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Prayers Please...

Guest garyah99

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Guest garyah99

Got an E-Mail today from an old high school buddy. Someone who used to be a very good friend of mine passed away last Friday due to cancer. Her name was Sherry and she leaves behind a husband 3 children. She was 43 (same age as me). Prayers please for family and griends who loved her. Thanks.

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Guest Thrawn

Consider it done.



"You'd have to use a ladder to rise to my level of crap!"


Rogue 6

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

i will prayer for them



one point, its strange how many people here are Christians or of other religions, how many people above that said they would pray for them actually are christians or another religion also if u r do u go to church (or other place of worship) regually, i consider myself a christian but at the moment there are no churchs in my area that attract me in anyway, so i just dont go, it bugs me a lot because i want to find a church that i enjoy but i just cant seem to find one.



"Its Going down his leg i think we are going to have to amputate.

"No, dont take the leg, dont let them take the leg, they cant take the leg!!!"

"Its heading for his testicles"

"Take it, take the leg!!!"



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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Bummer! Prayers on the way, of course...


Interesting, Jabba. Perhaps you should start a new topic on that. wink.gif


[This message has been edited by Zoom Rabbit (edited August 09, 2001).]

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Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt:

i will prayer for them



one point, its strange how many people here are Christians or of other religions, how many people above that said they would pray for them actually are christians or another religion also if u r do u go to church (or other place of worship) regually, i consider myself a christian but at the moment there are no churchs in my area that attract me in anyway, so i just dont go, it bugs me a lot because i want to find a church that i enjoy but i just cant seem to find one.


We don't go to church because we enjoy it - we go to worship God, ask His pardon for our sins, and gain understanding from the scriptures.



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got it garyah99


Well, I go to church to show my thanks to God for what he and his son have done for me. Forgivness of Sins, and the fellowship of the Church. The reading of the Gospel, and the understanding i get from studying scripture.


Where abouts do you live Jabba?

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Guest garyah99

Many thanks my friends. It is especially trying, because she is the first of our little high school group to pass on. There were about 20 of us during the last year that were inseperable. Sherry is the first of our little band to leave us. On a brighter note; She was Christian, in fact she married a Minister, so I know she is now with the Lord. As far as my opinion on the "religion" question; I will echo what Keyan and Kinnison have already said. I go to church to worship and praise God. Calling myself a "Christian", means I worship and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. As I've said before, Christianity is NOT a religion, it is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and knowing His ways, and Loving Him, and accepting His sacrifice for my salvation.

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Originally posted by garyah99:

On a brighter note; She was Christian, in fact she married a Minister, so I know she is now with the Lord.


I think this can be a very dangerous attitude to take. We should never feel assured of our own salvation or that of another. We should be "working out our salvation with fear and trembling," as St. Paul told the Phillipians. Failing to do so could easily result in a slackening of faith, and that is not a state in which I would want to meet God. Without making judgements on anyone, I would bet quite a lot that in general, many "Christians" who are quite secure in their belief that they will go to heaven will not. Now, I don't mean to bring an air of negativity down on the whole thing, but that kind of talk always sets off warning bells for me.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

It's been my experience in life that one must guard constantly against feeling secure about one's salvation. Whether you're saved or not, the proper position before God is one of humility...and if we're in the state of mind where we feel as if those questions have been resolved already, our position is different.


The proper attitude is summed up by Ste. Jeanne D'Arc (one of my favorite mystics) when she said 'If I am in a state of grace, may God keep me there; If not, may He bring me to it!'


On the matter of Gary's friend, we can say that due to her close exposure to the teachings and the faith in her heart, she probably has about as good a chance as anyone of going to heaven. smile.gif

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

There is one thing you are all forgetting - our salvation is assured by believe that Jesus Christ Died to save us at any point in time in our lives we are assured a place in heaven, all that changes is where you are in heaven, an example of this is the saints, they will be next to God the rest of us will be further away (i uses space to describe this, its important to remember that time doesnt exist in heave so therefore space may not either)



"Its Going down his leg i think we are going to have to amputate.

"No, dont take the leg, dont let them take the leg, they cant take the leg!!!"

"Its heading for his testicles"

"Take it, take the leg!!!"



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Yes, scripture says there is going to be some sort of hierarchy in haven.. it is described as a place of honor.


Revelations explains that there are Elders that are sitting next to the Throne of God. Who those eleder are.. we dont know.


And ALSO when we have been glorfied into heaven, because all of our sins are gone, we will not be jealous of those in a place of honor. All praise and Glory to the Father in Heaven, and the Lamb

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Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt:

There is one thing you are all forgetting - our salvation is assured by believe that Jesus Christ Died to save us at any point in time in our lives we are assured a place in heaven...


That is absolutely false. Faith is a key issue, but do not forget the lesson of the sheep and the goats. Also, what about people who can have no faith, because they have never heard Christian ideas? Do you mean to tell me that they are all going to hell? Let us not forget that while God is just, he is also merciful. And as I stated before, scripture indicates that we should never feel assured of our own personal salvation. Salvation in a general sense is a different matter all together; we CAN be assured that that battle was one once and for all time, and as a result, we CAN be assured that salvation is possible for each of us on an individual basis.


And ALSO when we have been glorfied into heaven, because all of our sins are gone, we will not be jealous of those in a place of honor. All praise and Glory to the Father in Heaven, and the Lamb.


Good point, Kinnison; this is something that is often ignored or forgotten.



[This message has been edited by Keyan Farlander (edited August 12, 2001).]

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I agree. If a child is brought up to be a Hindu by their parents, and never convert to Christianity, that doesn't mean they will go to hell. The 10 Commandments tell us to "Honor thy father and mother". If that person stays true to a faith their parents taught them, they are obeying that commandment.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Whoa. Now, there's a point I hadn't thought of before...!


Of course, as far as I'm concerned you're preaching to the choir when you bring up the validity of other religions. *(Leaves before he messes up Gary's thread.)* wink.gif

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