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Psyhconauts Movie/Sequel/?Book

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  • 2 months later...

If you really wanted to make a movie, the best way to go would be machinema using the game itself, The Sims2 or The Movies. I have The Sims2 but making cartoony characters is really hard. I cant do the kids the way they really look, only Sasha and Milla, and even then, I cant make Sasha green *sadness*. I could edit them up real nice with BodyShop (a prepackaged, complimentary program), but I'd need Photoshop.

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They have some tutorials on how to make custom-shirts and the like on The Sims2 official website, so you could do something if you really wanted. From reading the tutorials, you are really just painting the skins over. The downside with The Sims2 in general is that actiony scenes are near impossible unless you are an expert and know all possible interaction options, and including psychic powers would need the aid of a Photoshop guru to paint/draw them in frame-by-frame which would be too time-consuming and just not worth the effort without pay. Perhaps pyrokinesis, teleportation and mind-reading type stuff could be done if you could edit the scenes and dialog properly. But other than that, machinema for Pnauts is best done for dialog snippets. That doesn't mean it's not doable, it just means you are going to be very limited. If you want actiony scenes, use The Movies if you have it. I wish I did .... wait! Smon has it! He made Action Boy, (or something along those lines) didn't he? I'm not sure how in-depth he could go into the character creation proccess, but he could probably make Sasha and Milla, and perhaps the campers when they are older!

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