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Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is dead!

The Doctor

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lolz.....I read that they "got him" with a 500 pound bomb and a smart bomb as well :)

Unless he was living in a Titanium cocoon or had superhero powers, that's some amazing overkill. Ah well, I guess they wanted to be sure ;)


Dealing with Terrorism does not simply involve killing the leaders of any current faction. He will simply be replaced by another. But of course, *some* Western Leaders seem to think it isnt a very deeply seeded global problem, but moreso a game of cards. Getting rid of Saddam, Osama etc wont eliminate the danger at all, just alter face of who's in charge.


Im not in any way justifying the actions of these murderous idiots, and they have engendered much negativity to peace loving muslims around the world(myself included) - but the issue remains, until there is understanding at a spiritual level and co-operation at a developmental and infrastructure level, the gap between the ideologies and their communities will further increase. Having worked with Islamic kids in Indonesia and the Phillipines I can see the potential for kids to be brainwashed by fundamental groups. Growing up in poverty with poor nutrition, no healthcare and little or no education makes them easily swayed.


Im not going to go into a long rant about it because this is the Cantina, and not the Senate Chambers - where such weighty discussions best belong :)


Still, a note to future posters, feel free to use this thread to *discuss*. Please refrain from a slather of "yay he's dead".



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Dealing with Terrorism does not simply involve killing the leaders of any current faction.
What are you talking about? With his death terrorism is defeated and we can all go back to enjoying our Freedom Fries.
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