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What do you think the storyline should be?


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I think they should place it with perhaps revan in the unknown regions battling the new sith threat he foresaw prior to the Jedi Civil war, ill post a link confirming indesputably what he saw, remember that the community of this site places ONLY cannon information on their site




read through, youll see that on Malachor V he saw the old sith empire returning from its thousand year absence, and he went on cutting out the republics heart in order to replace it with his own, trying to leave the republic perfectly intact except for the leadership, pretty amazing, anyway, I believe it should have Revan in the unknown regions battling the sith, as it stated, they should just drop the exile down, he was annoying

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Well, since the makers will probably want new players to familiarize themselves with the system, I'm not sure if you'll get to play as Revan and the Exile soon, or if you'll get stuck with a new level 1 character. Personally, I think it would be interesting if you could alternate between Revan and the Exile, with them finally meeting about halfway through the game. They could show the Exile scouring the rim worlds, looking for Revan, while Revan keeps scouting for the True Sith. Of course previous party members might not just sit idly.

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Perhaps while the parts you suggested are happening Carth and Bastila are searching as well? and maybe HK-47 insists to go with the Exile? and Mandalore would not go because of who he is and what he was told to do. and what happened to Z and mission after K1 anway? but as I was saying, Perhaps the Ebon Hawk would be used for some sort of final battle and it would be destroyed, thus ending the series, or wouldb there be more after K3?

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Well, SW and triologies always tend to go together. I doubt Carth and Bastila would stay still. The fact that you don't hear anything about her during TSL would suggest that maybe she got herself lost looking for Revan beyond the rim. Carth and Mandalore have their tasks, left to them by Revan, but they're probably too stubborn to wait too long. It was five years between KOTOR and TSL, and both of them seemed to be getting eager to go out and look for Revan. Don't forget that Mandalore decided to tag along with the Exile in hopes of finding out where Revan was. You could start something from that. Revan doing what he set out to do, the Exile trying to catch up, and Carth, Bastila and Mandalore looking for both. As for Mission and Z, I wonder what happened to them too. Not to mention Juhani. It would be nice if they also joined up again. And since this is wishful thinking, I wouldn't mind seeing people like Yuthura Ban, Mekel or Dustil, maybe even as party members. Of course there's also that nutter Jolee... At the very least, he deserves a cameo.


As for HK, well, if Revan left him in the Ebon Hawk with T3, then I doubt the Exile would want to leave him behind. He might recover a few additional memories, and even if he doesn't, he'd still be useful to have around. Besides, if the Exile left him behind, what was HK supposed to do? He needs someone to curb his sadistic and violent tendencies, otherwise he could be more trouble than the Sith. XD

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u do see bastila in the sith holocron and when u speak 2 carth before you fight nihilus and they ask u if u know where revan is because u have his ship, i think it'll be revan and the exile in the war against the true sith a game of pure war and trhey have 2 take there jedi apprentices to help them in the unknown regions but then the true sith come 2 ur galaxy and u have 2 fight them off then u get the choice jedi or sith etc...

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I think you should be able to choose your alignment from the start. I don't mean Light or Dark choices. I mean Republic or Sith. It's annoying to be almost completely Dark but associated with the Republic.


i agree, i think that they should have preliminary questions for players that have already played so it can start you off from where you in your personal game left off, for the people who just happened to pick up the game for the first time, they can view an intermission as to what has happened between the 3 games, then through a series of questions, answer them to what you thought was right, then after, you should choose republic or sith, like jasper said, after you train.... or you you start off from being a jedi, lvl 1 instead of questing for the jedi path...... again *sigh but, they are just thoughts

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Hi all. I just felt I had to had my thoughts in here and so I make my first post.


I think the new story line should wrap up the stories of Revan and the Exile in a different way. They should each appear once in the story to the new PC as force ghosts offering aide at critical junctures. The connotation being that they have failed in stopping the apopolytic invasion from the outer regions.


You begin the game as a padawan on the verge of taking the trials. Your, master and long time friend counsels you the evening before and you talk about the "fall" of Revan and the Exile. Gameplay then begins with you taking the trials. Success is not guaranteed though.


If you fail the trials you are cast out of the order and leave Coruscant immediately. You then begin your traveling through the game with no ties to the Jedi or the Republic and in fact begin a journey on the path to becoming the very threat that will destroy both.


If you pass the trials you are welcomed into the Jedi Order as a Knight. Soon afterwards you learn your old Master has left the order and disappeared. The council senses your Master is in grave danger and sends you in seach of him because of your close ties.


In both cases you travel to many planets putting a complex puzzle together that will ultimately lead to a show down between you and your former Master and friend. Upon the conclusion of this battle the threat feared by Revan enter Republic space and begins attacking.


Light side players will then be charged by the council to lead a small group of Jedi Knights to distract the attackers and make them vunerable to an attack by the Republic Fleet.


Dark side players will rally the planets of the former Republic and attempt to create an army strong enough to stop the invaders.

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I think the new storyline should go in either the Exile or Revan's path. If you chose to play as Revan you should go to the darkside and near the end fight the exile. While u r Revan you will scout around the world's in the Unknown Region's. If you chose The Exile you should most likely go to the light side and fight Revan at the end. While you r the Exile you should go back to Corusant and try and join the Jedi council and create a new order. Near the end u find a strange transmission and it tells you to go to the Unknown region's where you meet Revan. Hence you fight him and the Sith threat is supposedly gone.

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I think you, as a new PC, will have to face the ancient Sith Empire. Revan will be the Sith Lord, and the Exile will be his/her Apprentice. They will lead the up and coming Sith to Dantooine, and try to put an end to the remaining Jedi.


I think that you battle will end on Yavin IV, which wil contain an old Jedi Enclave converted over to a Sith Academy. You will learn about Exar Kun, and the older battles between the Sith and Jedi.


I also think there will be a power struggle, which will tip the Sith head over heels. When the Sith are at their weakest point, the New PC will swoop in to save the day.


I think the NEW PC will most likely be a self-exiled Jedi who has been hidding. Just like in KotOR II, but his/her past is one that out does the original exile's past.


I also think that Mandalore (Candarous) will make an attempt on a Mandalorian strike as well. Mandalore has a big stake in what happens between the Sith and Jedi. He knows that if the Sith and Jedi are preoccupied, he will have a chance of a pre-emptive strike.


Actually, I think that Mandalore's attempt on restoring the Mandalorians will force Jedi and Sith to work together at the end. After they kill off the Mandalorians, the Sith will either turn on the Jeid, or they will find redemption. All except for one Sith, so they can latter make a fourth game.

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I've dug up my version of the story for the second time from one of the earlier threads with this subject:


A scene begins on the Dark Planet, a planet located just outside the galaxy. That planet doesn't have its own sun, it is only slightly lightened by the galaxy's rim stars - just enough to see its conture, it doesn't have a breathable atmosphere, so nothing can survive on its surface, but there is a single enormous city-like structure capable of sustaining life on that planet, the only light coming from the planet itself is coming from that structure.


We are taken to a huge throne room where Revan (in his famous robes with the mask) meets the Sith Lord who will be the main villain in KoTOR 3. The Sith Lord tells Revan that he/she made a big mistake by coming there and says that Revan will die as the Exile has if he/she persists in his/her quest to stop the Sith Lord. They engage in combat and the Sith Lord triumphs. Instead of killing him/her the Sith Lord decides to spare Revan's life because Revan did fulfill his/her purpose - he/she weakened the Republic. He strips Revan of the armor, his/her powers and his/her memories of the Dark Planet's location (only the memories of the location of the planet, not the entire personality like in KoTOR 1), puts him/her in a stasis pod and sends him/her in a small unmanned aircraft back to Republic space.


About 3 years later the aircraft is discovered by a Republic cruiser partoling the Rim, the captain of that ship, after taking a good look upon the aircraft's passenger, contacts Admiral Carth Onasi, who orders the captain to bring the passenger to Coruscant.


At this point you are taken to the character creation screen where you choose Revan's appearance and after that you take Revan's role once more, now in the busy streets of Coruscant with a quest to reach the Jedi Temple in Coruscant (first of all), regain his/her powers, reunite with his former allies and meet new ones (including the ones from KoTOR 2) and then once again search for clues of the location of the Dark Planet, the capital world of the True Sith Empire.


Originally posted 02-11-2006 at the ''What would be the beginning of your version of the KOTOR 3 story'' thread.


So, what do you think?

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A good start that would be, igyman, tough I think that it will be much less spectacular. You'll get the good ol' Exile and will have to earn your way to fight Revan, who is, at our despair, fallen under the power of the dark side (again).

Aside from that, I think that Mandalore and his army of Mandalorians will play very croucial part of the story. Tough it would be great if Bastilla would go after Exile to try to redeem Revan to the ls. :duel:

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First of all, I really appretiate your opinion on my storyline idea. I too think that the Mandalorians will have an important role in K3, but I'll stick to hoping we get to play Revan once more and not the Exile, or any new character.

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You should start in a prision planet/station that is soon to be destroyed by the attacking sith forces. Your first companion is a convict in the opposite cell to you and helps you escape. In the opening discussion you decide why you were there and start off your alignment: You killed someone (DS) You were framed (LS) You don't remember (Neutral). You stumble through a few prison wings raiding dead inmates and prison officer’s corpses for any loot. You find 2 more inmates, fighting each other and you get to choose which one comes with you and which one you kill. You escape and then yada yada yada

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That kinda reminds me a little of Peragus and how you meet Atton. It has similarities don't you think?

Little... :fett2:


...but I'll stick to hoping we get to play Revan once more and not the Exile, or any new character.

Yea, I would like that too, but have a hunch that it will be Exile, who will get to redeem Revan in the end (ls ending) or get to rule the true sith empire with Revan (ds ending). If we could play Revan then what's the story about exile?

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If we could play Revan then what's the story about exile?


I haven't thought much about the Exile, for now the idea is that he/she found the homeworld of the True Sith, tried to confront their leader and failed - was killed.

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I think you shoudl start off as a baby so theres a movie of a red tunnel & a light & you leave the tunnel & then you have to choose hair styles etc for each age.


Then 3 years later a jedi see's the force in you & then takes you to the acedamey.


Then you are around 14-15 years old & you can either join the Sith or The jedi beacuse an undercopver sith ask's you if oyu would like to come with him & you can be a sith.


Or you dont even have to be a jedi maybe you could be a merc or a bounty hunter or a soilder etc.


I also think there should be a war where you take part.

So basiclly like fable.


Maybe you could degin all your features like when you play top spin on tiger woods 2006 so evrey detail counts so you can ejust the nose bit by bit & the eyes etc


Edit: thing is you all talk about the exile been light & revan dark but the thing is we all did diffrent things we have diffrent paths so revan could just be some war vetren & thought i know i cba looking for the sith ya know so it should be a new pc & the exile will obviosuly be stuck on malchor beacuse he/she dosnt have a ship to fly out of there?

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Uh... what are you talking about? The ending clearly shows the Ebon Hawk flying out of the Trayus Core. Talk about plotholes, by the way...


Well, any eventual KOTOR III will have to take into account the fact that there are four possible outcomes to each of the previous games. A way similar to the dialogue with Atton in KII might help, but it would be nice to actually see more differences in the course of the game due to those choices.

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well it depends which direction that the writers decide to have it, they could even have the exile be sith in KIII.


That would disappoint me greatly...anything but that.


I would be ok if they made Revan darkside, because he already fell to the darkside. The whole point of the exile is that he can resist it no matter how much hate and destruction goes on around him.

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I think that the PC should be a jedi that survived being hunted in kotor2 and is looking for revan. He/She should find his and the exile because he went to go help revan with hk-47 and t3. Revan and the exile should join your party to fight the true sith empire that is preparing to strike at the republic. Revan and the Exile could be set by a discussion in the begining of the game i.e light/dark.

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The possibility of Revan and/or the Exile joining your party is extremely low, or should I say none. If you get a new character they will be mentioned in conversations and one of them could at best make a short cinematic appearance, probably in some kind of a flashback.

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