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Setting your saber color


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Atris will show you your old lightsaber if you talk to her right, on the recording you'll have your old lightsaber and



When you fight Traya, and she starts using 3 lightsabers, I think it is your old lightsaber's color.


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Mr. Raider is correct i believe, as when i set mine to Double bladed, i only recieved 2 normal size, 2 short and the rest were doubles. still, it doesnt give you the choice to select "orange" or "bronze". both the same damm colour, but hey, who cares?



Nope, what sabers you get in the game is random and is not affected by the global number for your saber type/saber selection.


hmm... me gonna have to play it through... again...:)

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Actually the lightsabers you recive are random.


COs i played the game the second time & where you get a lightsaber off mandalores freind the docotr if you save it b4 you talk to him you can choose witch one you get by breloding the game.

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Nope. I set my color to orange, and she used three purple sabers.


really? It must be that I set my old one to purple, but Atris can still show you your old lightsaber, and I believe (not know, it was a long time since telos) one of the dialogue choices was " Give me back my lightsaber you old bat!"

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they start floating after the conversation you have half way through the fight, and you can either ignore them and fight her (not reccomended) or try and lure them out one at a time and fight them each behind on of the big spiky pillar things

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