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Count the F's and I'll boggle your mind.

Commander Obi-Wan

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The political parody:


How many arguments do you see against Bush and FOX News?


  1. Iraq doesn't need to be Christened.
  2. Bush sucks.
  3. Teh US r teh gay.
  4. The Downing Street Memos.
  5. The PIPA/Knowledge Networks Polls.
  6. FOX News disagrees with me.

How many do you see?


There's a #4 and 5, look again.





Neo-con brain can't process rational, good arguments.



If you don't believe it, post the PIPA/NN Poll report or the DS Memos in a debate and watch the right-wingers routinely miss it.


I find this one much, much better. And equally true.

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