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Star Wars: Gamma Squad

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This a new fanfic I decided to write, based off a group of characters in the Sith Resurrection RP series. I decided to try to model this slightly after Republic Commando, but I think you'll still find it interesting.


Gamma Squad Journal Entry (Date: 83.21 ABY) Amidala1:

Just made it back from lone recon on Nelvaan and now the Kaminoans are making me join a squad of commandos. I for one work best on my own, but if the Kaminoans think that by sticking me with three other commandos will help save the Republic from the Sith, then who am I to disagree? I hope at least one of my squatmates is good with a blaster.


Gamma Squad Journal Entry (Date: 83.211 ABY) Demo1:

Well, if my new squad is any indication of the Republic military, we are doomed. Amidala would rather work alone, yet she's our leader, Niner's our sniper, yet he can't hit the broadside of a Star Destroyer, Slicer's our slicing expert, yet he can't tell a computer terminal from a blaster rifle. Thank the Force I'm here to blow stuff up, or we'd really be kriffed.

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by amidala, you do mean Padme? i can just imagine her in commando armor :naughty:

No, but she is a female commando. See, all four of them are composite clones, each using different combinations of DNA, and one of Amidala's donors was Padmé Skywalker, daughter of Ben Skywalker and Great-Granddaughter of the Padmé we know from the prequels. I probably should have cleared that up earlier.

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I decided I should probably

Gamma Squad Journal Entry (Date: 83.211 ABY) Niner1:

How could it get worse? Not only do I have three other commandos to blow my cover while sniping, but two of them are full of themselves and the other is a complete idiot. I don't think we'll even make it off Coruscant alive.


Gamma Squad Journal Entry (Date: 83.211 ABY) Slicer1:

I know the rest of the squad is already thinking the worst about eachother, but I say why jump to conclusions? I for one think that the only reason the other squadmates doubt Amidala's abilities is because she's a woman, they think Demo is going to blow himself up just because he's the explosives expert, and they think Niner can't fight at close range just because he prefers to snipe the enemy. If we keep this up, we're going to get ourselves killed before our first mission.

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Shortly after Gamma Squad, they were briefed on their first mission. Their new commander, an Aqualish Jedi Master by the name of Varthis Nudo, stepped infront of the briefing room's holomap, and began briefing the squad. "Alright commandos, here's the plan: we believe the Sith troops are planning a strike from Adumar, so we're sending you in there to investigate. You're going to go about seperate transports, drop down and meet up there. Amidala, Demo, you two are going directly into the Sith Compound in Cartann City for basic recon." He said. " Niner, Fixer, you two are going to make contact with the Perator of Cartann in order warn him and to get him to prepare the Adumari military." He said. "Sounds fun." Demo commented. "Well said." Amidala replied. "Sure, let them have all the fun." Niner stated jokingly.

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The Republic Star Destroyer Liberator came out of hyperspace over Adumar, carrying the commandos of Gamma Squad to their destination. The squad waited in the in the aft hangar for further briefing from one of the Republic officers. "This is ridiculous, if we weren't waiting for that officer to give us another unnecessary briefing, we could have already gotten down there, destroyed the Sith Base, and warned the Perator." Niner commented.

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