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things the comp does to get out of being attacked

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hi there all canderous here ,


i would like to know the stangest things the comp does to you to get out of being attacked to start the ball rolling these are a few things that my xbox did to get out of being attacked.

the strangest thing would have to be getting snored at or farted at.

but i have had it fart and run off thats a crack up anthor one would have to be it takes one look at my person then runs off .

and probley also stands there like a stunnned mullet i had rakgols do this so in the end i had to go chaseing after it probley not a good idea or it tryes to shoot at you but misses .

or team mates running off leaving you to fight 10 to 1 but the worst one would probley have to be faking to die then abushing you. thats a strange one .

so if anyone got any strangethings that the comp does to get out of being attacked please post it

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  • 1 month later...

gottto admit i never had that happen the strangest thing that happend to me you know the droids that you fight to get the swoop accelerator.

well the strangest thing i happend was the droid came at me but only legs only no head or middle it remided me of the movie undead.

this is something really strange that hapend you know how you go into the dorm on kotor 2 well the strange thing that happend was after i killed the droids about 3 of them two dissapeard one remaind then when i went to open the door the dead droid came up behind me and attacked me from behind

but the strangest part is that the dead droid was ment to be dead all ready

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Oh god....I can't breathe....ow....

Jesus, your post is one of the funniest things I've ever read, Canderous. I don't know if it's because I'm tired or what, but I couldn't stop laughing for damn near 20 minutes.

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  • 1 month later...

i got something extreemly strange happen i was passing though the under city on my way to the sewers then after i delt with that rakgol fight with canderous and a bit after that i got the three journals headded back into the city .but this was when the strange part happend .

i went though the gate but the gate was shut i turned around there was a rakgol in the village it sneaked up behind us. like one second it wasent there next second it was inside the village with the locked gates

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