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Knights of the Old Republic: Darkness Falls II - Alliances

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He sighed. "Yes dear," he said, smiling slightly. "Just make sure you get her back in one piece, please. Last time you had to take her back from someone, you nearly took apart the ship."

She gave him a quizical look.

"T3 told me, shortly before we left him with Carth," he explained.




"Doctor, who's attacking us?" asked Rose, as they entered the TARDIS.

"Pirates," he explained. "Spice smugglers and salvagers intent on taking the Almenac for themselves."

"Why do they want it?"

"It's a Jedi ship," he said simply.

She stared at him blankly. "What exactly is a Jedi? Is it a species?"

"No," he said, as if it were obvious. "Jedi are monks. Priests. They're religious idealists who wield the Force."

"The Force?"

"AN energy field, bidning all life together. You could use it, you know. That's what ESP, telikenisis, and all that stuff is. The Force."

"So... you're saying that people back on Earth... they're Jedi too?"

"No. The Jedi Order is like the Church, back on Earth. They're the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy - intergalactic police."

"They're the galactic fuzz?" she said, smiling slightly.

He looked at her, a smile spreading across his face. "Sort of, yeah."

"So... Karda, Revan, Kira... they're all Jedi?"

"Jasra, too, though she's not too happy about it. In the other timeline, she was a bounty hunter. When I repaired the damage, she was a Jedi - though I can't say I did a good job fixing things."

"What do you mean?"

"Time is still sensative. This whole galaxy is a weak point - don't do anything stupid, or we'll have a repeat of 7 November, 1987."

"Wouldn't want that, would we?"


"So what's the plan?"

"No plan," he said, smiling. "Just play it by ear."

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The Valeyard ignored her. Instead, he pulled a lever on the TARDIS console, and the engines began to grind.

"The TARDIS is being difficult..." he muttered, pounding his fist on the console. "I can't locate the Ebon Hawk, much less lay in the coordinates for materialisation."

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He glared at her. "There is nothing broken," he spat. "The ship is simply being tempermental." The engines stopped suddenly, and sparks shot from the console.

"A moment...." He pulled open the panel at his feet, and tore out a handful of circuits. The console sparked again, and the ship began moving once more.

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Jasra’s head was spinning. Well, her whole body was spinning, but her head seemed to be spinning faster than the rest of her. She had been dragged out to dance with a group of Omwati females, apparently something that one did at a Vssax Ceremony. And another thing that one did at a Vssax Ceremony was drink Yslat beer. Lots of Yslat beer. Lots and lots of Yslat beer. Lots and lots of very strong Yslat beer.


What's wrong with me? I’ve consumed alcoholic drinks before, she thought, as she and the scantily clad Omwati females danced in a circle around a large bonfire. At least, I remember I did. In my old life. Well, not really my old life. Just the life before the Other… the Doctor... no… all of the Doctors in their… no… his single but multiple carnations… no, I mean, incarnations, sent my consciousness back into another time line. This time line. I think. Oh, by the black stars, I’m drunk…


Jasra felt she was only standing upright now because she was holding hands with the two Omwati women that flanked her on either side. She was being pulled to and fro, in to the middle, then back out to the edge, and all the while dancing around in a circle—and she loved it. As the dance came to a close, the women all fell to the ground in a heap just as the music stopped. It reminded Jasra of a child’s game, and she couldn’t help but laugh out loud with the rest of the women.


Dance over, Jasra managed to stagger to her feet and weaved her way back to where Brax sat at a table placed on a large dais at one end of the festival area. He had mug of Yslat beer in his hand, and he offered it to her as she sat down hard in the chair beside him.


“No,” she shook her head. “I think I’ve had enough. I’m feeling drather runk.” She paused, then giggled. “I mean,” she said more slowly. “Rather drunk.”


Brax smiled at her. “So is Atton,” he remarked. “I do remember telling the both of you that the Yslat beer was rather stronger than what you are probably used to.”


“I don’t premember being used to it at all,” Jasra said.


Pre-member?” Brax grinned at her. “Remember,” he corrected her.


“No,” she said. “Pre-member. I re-member things that happened to me before I was a Jedi, and pre-member things that happened to me before now. Then. No, now.” She sighed and looked at Brax. “You know what I mean.”


“Indeed,” said Brax. “Your thoughts are most incoherent.”


She grinned “Thanks!” Jasra rose from her seat, wavering just a little as she did. “I’m going to check on Atton,” she announced.


Brax rose his mug of Yslat beer in salute. “You do that.”


Jasra toddled over to where Atton sat under a small tent, playing Omwati blackjack, and she sat down beside him. “Are you linning, or wosing?” she asked him.

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Atton growled as he slapped his four cards down on the table. He had busted. Again.

"Are you linning or wosing?" came Jasra's voice as she sat next to him, her face flushed from the large amount of alcohol she had as of yet consumed. He glanced at her, then at his shirt, gloves, and belt that currently lay on the other side of the table. He blinked at her, his eyes hooded.

"Losing." he muttered. "I likes Pazzak better. Black Jack just ain't workin' for me."

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“Aw….” Then Jasra grinned. “But I like your new look, Atton,” she said, giving him and his bare chest the once over with her eyes. "It's definitely working for me." She glanced at an Omwati woman who was passing by them, giving Atton an appreciative look. "And it's working for her as...." She suddenly frowned curiously, and stared closer at his bare shoulder. “Hey, I don’t premember you having a scar there?” She traced a light finger across a lightened crescent shape on his ribs.

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Jasra grinned, sensing that Atton was uncomfortable with her. But, with their Force bond so strong, she knew Brax knew her thoughts and wouldn’t mind if she teased Atton for a while. He would find it as amusing as she did.


Jasra shook her head at Atton. “No, Atton, that’s not from a sightlaber,” she said. “Kira didn’t get you there. These aren’t the same bodies as we used to have. Only our minds are the same.” She hiccupped. “And my new body is deflinitively not used to Yushillit…Yshalit… Yish…” She paused, unable to get her tongue around the word Yslat. “Beer.” She hiccupped again. “Jedi don’t drink beer. Not slots and lots of it anyway.” She frowned slightly, considering if in actuality, that premise was true. “No,” she said conclusively. “Jedi don’t get drunk.”


She sidled closer to him. “I danced for you once. Premember? You were drunk and I used the Force to make you forget that something never happened. But you still paid me for it.” She grinned slyly. “You want your money back now?” She looked at his very small pile of carved bone chips he had been using to bet with. “Looks like you could use it.”

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