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*gasp* A Sith War Update!


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Aye, amazingly enough something has been done around TSW! A new model (minus skin) has been worked up to near-completion, worthy of a showcase on the frontpage!


Introducing the Mandalorian Stormer! Essentially little more than a turbolaser turret on wheels, the Stormer is the ultimate example of Mandalorian extravagance: if brute force doesn't do the job, you're not using enough!


Forgive the skin, it's the only thing that would work in the lighting conditions and is a very temporary placeholder so that you can actually see the model. Anyhoo, enjoy, or not, at your leisure, and drop on by The Sith War for other pre-KOTOR, post-Great Hyperspace War goodness!

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To Darth Andrew: Aye, the mother AND father of all tanks. I don't recall if there is anything in the game that already does this, or if it is possible, but I'm contemplating having the screen shake when this beast fires. The size of the barrels of that turret are larger than a Desert Skiff, just to give an idea of the sheer scope of the weapon.


To Wedge2211: Aye, indeed that is one of the as-yet unfinished portions of the model. This is actually Cayus/Gerec's first 'true' model, so it's not quite 100% finished and is undergoing renovations. Since there has been so little news regarding TSW lately, however, I felt it was worth the news to bring the model out and show it off :)


-edit- In all probability it is also the skin. Unfortunately, none of the regular black/white/tan/green skins would show off the model properly in the light, so I had to go with my own mixed creation that is half metallic and half rust. That way it would reflect the light enough for you to be able to see it.

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To Darth Andrew: Aye, the mother AND father of all tanks. I don't recall if there is anything in the game that already does this, or if it is possible, but I'm contemplating having the screen shake when this beast fires. The size of the barrels of that turret are larger than a Desert Skiff, just to give an idea of the sheer scope of the weapon.


To Wedge2211: Aye, indeed that is one of the as-yet unfinished portions of the model. This is actually Cayus/Gerec's first 'true' model, so it's not quite 100% finished and is undergoing renovations. Since there has been so little news regarding TSW lately, however, I felt it was worth the news to bring the model out and show it off :)


-edit- In all probability it is also the skin. Unfortunately, none of the regular black/white/tan/green skins would show off the model properly in the light, so I had to go with my own mixed creation that is half metallic and half rust. That way it would reflect the light enough for you to be able to see it.

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I don't recall if there is anything in the game that already does this, or if it is possible, but I'm contemplating having the screen shake when this beast fires. The size of the barrels of that turret are larger than a Desert Skiff, just to give an idea of the sheer scope of the weapon.
:drop2: I want that tank. :D Definently try to make the screen shake if possible; it would really immerse players into battles.
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it would be funny to see a skiff attack it sort of like

skiff-'what you goin to do know your so slow you will never get away'

stormmer-'theres a little idiot attacking us should i shoot'commander-yes but move the barrls slowly we dont what to b to harsh'

skiff-'whats that noise arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr'

entire skiff disintagrates

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it would be funny to see a skiff attack it sort of like

skiff-'what you goin to do know your so slow you will never get away'

stormmer-'theres a little idiot attacking us should i shoot'commander-yes but move the barrls slowly we dont what to b to harsh'

skiff-'whats that noise arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr'

entire skiff disintagrates


Hehe, that's about the size of it. Actually, the Stormer wouldn't even need to fire, it would probably just run over the skiff :D

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well, nice model... too bad I can't find piccies of it in the comics??


Oh, I do hope you will include the open cockpit version of the Basilisk Wardroid.


For space, the closed cockpit version (like Xizor's flyer in kotor series) would be fine, but in ground battle a crazed Mandalore screaming on top of a Basilisk is just... priceless.

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well, nice model... too bad I can't find piccies of it in the comics??


Oh, I do hope you will include the open cockpit version of the Basilisk Wardroid.


For space, the closed cockpit version (like Xizor's flyer in kotor series) would be fine, but in ground battle a crazed Mandalore screaming on top of a Basilisk is just... priceless.


You'll soon find that a good majority of TSW's units are either made up in my imagination, or based only slightly off existing units. However, I feel true enough to lore, but I have never claimed this to be actual Star Wars history. This is my take of what -should- have happened after The Great Hyperspace War.


However, the closed Basilisk is an abomination and will never see the light of day in my mod. Only the true, open-top Basilisk War Droid will be included, both for space and for ground. For space, of course, the Mandalorians had to rely on a zero-gee version of their regular armor, as I'm sure you're well aware. You'll find evidence of the open-top Basilisk War Droid being used in space and low-atmosphere actions in several of the comics.

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