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Activating Mara Jade in "Galactic Consquest"


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I was wondering if anyone knew how to do this. I figured out how to activate the Venator based on another forum post, but I cant figure this one out. I have a feeling that if I figure this out, I might be able to activate the Virago and Katarn as well.


Basically I am trying to get Mara activated so that in space she flys a Virago with Tie advanced escorts (Like Vader's Tie).


Im also trying to get a squadron of Viragos for the empire and Vwings for the rebels.


I also I want Katarn flying the crow with V-wing escorts.

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I downloaded a MOD where Mara and Kyle are activated, but when I tried to change their space units to a Z-95 and Moldy Crow they disappeared. Anyone knows how to change their fighters? Of course I added a new Z-95 and Moldy Crow to the specialunits.xml

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