visualizations with someone you know and like--family or friend, it doesn't matter.


That's all it takes. smile.gif A few minutes in the morning sitting on the bed, eyes closed, feeling silly. If you do this for seven days, though, it should have a pronounced impact on how you feel about interacting with others. Perhaps you'll meet more people...perhaps even meet that special someone. wink.gif


Or maybe not. This is Zoom-babble, after all... rolleyes.gif

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Keyan hit the nail on the head. There are a lot of people that GOD calls to be single so that he might use them to advance his kingdom and do his work.


I am very much an introvert and I love it. There is nothing I like better then being alone to do the things I want to do. Don't get me wrong, married life is awesome but there are times when I want nothing more then to have some free time to myself.


Also like Keyan said ,we need to be praying that GODs will be done , not our own. I know that when I first started dating seriously at 21 I dated who I wanted and did what I wanted and for 6 years my life was going no where. It wasn't till I met my wife and I let GOD call the shots that my life got on track. It was totally GODs timing , not mine.


It's all about GOD and his perfect will for us. There is a verse that says something about how everything is done for GODs glory and in his time so that no man may boast.


My Sister is 39, never really had a boyfriend that I know of and only has a limited number of friends so in turn has a lot of free time which she uses to help lead the Church praise team, helps with the childrens choir and goes on mission trips to Honduras. GOD uses her in many way that might not be possible were she were to be married or tied down. Is she lonely? I'm not sure, we don't usually talk about it but I would assume she would like to get married someday but right now she is content with doing GODs work.


So hang in there buddy, GOD has a plan but you just have to wait and see how it unfolds for you. And you can bet it will be awesome when it does. wink.gif



King Stallion

Nuff said!


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I know God does what is best for myself, and his Kingdom.


I remember the Fruit and Vine parable in the Gospel of John. One of the key notes i got from studying that is, if I have Jesus in my (Completly free from sin) anything I pray for, will be granted (As long as it is Gods will)


Almsot every prayer of Jesus was granted, except when he prayed before his false arrest to have his father "Take this cup from me"


Sometimes i feel like I am there asking for God to take this Cup away from me. My pain and anquish. WIth the Feelings inside of me, right now, I cannot belive he would want me to be alone i.e. unmarried.


I try so hard when i pray to be unselfish. and find the correct reasons to end my lonelyness. God wants us to be happy, to share the Joy and Love he has for us. I think that It would be very difficult for me to be happy without that special someone to share My love of God with.


Right now, I know he wants me to stay here.. where i live, and Help the Church I go to Grow. It is jsut my Sinful body feels so much pain and angish that i need to turn to God to deliver me from it. But also i cannot see anyway to end the pain without finding that someone.


GOd is there, Jesus is with me, and will NEVER leave me, and the Holy Spirit is strong in me.. but I am still a sinner, and still need help

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Well, there are always things you can do (in a religious sense) when things seem to really get to you. I like to make a sincere, sacramental Confession or maybe spend an hour or two with the Blessed Sacrament. For a Protestant, being especially close to sacred scripture, reading Psalms or Proverbs might be something helpful. I also find it helpful to discuss important things in my life with a priest or deacon and get their perspective on what is happening with me. So, perhaps you should speak with your pastor or minister on a regular basis; he may be able to offer some advice.

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My mum thinks I should be more socially adept...


And that's just not me. I'd really don't have to worry about being alone though, since I'm only 14 biggrin.gif.


And believe me K_K you don't scare me away, when your talking to me on ICQ biggrin.gif.





I'll do virtually anything to ensure that the Alliance topples the Empire.

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Originally posted by Admiral:

and one dead thread.


That wasn't by any chance a play on words with the title of the excellent film, "Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels", was it? (I'm not mad, just curious.)





We've been going about this all wrong. This Mr. Stay Puft is okay. He's a sailor, he's in New York.

We get this guy laid, we won't have any trouble.


-Dr. Peter Venkman, Ghostbusters

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Originally posted by Thread:

What about my last words?


You just said them! Goodbye!


Die thread, DIE!


Wait... by posting this I am contradicting my thread death wish by keeping it alive...


Hmmm... quite a paradox. I can live with that! biggrin.gif





"I'm not NOT licking toads." - Homer

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Originally posted by Nitro:

That wasn't by any chance a play on words with the title of the excellent film, "Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels", was it? (I'm not mad, just curious.)



Nope. just a comment.





"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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